[1982 Code, Ch. VI, § 3]
The City Manager shall make rules and regulations and establish regular periods for the collection of garbage, ashes, paper, refuse and waste from all dwellings and buildings in the City free of charge to the owners or occupants thereof, except that a charge as determined by the City Manager per barrel or its equivalent shall be made by the City against the owner or occupant of any building used as a store, warehouse, restaurant, theater or as a factory or manufacturing establishment for the collection of any garbage, ashes, paper, refuse and waste from such premises or produced thereon.
[Ord. 124, passed 9-26-1995]
Under this section, the term "recyclable" shall mean specified types of glass, paper, plastic, yard waste and metal, as well as any other material that the City Manager may deem appropriate for recycling.
The City Manager is hereby authorized to require all residential households authorized to use the City's curbside trash collection to separate recyclable materials from their solid waste and to prepare the materials to be collected for recycling.
The City Manager is hereby authorized to determine which materials shall be acceptable for recycling pursuant to changing markets for recycled materials. The City Manager shall have the authority to add, alter or delete items from the list of items separated for recycling purposes.