[R.O. 1998 § 210.390; Ord. No. 3122, 8-6-2018]
The keeping of up to three (3) female chickens/hens in total shall be permitted as provided in this Section only in single-family residences and only if a permit has been issued by the City Animal Control Officer (which term hereinafter shall include his or her designee). A permit to keep three (3) or fewer chickens shall be issued by the City Animal Control Officer or his or her designee if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
The chickens must be adequately confined within a coop AND pen surrounded by wire netting or other fence to prevent their escape therefrom and kept in good repair and free of peeling paint, untreated or rotted wood and rust. Chickens shall not be permitted to run at large in private yards or public streets, and clipping the wings is suggested;
The coop and pen shall be maintained in a ventilated, safe and sanitary condition, which has adequate space for humane treatment and is free from predators. The coop and enclosed areas shall be maintained in good repair and free of noxious odors. Adequate food and water should be provided daily and the water must be kept from freezing. Food should be supplied to the chickens using a dish or feeder, as ground feeding is not allowed;
Any manure or other waste from the chickens shall be collected and properly removed from the premises or tilled into the soil on the premises at a minimum of twice weekly. Agricultural lime should be applied to the ground once per month to prevent the spread of offensive smells or diseases;
Young roosters less than six (6) months old may also be kept as part of the total of three (3), but the keeping of young roosters that crow so as to be heard from a distance of ten (10) feet is strictly prohibited;
No slaughtering of any chickens shall be allowed in the City;
No person shall keep chickens in any manner so as to create a nuisance as defined in our ordinances;
Eggs may not be sold in the City;
A permit to own chickens will only be issued for a single-family residence with a total lot size of 0.33 acre or greater;
Chicken coops or pens must be at least fifteen (15) feet from any part of a residential dwelling or place of business on adjoining properties. Chicken coops or pens must be set back at least fifteen (15) feet from any boundary or property line and at least five (5) feet from any other backyard structure such as a shed, garage, pool, etc. No part of the coop or pen may be attached to any building or structure on the premises;
Chicken coops and pens may only be kept in a rear yard and must provide four (4) square feet of coop/pen per chicken harbored therein. The coop must have a hard roof, and the coop and enclosed pen must be completely secured from predators. Only one (1) coop and pen is allowed per residence. The coop and pen shall appear professional in design and workmanship. Tarp roofs, wooden pallet walls, and other materials not commonly used for chicken coops and pens are not allowed;
Fighting or aggressive chickens may be not kept;
Nothing in this Section shall be deemed to preclude the enforcement of any violation of any City ordinances committed in connection with the keeping of chickens, notwithstanding the issuance of such permit;
By applying for a permit under this Section, the property owner authorizes City officials at all reasonable times and in a reasonable manner to enter upon and inspect the property with respect to which such permit is applied for to determine whether the keeping of chickens violates this Section or any other applicable ordinances;
The initial fee for a permit shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) to help defray costs of inspection and enforcement, payable on issuance of the permit. The annual fee for each following year shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and shall be due on January 31 of each year;
The steps to own chickens are as follows: (1) Submit a plan/pictures/a materials list to the Animal Control Officer. (2) Wait for notification of approval or any changes that need to be made. (3) Build pen/coop and then notify the Animal Control Officer that you are ready for an inspection. (4) The Animal Control Officer inspects the pen/coop and, if approved, will affix a laminated permit to the coop. (5) Populate the enclosure with up to three (3) hens;
The City Animal Control Officer shall ensure that the permit owner acknowledges in writing that the owner has been advised by the City: (1) that the ordinance allowing chickens may be amended or repealed at any time and that the owner acquires no vested rights to have or raise chickens by virtue of the issuance of the permit; and (2) that the keeping and handling of chickens may cause health hazards and that adequate health precautions are the responsibility of the owner.
[R.O. 1998 § 210.400; Ord. No. 3122, 8-6-2018]
The City Animal Control Officer shall revoke any permit issued for the keeping of chickens for violation of any of the conditions stated in this Chapter or if any of the following conditions are found to exist:
Excessive noise created by the chickens is audible from adjacent property.
The chickens are not kept in safe and sanitary condition.
The chickens are not properly confined within their coop and pen.
The keeping of the chickens creates a nuisance.
Actions to be taken:
If a complaint is filed regarding a violation of any of the conditions stated in this Chapter, or in the absence of a complaint in the discretion of the City Animal Control Officer, an investigation of any potential violations shall be made by the City Animal Control Officer. If the investigation substantiates the existence of a violation of such conditions, a letter shall be sent by regular mail to the property owner notifying the property owner of such violation and that same shall be corrected within not less than ten (10) days and that such property owner shall be responsible for notifying the City Animal Control Officer by certified mail, or other reasonable methods approved by the City Animal Control Officer, that such violations have been corrected and requesting a re-inspection to verify that such violations have been corrected. In the event the property owner shall fail to notify the City Animal Control Officer of such correction within ten (10) days or in the event that a re-inspection does not verify such correction, the permit shall be revoked.
Permit revocations under this Section may be appealed as follows:
Appeals must be filed within ten (10) days after the revocation notice is mailed by regular mail.
Appeals shall be determined following a hearing before the City Animal Control Board.
At least ten (10) business days' notice of the hearing shall be given to the property owner by regular mail.
The property owner and any other interested party may appear at the hearing and testify and present evidence concerning the conditions giving rise to the revocation.
The permittee shall provide the City with an electronic mail or messaging address, if available, and the City may also send any notices to such address, but the responsibility to receive such message shall be on the permittee.
The City Animal Control Officer may approve other methods of mailing or messaging.