When a fine is assessed for violation of an ordinance, it shall
be within the discretion of the Judge assessing the fine to provide
for the payment of the fine on an installment basis under such terms
and conditions as he/she may deem appropriate.
[Ord. No. 631, 11-6-2023; Ord.
No. 633, 12-11-2023]
A. Definitions.
The following words and phrases, as used in this Chapter, shall have
the following respective meanings:
The total of fees, miscellaneous charges and surcharges imposed
in a particular case.
The amount charged for services to be performed by the Court.
The amounts allowed by law for services provided by individuals
or entities other than the Court.
Additional amounts payable to the State of Missouri or other
entities or payable to the City for specific designated purposes that
are imposed for specific purposes designated by law and assessed by
the Court.
Refers to any judge hearing a violation of a Dixon Municipal
ordinance violation.
B. Court Costs Imposed. In addition to any fine that may be imposed,
the Municipal Judge may assess against the defendant as Court costs
any or all of the following costs, except in those cases where the
defendant is found by the Judge to be indigent and unable to pay the
Court Fees. Court fees in the amount of fifteen dollars ($15.00)
for any cases heard in Associate Court as set forth in Section 479.260,
RSMo., and limited by Section 488.012, RSMo.
Crime Victims' Compensation Fund Surcharge. A surcharge in the
amount of seven dollars fifty cents ($7.50) as imposed by Section
595.045, RSMo., for purposes of the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund
established by the State of Missouri. Any sums collected pursuant
to this Subsection shall be distributed ninety-five percent (95%)
to the State of Missouri for deposit to the Crime Victims' Compensation
Fund and five percent (5%) to the City as reimbursement for the costs
of collection of such State-imposed charge;
Peace Officer Standards And Training Surcharge. A surcharge
in the amount of one dollar ($1.00) as imposed by Section 488.5336,
RSMo., for purposes of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission
Fund created by Section 590.178, RSMo. Any sums collected pursuant
to this Subsection shall be distributed to the State of Missouri for
deposit to the Peace Officer Standards and Teaching Commission Fund;
Law Enforcement Training Surcharge. A surcharge in the amount
of two dollars ($2.00) as set forth in Section 488.5336, RSMo., for
training Law Enforcement Officers; provided, such surcharge shall
be deposited with the Director of Finance who shall place such costs
in a special account to be used for training Law Enforcement Officers;
Inmate Prisoner Detainee Security Surcharge. A surcharge in
the amount of two dollars ($2.00) as set forth in Section 488.5026,
RSMo. This surcharge shall be collected and deposited with the Director
of Finance who shall place the funds in a special account to be called
the Inmate Prisoner Detainee Security Fund. Funds in this account
may be used only for acquiring, developing and maintain biometric
verification and information sharing systems, for expenses related
to detention of prisoners and for any other purpose allowed by Section
488.5026, RSMo.;
Alcohol- And Drug-Related Traffic Offense Cost Recoupment. The
actual and reasonable costs incurred by the City as determined by
the Municipal Judge for costs associated with the arrest for violation
of any City ordinance involving alcohol-related or drug-related traffic
offenses, including the cost of any chemical test to determine the
alcohol or drug content of the person's blood, and the costs of processing,
charging, booking and holding such person in custody as set forth
in Section 488.5334, RSMo.;
Statewide Court Automation Fund Surcharge. In addition to any
cost which may be assessed by the Municipal Division pursuant to Statute,
ordinance, or court rule, in every proceeding filed in the Municipal
Division for violation of an ordinance when the Statewide Court automation
case management system is in operation, a surcharge of seven dollars
($7.00) shall be assessed. Such surcharge shall also be assessed in
cases in which pleas of guilty are processed in the Violations Bureau.
C. Court Costs Prohibited, When. Court costs shall not be assessed when
the case is dismissed or when costs are to be paid by the State, County,
or City.
D. Judicial Waiver Of Court Costs. Nothing in this Section shall be
construed to prohibit or limit the authority of the Judge to waive
fees, miscellaneous charges and surcharges imposed in a particular
case in whole or in part.
Notwithstanding any provision of law, Supreme Court Rule, or
Court Operating Rule, in a proceeding for a municipal ordinance violation
or any other proceeding before a Municipal Court if the charge carries
the possibility of fifteen (15) days or more in jail or confinement,
a defendant shall not be charged any fee for obtaining a police report,
probable cause statement, or any video relevant to the traffic stop
or arrest. Such police report, probable cause statement, or video
shall be provided by the prosecutor upon written request by the defendant
for discovery.
[R.O. 2006 § 125.270; CC 1985 § 9-27; Ord. No. 197 § 29, 12-26-1978]
The costs of any action may be assessed against the prosecuting
witness and judgment be rendered against him/her that he/she pay the
same and stand committed until paid in any case where it appears to
the satisfaction of the Municipal Judge that the prosecution was commenced
without probable cause and from malicious motives.