All billiard halls, pool rooms or other places where any billiard, pool or combination billiard and pool table or tables are or may be kept or operated for hire, shall be deemed public nuisances under any one of the following circumstances, with or without a license:
When any slot machine, game of chance or any betting is permitted in or operated in such hall, room or place.
When any gambling, game of chance or any betting is permitted or carried on in such hall, room or place.
When any lottery is conducted, carried on or permitted in such hall, room or place.
When any prize fight, boxing contest, wrestling match, fist encounter, fight or other contest of physical strength is carried on or permitted in such hall, room or place.
When any disorderly conduct or practice is permitted in such hall, room or place.
When any intoxicating liquors are bartered, sold, given away or otherwise furnished or the same permitted to be done in such hall, room or place.
When the drinking of alcoholic beverages or low-point beer is permitted in such hall, room or place.
When any alcoholic beverages or low-point beer is bartered, sold, given away or otherwise furnished or the same permitted to be done in such hall, room, or place.
When any loud, boisterous or unusual noise or profane or vulgar language is permitted in such hall, room or place.
When any disturbance or disorderly assembly is permitted in such hall, room, or place.
When any immoral or indecent show or exhibition is permitted in such hall, room or place.
When bootleggers or persons having the reputation of being bootleggers are permitted to habitually loaf and loiter in and about such hall, room or place.
When any person or persons of bad character and reputation are permitted to loaf or loiter in and about such hall, room or place.
When such hall, room or place is opened or permitted to be opened on the Sabbath day commonly called Sunday, except from 1:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. thereof.
When such hall, room or place is permitted to remain open later than 11:30 p.m. any night.
When any minor under the age of 18 years is permitted to enter or be in such hall, room or place; except properly supervised recreation centers.
When anything which annoys, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health or safety of others is permitted or carried on in such hall, room or place.
All bowling alleys shall be subject to the same regulations, penalty and manner of abatement as in § 5-88 above, provided for billiard and pool halls, except that bowling alleys may remain open on Sundays between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
It is unlawful and an offense for any person to operate any pool or billiard hall, room, place or table for a consideration of any kind without first having obtained a license as provided in § 5-62.