The owner of each building intended for human occupancy along
the line of any sewer now or hereafter constructed in the Borough,
or the owner of any such building with a right of access to any sewer
now or hereafter constructed in the Borough, shall connect each building
on such property to a sanitary sewer. No connection shall be made
to the trunk or main sewer unless permitted after application to the
Superintendent or authorized designee.
Every connection required by this chapter shall be made in accordance
with all applicable codes promulgated by the NJDEP and National Standard
Plumbing Code.
A. As sanitary sewers become available to serve buildings on any properties
in the Borough, the Borough shall order each owner of property along
the line of said sewer to connect each building on such property to
the sewerage system in accordance with the terms of this chapter.
B. In the event a construction permit or zoning application is filed in connection with property located in a sewer service area which is: i) a vacant lot; ii) currently served by a septic system; or iii) an expansion or alteration of the existing use; the owner shall be required to connect to the sewerage system; provided, however, that if none of the criteria established in §
(3) or
(4) are applicable, the property owner shall instead be required to obtain a reservation of capacity under §
The Superintendent or authorized designee shall give notice
to the owner of property with respect to which an order is issued
pursuant to this section of this chapter. Such notice shall be addressed
to the owner of said property as the name of said owner appears in
the last tax duplicate of the Borough, shall describe the property
by lot and block designation as the same appears on the Tax Map of
the Borough and by the street address if a street address exists,
and shall state that by order of the Borough the owner is required
to connect each building on said property with a sewer in accordance
with the terms of this chapter on or before the connection date with
respect to such building, or, if such connection date shall have passed,
within 28 days after the service of such notice as hereinafter provided,
and said notice shall also describe the penalty which may be imposed
hereunder for failure to comply with said notice and order in accordance
with the terms of this chapter. Said notice may be served on the owner
personally or by leaving it at his or her usual place of abode with
a member of his or her family above the age of 14 years. Said notice
may also be served within or without the limits of the Borough by
mailing the same by certified mail to the last known post office address
of said owner as the same appears on the last tax duplicate of the
It shall be unlawful to install any building sewer or lateral
or to make any service connection to the sewerage system without first
obtaining a building sewer permit, and such installation and service
connection shall be made under the direction and supervision of the
Superintendent or authorized designee in the manner hereinafter set
forth. The building sewer or lateral permit must be obtained from
the Superintendent or authorized designee before a building permit
will be issued with respect to new construction or a new service connection
Building sewer permits shall be of two classes:
A. Class I: for residential, public buildings and commercial uses.
B. Class II: for establishments discharging industrial wastes, laboratory
wastes, or both.
The owner or their agent shall make application on a form furnished
by the Borough for such permit. The permit application shall be supplemented
by any plans, specifications or other information considered pertinent
in the judgment of the Superintendent or Borough Engineer or as required
by state law.
Building sewer or lateral permits will expire one year after
the date of issue, but will be subject to renewal for further such
periods not to exceed a period of 90 days each.
Where the building sewer or lateral has been extended by the
Borough from the trunk or main sewer to the curb or property line,
the applicant, after securing the building sewer or lateral permit,
shall notify the Superintendent or authorized designee when the excavation
is made and the building sewer or lateral on the property is installed
and connected. No backfill is to be placed without the written approval
of the Superintendent or authorized designee.
Where the building sewer or lateral has not been extended by the Borough from the trunk or main sewer to the curb or property line, the applicant, after securing the building sewer or lateral permit, shall do all the excavation required and shall notify the Superintendent or authorized designee 24 hours before the excavation is ready for the installation of the connection to the trunk or main sewer. Street opening fees, backfilling and repaving shall be as required under Chapter
190, Streets and Sidewalks, at the expense of the applicant, and he or she shall post a bond for the completion thereof if the work is not done by the Water Reclamation Department.
All excavations for building sewer or lateral installations
shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights to protect
the public from hazard by and at the expense of the applicant.
It shall be the duty of the Superintendent or authorized designee,
when notified, to inspect the installation of any building sewer or
lateral to determine whether the same complies with all the provisions
hereof and any other ordinances of the Borough the enforcement of
which is within the Superintendent's jurisdiction. The Superintendent
shall evidence compliance with written approval on the permit.
The owner of any premises upon which the building sewer or lateral
and connection are or to be installed shall indemnify the Borough
from any loss or damage that may indirectly or directly be occasioned
by the installation thereof.
A separate and independent building sewer or lateral shall be provided for every building, except where one building stands at the rear of another on an interior lot and the rear building is an accessory use as established under Chapter
215, Zoning, and while both buildings remain under the same ownership, in the discretion of the Borough Engineer or Superintendent.
A. Old building sewers or laterals may be used in connection with existing
buildings or new buildings only when they are found upon examination
and testing by the Borough Engineer or Superintendent and, if necessary,
the Plumbing Inspector to meet all the requirements of this chapter.
B. The owner of any premises which shall be required to connect with
the Borough sewerage system shall, within a reasonable time after
the connection date with respect to any such building or when it becomes
a safety hazard in the opinion of the Borough Engineer or Superintendent,
fill in all septic tanks or cesspools on the premises.
In all buildings in which any building drain is too low to permit
gravity flow to the sewerage system, sewage carried by such drain
shall be lifted by a pump or ejector as approved by the Borough Engineer
or Superintendent and discharged into the building sewer or lateral.
Cleanouts shall be constructed every 80 feet or as required
by the National Standard Plumbing Code.
Service connections shall be made into existing building sewers
or laterals as directed by the Borough Engineer or Superintendent
or authorized designee.
All street and sidewalk replacement shall be in accordance with
Borough ordinances.
On all units in a building, a house trap shall be provided which
shall be properly vented to the atmosphere.
A. A reduced pressure backflow prevention valve or device, approved
by the Borough Plumbing Inspector, shall be installed on each service
connection from the Borough water supply system to buildings with
a flushometer toilet or toilets; mortuaries; hospitals and nursing
homes; and any other premises where and upon which the Superintendent
determines that an actual or potential hazard exists to the Borough
water supply system from sewage effluent or other substance or thing
by virtue of the nature or use of the premises, and thereby requiring
installation of a backflow prevention valve or device.
B. Any such backflow prevention valve or device shall be installed in
a location and manner approved by the Borough Plumbing Inspector and
shall always be maintained by the owner of the premises in proper
and satisfactory repair and operating condition.
All work required under this article shall be done at the expense
of the applicant.
The owner of any building intended for human occupancy or the
owner of any commercial use located upon any public street along the
sewage collection system now or hereafter constructed or made available
in the Borough or the owner of any such building or commercial use
with a right of access to the sewage collection system now or hereafter
constructed or made available in the Borough shall install a toilet
in said building or commercial use, unless a toilet is now installed
therein, and connect it or any toilet already installed with the building
sewer outlet as hereinabove required and maintain the same in operable
condition at all times that such building or commercial use is occupied.
Where the Borough sewerage system is not available under the
above provisions, the owner of every building intended for human occupancy
shall install a toilet in said building, unless a toilet is now installed
therein, and connect it or the toilet already installed to a private
disposal system complying with Borough ordinances.
If the owner of any property in the Borough shall fail to make
the installation required by this chapter within the time herein required,
the Borough may proceed to make such connection or installation, or
cause the same to be made, and charge and assess the cost thereof
against such property pursuant to the authority of N.J.S.A. 40:63-54.