[Amended 2-17-2009 by HO-2009-05; 2-17-2009 by HO- 2009-05]
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, it shall be unlawful for any person willfully to hinder or obstruct the free passage of any person, vehicle or conveyance of any description along or upon any of the streets, sidewalks, alleys or public passageways in the City by placing any obstruction thereon which provides a hindrance to the free passage of any such person, vehicle or conveyance along or upon the same.
Each person owning or occupying a lot or part of a lot fronting or abutting on a public right-of-way with a paved sidewalk, shall keep the sidewalk unobstructed to allow free and safe passage, by removing snow, ice, weeds, brush, grass, vegetation, trash, debris and obstructions from the sidewalk.
[Amended 11-19-2012 by HO-204-11-12]
It shall be the duty of every person in charge or control of any building or parcel of land located in the City fronting or abutting on a paved public sidewalk, whether as owner, tenant, occupant or otherwise, within 24 hours after the ceasing to fall of any snow or sleet, to remove and clear away or cause to be removed and cleared away such snow or sleet from so much of such public sidewalk as is in front of or abuts on said building or lot of land. It shall be unlawful to fail, neglect or refuse to comply with this section. The Head of Code Compliance after consultation with the City Administrator and Public Works Director shall have the discretion to extend the time period for clearing public sidewalks based reasonably on the conditions and amount of snow accumulated. It shall be the policy of the City to encourage voluntary compliance to this subsection when feasible.
[Amended 3-3-1980 by HB No. 9-80]
No hedge bordering upon any public sidewalk or path in the City shall be more than four feet in height. No hedge bordering upon any such sidewalk or path shall encroach upon or project over the same.
[Added 11-1-1971; amended 3-3-1980 by HB No. 9-80; 2-17-2009 by HO-2009-05]
It shall be the duty of every person in charge or control of any building or parcel of land, any part of which fronts, abuts or is located in, on, or under a public sidewalk or a public right-of-way, (abutting area) whether as owner, tenant, occupant or otherwise, to keep that part of the abutting area which is in the public right-of-way, including the area between the paved sidewalk and any street or alley, free of trash, debris, plant growth (except as provided herein) and obstructions to free passage of pedestrians over the area.
Grass (Less than eight inch tall), City-approved trees and any vegetation conforming to the requirements immediately below, shall be allowed in the abutting area.
Any vegetation (other than grass) in the abutting area must be less than 19 inch's tall (measured from the ground), must not have roots that damage the public infrastructure, must be actively maintained and cultivated, must cover no more than 25% of the abutting area, and must conform to this article I as well as to Section 65-25 of this Code.
In the areas between the sidewalk and any street or alley no infrastructure, fence or impervious surface is allowed except a permitted driveway or a connection less than 42 inches wide between the sidewalk and the curb.
It shall be unlawful to fail, neglect or refuse to comply with this section.
Nothing in this article I shall limit the authority of the City over the City public rights-of-way. The City may construct, place, replace, remove or plant items or structures in such public rights-of-way in the interest of the free and safe passage of pedestrians and the general public good.
Every person having charge of any building operations, either as owner or contractor, shall remove or cause to be removed, at the expiration of each working day, from the sidewalks, gutters and roadways adjacent to such building operations all earth, sand, gravel, dirt, mortar, stones, broken bricks, shavings, rubbish and all other litter that may have been deposited or accumulated thereon as a result of such building operations.
It shall be unlawful for any person being the owner or tenant of property to permit any gate on such property to swing outward on any public road, sidewalk or public passageway in the City.
[Amended 3-3-1980 by HB No. 9-80]
No sign or board shall project over any sidewalk without permission from the City Council.
[Amended 3-3-1980 by HB No. 9-80]
No flag, banner or any other manner of display shall be stretched across any of the streets of the City without permission from the City Council.
It shall be unlawful for any person to place or cause to be placed any earth, ashes, gravel or other substance upon the improved driveways, pavements, streets or alleys in the City, unless he shall first have obtained a permit therefor from the Director of the Department of Public Works.
[Amended 3-3-1980 by HB No. 9-80]
It shall be unlawful for any person to erect or maintain any building or obstruction in or upon any street or alley in the City.
It shall be unlawful for any contractor or any employees of any contractor or any other person to use the streets or sidewalks in the City to store or place materials thereon without a permit from the Director of the Department of Public Works for the right to use the street or sidewalk in such manner.
Any person using a street or sidewalk in the City to store or place materials, pursuant to a permit as required in § 105-11, shall exhibit or display one or more red lanterns, as necessary, at night placed thereon in such manner as to warn the public of the obstruction of the street or sidewalk and so as to show distinctly the unobstructed passageway remaining in the street or sidewalk.
It shall be unlawful for any person to use the parking between curb and sidewalk or the sidewalks of the City for business purposes or to place material for business purposes thereon, unless he shall first have secured a permit therefor from the Mayor. The Mayor is hereby authorized to grant permits for the temporary use of sidewalks and parkings on the streets and avenues of the City for business purposes. All applications for such permits shall state the character of material to be placed thereon.
It shall be unlawful for any person to place or paint upon any sidewalk in any manner whatever any letters or advertising device.
It shall be unlawful for any person to extinguish or obstruct the light in any streetlight without permission from the City Council.
It shall be unlawful for any unauthorized person to break, destroy or in any way injure any sidewalk, curb, gutter or footway or roadway in any of the streets or other public places of the City.
The public easement in the bed of Baltimore Avenue, to the full extent of the title thereto which is vested in the City Council, is hereby granted to the State of Maryland in order that Baltimore Avenue may be included by the State Highway Administration in the public highway for construction; and the City Council does hereby relinquish to the state jurisdiction and control over Baltimore Avenue as a public highway to the extent provided in the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland so that such jurisdiction and control may be exercised hereafter by the State Highway Administration or by any other official or officials, agent or agents of the state who may be assigned thereto; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed to deprive the City Council of police power over Baltimore Avenue or to prevent such work upon, over or under the same or control over the same as may be necessary in the course of public improvements or in the maintenance of public utilities now or hereafter owned or operated by the City Council, but any such openings of said road shall be closed and repaired within a reasonable time under the supervision of, in the manner prescribed by and to the satisfaction of the state Highway Administration and at the expense of the City Council. Nothing herein contained shall be taken or construed to deprive the City Council of its power and authority to construct sidewalks on Baltimore Avenue and to assess the cost thereof upon abutting property as now or hereafter provided by law.
It shall be unlawful for any person to ride a bicycle upon any sidewalk in the City; provided, however, that this shall not be construed to apply to small children's toy velocipedes or other light toy vehicles.
[Amended 12-19-1983 by HB No. 15-83]
It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or to cause or permit to be driven any vehicle across any sidewalk in the City unless a written permit therefor shall first have been obtained from the City Clerk acting upon authorization of the Director of the Department of Public Works, and subject to such terms and conditions as may be imposed for securing the City against any damage done to such sidewalk or for the replacement of such sidewalk.
[Amended 12-19-1983 by HB No. 15-83]
No vehicle with cleats or cleated wheels shall be driven or operated over any of the streets of the City without express permission of the Director of the Department of Public Works.
No person traveling on any bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, sled, toy wagon, roller skates or any toy vehicle shall cling to or attach himself or his bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, sled, toy wagon, roller skates or any toy vehicle to any other moving vehicle upon any of the streets or upon any roadway within the City.
[Added 2-3-1986 by HB No. 1-86]
Authorization. The City Council may, upon recommendation of the City Administrator, authorize the closing of any improved road under the jurisdiction of the City.
Where the closing of a road is in connection with the construction of a new road and users of the road or portion of road to be closed will not be denied access to any property or area which was previously accessible, the City Council may authorize the closing upon the certification of such facts by the City Administrator.
Where the closing of a road will deny access to public users to areas or properties accessible from the road to be closed or will take from an abutting property owner the only direct access to a public road, the City Council shall first hold a public hearing. The purpose of the hearing shall be to take testimony to determine that reasonable or alternative means of access exists to property formerly accessible by the road to be closed and that the road is no longer needed as a public way. Each property owner as shown on the assessment books of the City abutting a portion of the road to be closed shall be notified in writing of the closing and of the date, time and place a hearing will be held. In addition, a notice shall be posted in such manner and size to give reasonable notice to the users of the road of the intended closing and date, time and place of hearing.
Effect of closing. A closing of a road shall constitute the termination of the general public's right to use the right-of-way but shall have no effect on private rights of ownership or easements in the roadway.
Barricades. Upon a closing of the road, the Department of Public Works may barricade the road in such a manner as not to deny individual property rights.
[Added 2-3-1986 by HB No. 2-86]
Authorization. The City Council may, upon recommendation of the City Administrator, authorize the abandonment of any unimproved road that is not a part of any recorded plat of subdivision.
A petition for the vacation of the unimproved roadway shall be filed with the City Administrator. A copy of the plat of abandonment shall be attached to the petition as well as written evidence that all owners of abutting properties have been notified.
Generally, the City Council shall not vacate any subdivision which has dedicated rights-of-way to public use or dedicated rights-of-way or easements for any public utility, storm drainage course, floodplain or public access roadway until:
The petitioner seeks the consents of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission and the City Department of Public Works.
The petitioner notifies each public utility, in writing, which is franchised to provide services within the area of the vacation, of the petition and provide 30 calendar days to comment.
If any of the agencies or utilities have rights in any area proposed to be vacated have attached conditions to its consent, said conditions shall be incorporated into the vacation petition.
In any case where any agency or utility having rights in any area proposed to be vacated objects to the vacation petition, the City Council shall find that a specific public benefit will not be annulled if the petition is granted.
In the case of a right-of-way which is in use by the general public at the time of the petition or within the preceding year, the procedures required by Chapter 105, § 105.21.1 of this Code shall have been carried out.
The petition may be approved by the City Council, after posting notice on the property at least 30 days prior to approval.
Effect. The approval of the petition by the City Council shall divest all public rights in the subject right-of-way.
Unimproved platted roadways. In order to abandon an unimproved roadway that has been platted by a recorded subdivision, the City Council shall follow such procedures as set forth in the Subdivision Subtitle of the Prince George's County Code.
It shall be unlawful for any person to drive any vehicle on any public street where a barrier, sign or authorized person indicates that the street in question is closed.
It shall be unlawful for any person to stand in the public highway or in any street or alley in the City for the purpose of soliciting a ride or passage from the driver of any private vehicle.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle over any street in the City in an intentionally improper manner so as to cause skidding, spinning of wheels or excessive noise upon the highway.