It shall be unlawful and an offense for any person to leave any tin can vessel or other vessel which will hold water on the premises for the purpose of holding water or which does hold water unless said vessel has poured in it a sufficient amount of kerosene to kill and prevent the propagation of mosquitoes, provided that this shall not prevent watering places for livestock when they are kept clean and in a sanitary condition and the water therein is emptied sufficiently to be kept fresh and devoid of all mosquitoes.
It shall be unlawful and an offense for any person to place any drinking cup or glass in any public place, hotel, cafe, cafeteria, show, business house or other place where the same is intended to be or may be used in common by the public at large. Each day such cup or glass is placed or allowed to remain where it is or may be used by the public at large for drinking purposes shall be an offense and punished accordingly.
It shall be unlawful and an offense for any person to expectorate upon any sidewalk or upon the walls or floors of any hotel or other public building within the corporate limits of the city.