For the purposes of this chapter, Thornbury Township is hereby divided into classes of districts which shall be designated as follows:
Base districts.
Residential/Agricultural District (Article IV)
Residential District (Article V)
Country Club Residential District (Article VI)
Planned Residential District (Article VII)
Business District (Article VIII)
Multipurpose District (Article IX)
Overlay districts.
Mobile Home Park Overlay District (Article X)
Township Overlay District (Article XI)
Historic Battlefield Overlay District (§ 155-1304)
All land areas of the Township shall be deemed by this chapter to be within a zoning district, and all buildings, structures, lots, and land in the Township, except as provided herein or in other applicable law, shall be subject to the provisions of the district in which they are located. Buildings or structures may be constructed or used, and lots, tracts, or land may be developed, used, or occupied only for land uses, as primary or accessory uses-by-right, conditional uses when approved by the Board of Supervisors, or uses by special exception or variances when approved by the Zoning Hearing Board, which adhere to standards and which are permitted in the zoning district where the same are located.
Names and boundaries of zoning districts shall be as shown on the "Zoning Map of Thornbury Township" (Zoning Map) as may be amended. Said map and all notations, references and other information shown thereon shall be made part of and incorporated by reference into this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: The Zoning Map of Thornbury Township is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Applicable maps for the Historic Resources Overlay District and Historic Battlefield Overlay District shall be found in Appendix A.[2]
Editor's Note: Said maps are on file in the Township offices.
Applicable maps for other natural resource areas shall be as found in the Township Comprehensive Plan, unless otherwise specified.
District boundaries shall be property, tract, or lot lines; center lines of streets, lanes, railroads, watercourses, ponds, or rights-of-way of power lines or other public utilities; and such lines extended and parallel thereto, as existing at the effective date of this chapter and amendments thereto. The following rules shall apply where uncertainty exists as to the location of any boundary on the Zoning Map:
Where a district boundary is indicated as approximately following the center line of a street, lane, railroad, watercourse, pond, or right-of-way of a power line or other public utility, such center line shall be construed to be the boundary.
Where a district boundary is indicated as including both sides of a street, lane, railroad, watercourse, pond, or right-of-way of a power line, or other public utility, the district shall be construed to apply to the entire bed of such and the boundary to follow the edge of such.
Where a district boundary is indicated as approximately following a property, tract, or lot line, such line shall be construed to be the boundary.
Where a district boundary divides a lot or tract or runs through undivided property, the location of such boundary, unless otherwise specified by information on the Zoning Map, shall be determined by the scale of said Map.
Where questions develop as to the exact location of a district boundary, the Zoning Officer shall investigate and render a decision. Appeals of this decision may be taken to and shall be decided by the Zoning Hearing Board per provisions of Article XX.
Where a district boundary divides a lot held in single and separate ownership at the effective date of this chapter, use regulations applicable to the less restrictive district may extend into that portion of said lot in the more restrictive district to either the nearest lot line or to a distance of 50 feet beyond the district boundary, whichever is less. Full usage shall first be made of the area of the lot in the less restrictive district before extension of a use into the portion of the lot in the more restrictive district. Any extension of a use into the more restrictive district must meet the area and bulk requirements of the more restrictive district. For the purpose of this chapter, the more restrictive district shall be the district with the greater minimum lot size requirement. If the lot size requirements in both districts are equal, the district with the greater setback requirements shall be considered the more restrictive district.
Whenever federal, state or county owned property is included in one or more zoning districts, it shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter only insofar as is permitted by the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.