The intent of this district is to provide for a variety of housing types and compatible, related uses at a moderate to high density of residential development. The primary housing form is multi-unit dwellings. These types of dwellings typically provide common open space and provide housing options with certain accessory uses such as parks, laundry facilities, and garages, among others. Housing developed within this district should have the same degree of living quality expected from any other residential district. Uses within this district should be sensitive to adjacent uses. Building size and form should be compatible to the size and form of neighboring districts and adjacent buildings, so as to enhance the available housing options of local residents without disrupting the continuity and character of existing neighborhoods. This district should be well-integrated into the surrounding community, functioning as a transitional zone between single-family residential uses and higher intensity uses.
Land, buildings and other structures in this zoning district may only be used for the following purposes by right:
Adult foster care family homes.
Day care, family.
Home occupations.
Multiple-family dwellings.
Single-family dwellings.
Two-family dwellings.
Parks and public facilities.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(8), Short-term rentals, added 6-14-2021 by Ord. No. 368, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 1-16-2023 by Ord. No. 382.
The following special land uses may be approved by the Planning Commission subject to the applicable general and specific standards in Article XVIII:
Accessory dwellings.
Adult foster care small and large group homes.
Adult foster care congregate facilities.
Bed-and-breakfast establishments.
Day care, group.
Senior assisted living facilities.
Short-term rentals.
Site and building placement standards (Figure 390-59):
[Amended 6-14-2021 by Ord. No. 368]
Minimum lot area
8,000 square feet
Minimum lot width
66 feet
Minimum setbacks*
25 feet
5 feet
25 feet
Minimum dwelling unit floor area
832 square feet per unit for single-family and two-family dwellings; 570 square feet per unit for multifamily dwellings
Maximum building height
35 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Maximum residential density
8 units per acre
Waterfront properties shall be subject to setbacks as defined in § 390-26C.
Additional standards.
There shall be maintained a minimum distance between adjacent buildings on the same lot of at least 15 feet.
All lots shall be served by public sanitary sewer and water.