For state law as to authority of borough to license and regulate trailers and trailer camps, see R.S., § 40: 52-1. As to Uniform Standards Code for Mobile Homes Act, see R.S., § 52:27D-25.1 et seq.
As to motor vehicles and traffic generally, see ch. 19 of this Code.
[R.O. 1964, § 85.1]
For the purposes of this chapter, a "trailer or camp car" is defined to be any vehicle used or intended to be used as a conveyance upon public streets or highways and duly licensed as such, including self propelled and non-self propelled vehicles, so designed and constructed or reconstructed or added to by means of accessories in such manner as to permit the occupancy thereof as temporary dwellings or sleeping places for one or more persons, and having no foundation other than wheels, jacks or skirtings, so arranged as to be integral with or portable by such trailer or camp car.
[R.O. 1964, § 85.2]
It shall be unlawful for any person to park any trailer or camp car on any street in the borough or on any premises within the limits of the borough, except in conformity with the traffic laws or ordinances of the borough, and under no circumstances for a longer period than two hours; provided, that such time limit shall not apply to a trailer or camp car undergoing repairs in a recognized public garage or automobile repair shop, nor where such trailer or camp car is placed in dead storage on private property.
[R.O. 1964, § 85.3]
No trailer or camp car, whether properly parked on a public street or on private property, undergoing repairs or in dead storage, shall be used by any person as a dwelling or sleeping place.