In order to reduce or prevent traffic congestion and shortage of parking facilities in the Village, off-street parking and loading facilities shall be provided in accordance with this article, in proportion to the need for such facilities created by various uses of land, buildings, and structures.
Off-street parking and loading areas are to be designed, maintained, and operated in a manner that will ensure their usefulness, protect the public safety, and where appropriate, protect surrounding uses from their impact.
In all zoning districts, after the effective date of this chapter, off-street parking facilities shall be provided for any new building, structure, or use, for any addition or enlargement to an existing building, structure, or use, or for any change of use to an existing structure, according to the standards in this article. For additions or enlargements to an existing building, structure, or use, or change in use of an existing building or structure, additional parking shall be required only for such addition or enlargement, or incremental increase in required parking due to such change in use, and not for the existing building or structure or previous use.
No person shall construct a parking lot or cause any land to be used for a parking lot, with the exception of parking facilities serving a single-family or two-family dwelling, unless the construction of such lot has been approved by the Planning Commission pursuant to Article XVII.
In addition to applicable site plan requirements, the site plan shall also include parking stall dimensions, driveway and aisle dimensions, type of curbing, and proposed surface and base materials to be used.
Construction of an approved parking lot shall be carried out in strict conformance with the plans submitted.
The diversity of land uses within the Village keep it vibrant and active each day of the week. This has been accomplished, in part, because the Village has enabled residential buildings to be converted into nonresidential uses, either as principal or accessory uses. The Village desires to preserve these buildings, and further desires to discourage the razing of buildings to construct off-street parking lots, as the Village has determined that there exists adequate parking within these areas. For these reasons, the expansion of an off-street parking lot for a nonresidential use in the SFR or MDR district may only be permitted by the Planning Commission and is subject to the following requirements:
The applicant shall provide a professionally prepared written parking study that justifies the need for the additional parking area. Such study shall also take into account all possibilities for shared or joint parking arrangements that would reduce, minimize, or eliminate the need for additional parking. The Village may require changes to the site plan based on the results of the parking study.
The Planning Commission may require that any expanded parking area be surfaced with a porous or semiporous pavement or similar material to reduce the adverse effects of adding impervious surfaces. However, this shall not be construed as allowing gravel, dirt, grass, or similar materials.
The Planning Commission may require additional landscaping, fencing, or screening for any expanded parking area to minimize any adverse impacts on surrounding properties.
[Amended 4-15-2024 by Ord. No. 390]
Off-street parking areas shall be located within the same zoning district of a proposed use, either on the same lot as the use served by the parking or on an adjoining lot under the same ownership or control, or under the terms of a lease, shared parking agreement, or other arrangement approved by the Village. In the following circumstances, off-street parking may be located in a different zoning district.
For approved special land uses in the SFR Zoning District which are adjacent to the CBD Zoning District, uses in the C Zoning District which are adjacent to the CBD Zoning District, and uses within the CBD Zoning district, on-street and off-street public parking within 300 feet of the building, structure, or use for which it is intended, as measured from the nearest part of the building or structure or use to the nearest part of the parking area may be counted toward the minimum parking requirement, provided the following standards are met:
The parking is located on the same side of Savidge Street.
Information is provided that proves sufficient parking is available for the proposed use.
Private shared parking areas may be located on a different lot from the subject building or structure or use that it serves if the following conditions are met:
The parking area is located no more than 300 feet from the main entrance of the subject building or structure or use it serves.
The sharing of parking shall be guaranteed via a legally binding and recorded agreement between the owner of the parking area and the owner of the building or structure or use which is located on a different lot served by the parking area. Such agreement shall be submitted to the Village for review and approval and address the issue of how parking will be shared and be adequate if the parties modify operating hours or other factors. The Planning Commission may waive the requirement for a recorded agreement where it finds sufficient alternative documentation of an assured long-term shared parking arrangement.
Two or more buildings or structures or uses may collectively provide the combined and required off-street parking in which case the required number of parking spaces shall not be less than the sum of the requirements for the several individual buildings or structures or uses computed separately, unless excepted in Subsection D below.
In the instance of such dual-use of off-street parking spaces where peak operating hours of buildings do not conflict or overlap, the Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator may grant an exception to the requirements in Table 390-115.01[1] and permit less than the combined sum of required parking.
Editor's Note: See § 390-115J.
Any requirement of this article may be modified at the petition of an Applicant if the Planning Commission finds that the requested modification meets all the following standards:
The modification would result in a more creative and imaginative design meeting the intent and purpose of this article.
The modification would result in an enhancement to public health and safety through increased pedestrian access, creative walkway arrangements, and convenient vehicle access and circulation.
The modification would result in the preservation of open space, greenways and other natural areas of low or passive use.
The modification would result in sufficient off-street parking and loading areas, high-quality landscape screening, the buffering of less intensive uses from more intensive uses, distinctive streetscapes and corridors, adequate snow storage areas.
The modification is consistent with the goals of the Community Master Plan.
Present or future adjoining premises would not be adversely affected by the modification.
Off-street parking facilities in existence on the effective date of this chapter, and provided in connection with a building, structure, or use of land for which off-street parking is required by this article, shall not be reduced in number or dimensions to less than the minimum standards prescribed by this article, nor shall such facilities be used to satisfy the standards of this article for any other building, structure, or use of land, unless otherwise provided herein.
Before any building or structure or use is occupied, or enlarged or increased in capacity, parking shall be provided in accordance with the number of spaces required in Table 390-115.01. However, no parking lot shall exceed the minimum required number of parking spaces by 10% or more. This limitation may be modified by the Planning Commission if satisfactory evidence is provided by the applicant that demonstrates the need for additional parking spaces.
When calculations determining the number of required parking spaces result in a fractional space, the fraction shall be raised to the next whole number.
For any use not specifically listed in Table 390-115.01, off-street parking spaces shall be provided as required for the most similar use, as determined by the Zoning Administrator or Planning Commission. The Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator may reference industry standards to establish such requirements.
Handicapped spaces and loading spaces shall count toward the required number of spaces.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection F, regarding nonresidential uses in the C and CBD zoning districts, as amended, was repealed 4-15-2024 by Ord. No. 390.
Front yards.
Parking of vehicles in the front yard in the SFR Zoning District and for single-family dwelling and two-family dwelling uses in all zoning districts is restricted to a designated driveway, the width of which shall not exceed at any point 1/3 of the lot width, or 20 feet, whichever is greater. Off-street parking of vehicles shall not obstruct the sidewalk. Driveways shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, or other similar dustless material acceptable to the Zoning Administrator.
With respect to multiple-family dwellings in the MFR Zoning District, the required front yard shall not be used for parking, loading, display, or storage of equipment or materials.
In the C Zoning District, parking, loading, display or storage of equipment or materials shall not be permitted within 10 feet of the front lot line, unless approved by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission, as part of its site plan review, may allow parking, loading, and display or storage up to the front lot line, if the Commission finds that no traffic safety hazard is created by allowing such activity to occur. As a condition of approving such parking, loading, display, or storage up to the front lot line, the Planning Commission may require installation of a decorative wall, fence, or solid hedge, not exceeding 24 inches in height, at the front lot line.
Deferred parking. Where the property owner/applicant can demonstrate that the required amount of parking is excessive, a portion of the required parking area may be deferred until some future date, provided that adequate space on the property is reserved for future parking, and provided that the reserved area is used as open landscaped space until parking is constructed. A permit shall be required prior to construction of a deferred parking area. Construction of the deferred parking may be initiated by the property owner or by the Village based on parking needs.
Maintenance. All off-street parking and loading facilities required by this article shall be maintained free of accumulated snow, debris or other materials preventing full use and occupancy of such facilities in accordance with the intent of this article, except for temporary periods of short duration in the event of heavy snowfall.
Reduction of parking spaces.
A reduction of the number of spaces required may be permitted by the Planning Commission for a building, structure, or use located within 800 feet of a regularly scheduled, year-round transit service stop currently in use and for a use 800 feet from a commercial parking facility, and where such reduction will not result in inadequate parking area.
A reduction of the number of spaces required may be permitted by the Planning Commission for a new or expanding nonresidential building, structure, or use that dedicates carpool spaces, vanpools, transit passes, covered bicycle spaces or lockers, and similar alternative means of transportation, for its employees, and where such reduction will not result in inadequate parking area.
Table 390-115.01. Required Spaces Per Unit of Measure
Required Number of Parking Spaces
Single- and two-family dwellings
2 spaces per dwelling unit
Multiple-family dwellings
1.5 spaces per dwelling unit
Accessory dwelling
1 space per dwelling unit
Residential above retail or office
1.2 spaces for each dwelling unit, plus parking for the nonresidential uses as determined in this table
1 space per unit, plus 1 space per 500 square feet of space devoted to business use
2 spaces for the principal dwelling use, plus 1 off-street space per guest room
Home occupation
2 spaces for the principal dwelling use, plus up to 2 additional off-street spaces
Park or parkland
Village shall demonstrate parking demand
Day care, family
Applicant shall demonstrate parking demand
Day care, adult
Applicant shall demonstrate parking demand
Day care, group
Applicant shall demonstrate parking demand
Foster care group home
Applicant shall demonstrate parking demand
Foster care family home
Applicant shall demonstrate parking demand
Community support facility
1 space for each employee or volunteer on largest shift, plus 1 space for each vehicle operated by the facility, plus 1 space for each dwelling unit, plus 5 spaces for a food and clothing distribution center or other nonresidential use
Funeral home
1 space per employee of largest shift, plus 1 space per 4 seats of legal capacity
Places of public assembly
1 space per 4 seats of legal capacity
Churches, theaters, auditoriums, assembly areas
2 spaces per 5 seats or 8 feet of pew length
Schools, elementary and middle
1.5 spaces per classroom, plus amount required for auditorium or gymnasium seating
Schools, secondary
1 space per 8 students, plus 1.5 spaces per classroom, plus amount required for auditorium or gymnasium seating
Retail business
1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area
1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area
Financial institution
1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area
Indoor commercial recreational establishments and gymnasiums
1 space per 3 persons allowed within maximum occupancy permitted by building code
Eating and drinking establishment
1 space per 3 persons of legal capacity
Hotels, motels
1 space per guest room, plus amount required for other uses on the premises, plus 1 per employee
Personal service establishment
1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area
Professional service establishment
1 space per 450 square feet of gross floor area
Wholesale facility
1 space per 500 square feet of gross floor area
Assembly operations
1 space per 2,000 square feet of gross manufacturing area, plus amount required for office space on the premises
Private marinas
0.75 space per boat slip or rack storage bin, plus amount required for other ancillary uses
Public transient marinas
5 spaces per boat slip
Public facilities
Applicant shall demonstrate parking demand
Municipal uses - utilities
Applicant shall demonstrate parking demand
Medical clinic
1 space for each employee of the largest shift, plus 1 space per 200 square feet gross floor area
Convenience store
1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area
1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area
Automobile repair, major or minor
1 space per employee of largest shift, plus 1 space per service bay
Automobile gasoline station
1 space per 150 square feet dedicated to retail activity, plus 1 space at each fuel pump, plus 1 stacking space per fuel nozzle
Automobile wash
3 stacking spaces per bay, plus 1 space per 350 square feet of retail/office space, not including care wash bays
Veterinary hospital
1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area
1 space per 500 square feet of gross floor area
Drive-through business
5 stacking spaces per drive-through lane with window service or 3 stacking spaces for drive-through ATM, in addition to any spaces required for the non-drive-through uses
Sexually oriented business
1 space per 350 square feet of gross floor area
Open air business
1 space per 350 square feet of indoor space devoted to retail activity, plus 1 space for each 2,000 square feet of outdoor display area
Adequate ingress and egress to the parking area, by means of limited and clearly defined drives, shall be provided for all vehicles. One-way ingress driveways shall have a width between 12 feet and 15 feet, and two-way ingress and egress driveways shall have a width between 24 feet and 30 feet.
Maneuvering lanes for 90° parking patterns shall accommodate two-way traffic.
Minor adjustments of the dimensions prescribed in Table 390-115.01 may be authorized by the Zoning Administrator if consistent with generally recognized design standards for off-street parking facilities.
Dimensions of parking spaces and maneuvering aisles shall be in accordance with the following requirements in Table 390-116.01 below.
Table 390-116.01. Dimensional Requirements for Parking Spaces and Maneuvering Lanes
Parking Pattern (see Figure 390-116)
Maneuvering Lane Width, Two-Way
Maneuvering Lane Width, One-Way
Parking Space Width
Parking Space Length
Parallel parking
Angle parking 30° to 75°
Angle parking 76° to 90°
All parking facilities, with the exception of those serving single-family dwellings and nonpublic areas used primarily for storage of vehicles, shall be hard-surfaced with asphalt, concrete, brick, stone, pavers, porous or semiporous pavement, or an equivalent dustless and durable material approved by the Village Engineer.
All parking facilities shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of surface water which might accumulate within or upon such area. No surface water from a parking area shall be permitted to drain onto adjoining property, not including a street, unless a watershed easement has been obtained. Discharge of drainage into a public right-of-way or municipal storm sewer shall require prior approval of the Village.
If provided, parking area lighting shall comply with § 390-35, Outdoor lighting.
Parking areas shall comply with the applicable provisions regarding screening and landscaping contained in Article XIV, Landscaping and Screening.
Raised curbing, fences, or landscaping shall be provided and located so as to prevent any vehicle from projecting over or into any public sidewalk, walkway, right-of-way, or adjacent property. Wheel stops may be used only if they are firmly attached to the ground to prevent accidental movement from snowplows.
Individual parking spaces shall be clearly identified and marked with durable striping to delineate each individual parking space.
Parking areas, with the exception of access driveways from streets, shall be located entirely within lot lines and shall not encroach into any public right-of-way. With the exception of parking facilities serving single-family or two-family dwellings, or parking facilities accommodating less than four vehicles, off-street parking areas shall be designed in a manner which avoids the necessity of vehicles backing into any street.
All parking spaces, parking lots, and maneuvering aisles shall provide adequate snow storage area, as determined by the Planning Commission. Snow storage area shall be shown on the Site Plan. In determining whether the proposed snow storage area would be sufficient, the following standards shall be considered:
Snow storage shall not interfere with the clear vision and corner clearance requirements of this chapter, as regulated in § 390-11A(2).
Snow storage shall not impede pedestrian or vehicular circulation.
Snow storage shall not create hazardous conditions for plantings in the landscape.
Bicycle parking in the form of bicycle racks may be required by the Planning Commission within 50 feet of the entrance of a building, in accordance with the following:
Commercial uses located within 200 feet of the Village nonmotorized trail may be required to provide one bicycle parking space per 25 vehicular parking spaces or fraction thereof.
Multifamily uses located within 200 feet of the Village nonmotorized trail may be required to provide the following:
One bicycle parking space for every three units for complexes of 30 units or less.
One bicycle parking space for every four units for complexes of 31 to 100 units,
One bicycle parking space for every five units for complexes of 101 or more units.
Provision of off-street loading/unloading spaces shall be required for construction of any building 20,000 square feet or greater in gross floor area, or for any expansion of 2,000 square feet or more in gross floor area of any existing building of 18,000 square feet or greater in existing gross floor area, in the C and CBD Zoning Districts, as follows:
Building Gross Floor Area
(square feet)
Required Number of Spaces
Less than 20,000 square feet
20,000 to 50,000
Above 50,000
Off-street loading/unloading spaces shall have minimum dimensions of 10 feet in width, 25 feet in length and unobstructed height of 14 feet.
Any loading space located closer than 50 feet to any residential zoning district or use shall be completely screened from such district or use by a solid fence or wall at least six feet in height or a landscape screen consisting of a dense, evergreen vegetative buffer not less than six feet in height at the time of planting.
Adequate space shall be provided so that vehicles using required loading/unloading spaces are not required to use a street for maneuvering.