[History: Tribal Councilors Salary Ordinance, adopted by Tribal Council on March 25, 1998.]
The purpose of this ordinance is to establish salaries, allowances, and benefits for the Tribal Council consistent with Article XII of the Tribal Constitution and to establish delegated legislative procedures for determining the salary rate and benefits of Tribal Council positions. BE IT ENACTED by the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, pursuant to the referendum provisions of Article IX, Section 2, of the Tribal Constitution, the following ordinance.
[History: Tribal Councilors Salary Ordinance, adopted by Tribal Council on March 25, 1998.]
The Tribal Council finds and declares that:
The executive implementation function and legislative policy function of the Tribal Council require the full-time focus and attention of Tribal Councilors. Salary-based Tribal Council positions would enable the Tribal Councilors to meet their elected fiduciary and representative responsibilities to address the vast and complex regulatory governmental environment, proprietary business management, development decisions, and resource protection duties undertaken on behalf of the Tribe.
Article IV of the Tribal Constitution provides the Tribal Council with expressed power to function as the executive and legislative bodies of the Tribe.
Article IV, Section 3, of the Tribal Constitution provides a reservation of all Tribal power not expressly stated in the Tribal Constitution.
Article IV, Section 1, of the Tribal Constitution contains an expressed limitation on the powers of the Tribal Council when acting in its executive and legislative capacity not to exercise power "inconsistent with any provisions(s) of this Constitution."
Article XII, Section 1, of the Tribal Constitution is a limitation on the expressed and implied power of the Tribal Council by providing the following limitation:
In carrying out the duties of Tribal office, no Tribal official, elected or appointed, shall make or participate in making decisions which involve balancing a personal financial interest, other than interests held in common by all Tribal members, against the best interests of the Band.
It is the purpose of this Ordinance to provide for salary, allowances, and benefits based Tribal Council positions consistent with the Tribal Council power, Article IV, and limitations of power, Article XII, expressed in the Tribal Constitution by referendum, Article IX, of the Tribal membership.
It is the further purpose of this Ordinance to establish delegated legislative procedures by the establishment of a Compensation Committee to address the questions of compensation, allowances, and benefits for Tribal Council positions.
Delegation of legislative authority is only to Tribal members who are original parties to the constitutional contract created by the Tribal Constitution.
The Tribal Council Election scheduled for May 21, 1998, has four Tribal Councilor positions open. Consistent with the limitations of Article XII of the Tribal Constitution, any Tribal Councilor whose term extends beyond May of 1998 shall not vote in the affirmative or negative on this Ordinance. The effective date of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be post election of May 21, 1998.
[History: Tribal Councilors Salary Ordinance, adopted by Tribal Council on March 25, 1998.]
"Allowances". A share or portion allotted or granted as a reimbursement for ordinary and extraordinary (travel) expenses such as airfare, mileage, and per diem, while ministering the duties as Tribal Councilor; salary will include cost-of-living allowance.
"Benefits". A payment or service provided for under an annuity, pension plan, or insurance policy, including health, vacation, sick time, personal time, etc. as provided for under the GTB Personnel Policies.
"Compensation Committee". Consists of seven registered voters of the Tribe whereby the Tribal Council delegates legislative and executive authority to make a review and final determination on the salaries of Tribal Councilors.
"Salary". Fixed compensation paid regularly for services rendered as determined by the Compensation Committee's wage grid structure.
[History: Tribal Councilors Salary Ordinance, adopted by Tribal Council on March 25, 1998.]
The Tribal Council hereby delegates its legislative authority to the Compensation Committee to address the policy question of determining the amount of the salary, allowances, and benefits for Tribal Council positions, consistent with the powers of the Tribal Council and in recognition of the limitation of those powers under the conflict of interest provision of the Tribal Constitution.
The Tribal Council hereby delegates its legislative authority to the Compensation Committee to make a review and final determination on the salaries of Tribal Councilors based on the following factors:
A review of the past, present, and prospective workloads of the Tribal Council;
A review and comparison of relevant governmental and industry standards; and
Relevant Tribal factors, consistent with the custom and traditions of the Tribe, identified by the Compensation Committee.
The Compensation Committee shall make and implement reasonable standards governing the "return to work" rights of elected Tribal Councilors who were formerly employed with a Tribal entity. Such standards shall apply to the Tribal Council elected on May 21, 1998, and all subsequent Tribal Councils.
The Compensation Committee shall be composed of seven registered voters of the Tribe.
Two shall be selected by the Tribal Chair and have a term of office for four years. Three shall be selected by the Tribal Council by majority vote and have a term of office for two years. The other two committee members shall be selected by majority vote of the five selected members and have a term of office for three years.
Vacancies shall be selected in the same manner as the position which was vacated by term of office, resignation, or death.
The Compensation Committee shall have the power to request reports and recommendations from any Tribal entity.
The decisions of the Compensation Committee shall not be subject to review or modification by the executive function or legislative function of the Tribal Council.
The Compensation Committee shall have the power to develop internal procedures not inconsistent with this Ordinance, including determining the process by which Tribal members may have input regarding the decisions of the Compensation Committee.
[History: Tribal Councilors Salary Ordinance, adopted by Tribal Council on March 25, 1998.]
The Compensation Committee shall issue a set of standards in terms of a wage grid system that establishes the salary level, allowances, and benefits for Tribal Council positions.
The standards shall be issued in not less than 30 days after the Compensation Committee's first meeting.
The compensation standards shall take effect upon the issuance of standards by the Compensation Committee.
The salary level shall be consistent with the wage grid structure and shall not be amended more than 10% on an annual basis.
[History: Tribal Councilors Salary Ordinance, adopted by Tribal Council on March 25, 1998.]
The Compensation Committee shall have an indefinite life and convene on an annual basis to review the compensation standards of the Tribal Councilors, excluding the Chair's salary which shall be set by the Tribal Council.
The Compensation Committee may make changes in the wage grid structure or allowances or benefits of the Tribal Council on an annual basis.
[History: Tribal Councilors Salary Ordinance, adopted by Tribal Council on March 25, 1998.]
The Compensation Committee shall be appointed by the Tribal Council elected in May of 1998. Thereafter, the Compensation Committee shall immediately implement the provisions of this Ordinance.