It shall be unlawful for any person to so use, occupy or maintain any property or premises in the City in such a manner as to constitute a condition that is dangerous to human health.
[Added 12-16-1985 by HB No. 6-85]
It shall be unlawful for any property owner or tenant to utilize, or allow to be utilized, unenclosed porches, decks, patios, carports, gazebos, garages, sheds or other exterior appurtenances of any dwelling structure for the storage of items, including but not limited to the following: fiber or paper products; building supplies and materials; flammable material, such as paints and solvents; motor vehicle parts and accessories; appliances; and household furnishings, when such storage would be dangerous to human health, safety or well being. Any space used for the storage of such items which is not fully enclosed and sealed from the elements and does not have properly fitted, closeable doors, if doors are installed, shall be deemed to be unenclosed for the purposes of this section.
[Added 4-6-1992 by HB No. 2-92]
As used in this section, the term "tent" shall mean any temporary structure or portable shelter made of canvas, cloth, metal, wood or any other material, covering an area in excess of 120 square feet used for a gathering together of five or more persons, the storage of combustible or hazardous materials, or overnight camping.
It shall be unlawful for any property owner or tenant to erect a tent on private or City property for the purpose of a dwelling.
In the interest of public health, safety, morals and welfare, it shall be unlawful for any property owner or tenant to allow a tent to remain erect on private or City property for a period longer than one week without prior written approval of the City.
Any tent that interferes with the public use of streets and thruways constitutes a nuisance and is subject to removal or abatement thereof.
If any provision of this section or the applicability thereof to any person or tenant or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of this section and the applicability thereof to other persons or tenants shall not be affected thereby.
[Amended 12-19-1983 by HB No. 15-83]
Upon complaint that a condition exists in violation of §§ 65-23 or 65-23.1 pursuant to such investigation as he may deem proper, that such condition is dangerous to human health, safety or well-being, the Code Enforcement Officer shall send a notice, in writing, to the owner of the property or premises in question and, if said property is occupied by a tenant, another notice to the tenant notifying such owner or tenant of the complaint.
[Amended 12-16-1985 by HB No. 7-85]
If the owner or the tenant in question shall not remove or abate the condition complained of within five days after the notice has been sent by the Code Enforcement Officer, by certified mail or registered mail, the owner of the property or premises in question and, if there be a tenant in possession, the tenant shall be punished as provided in § 65-27.