[History: Tribal Act #96-14.319, enacted by Tribal Council on February 20, 1996; and as amended by Tribal Act #96-14.375, enacted by Tribal Council on July 2, 1996.]
The provisions of this Part shall apply to all persons and property subject to the governing authority of the Tribe as established by the Constitution and other Tribal law.
[History: Tribal Act #96-14.319, enacted by Tribal Council on February 20, 1996; and as amended by Tribal Act #96-14.375, enacted by Tribal Council on July 2, 1996.]
A tenant or other occupier of a leasehold estate subject to a leasehold mortgage shall be guilty of unlawful detainer if such person shall continue in occupancy of such leasehold estate under any of the following situations:
Without the requirement of any notice by the lessor:
After the expiration of the term of the lease;
If such person has entered onto or remains on the real property of another without the permission of the owner and without having any substantial claim under a lease or title to such property;
After the lessor has terminated such person's tenancy pursuant to procedures providing such person a hearing before such lessor involved; or
After such person's leasehold estate has been foreclosed in a leasehold mortgage foreclosure proceeding in the Tribal Court.
After having received 30 days' notice, the tenant or occupier shall remain in possession of such property contrary to the terms of the notice as follows:
When such person has received notice:
That he or she is in default in the payment of ground rent; and
Requiring him or her to either pay such rent or surrender possession of the occupied property and such person has not either surrendered possession of such property or paid the rent within the thirty-day period provided in such notice;
When such person shall continue to fail to keep or perform any condition or covenant of the lease or other use agreement under which the property is held after he or she has been given notice to comply with such condition or covenant or else to surrender the property; or
When such person continues to commit or to permit waste upon or maintain a nuisance upon the occupied property after having been given notice to either cease such waste or maintenance of nuisance or to surrender the property.
[History: Tribal Act #96-14.319, enacted by Tribal Council on February 20, 1996; and as amended by Tribal Act #96-14.375, enacted by Tribal Council on July 2, 1996.]
Notices required or authorized in the immediately preceding section shall be given in accordance with established Tribal Court rules and procedures. In the absence of such rules and procedures, notices shall be given in writing by either:
Delivering a copy personally to the tenant or occupier or to any adult members of his or her family residing on the leasehold estate; or
Posting said notice in a conspicuous place near the entrance to said leasehold estate, and by sending an additional copy to the tenant or occupier by certified mail, return receipt requested, properly addressed, postage prepaid.
Proof of service by either of the above methods may be made by affidavit of any adult person stating that he or she has complied fully with the requirements of either of these two methods of service.
[History: Tribal Act #96-14.319, enacted by Tribal Council on February 20, 1996; and as amended by Tribal Act #96-14.375, enacted by Tribal Council on July 2, 1996.]
The lessor or the mortgagee (including its successors or assigns) shall commence an action for unlawful detainer by filing with the Tribal Court, in writing, the following documents:
A complaint, signed by the lessor, the mortgagee (or its successors or assigns), or an agent or attorney on their behalf including the following:
Citing authority for jurisdiction of the Tribal Court;
Naming the mortgagor(s) and each record owner claiming through the mortgagor(s) subsequent to the recording of the leasehold mortgage, including each subordinate lienholder (except the Tribe with respect to a claim for a Tribal tax on the leasehold estate subject to the leasehold mortgage), as a defendant;
Describing the leasehold estate subject to the leasehold mortgage;
Stating the facts concerning:
The execution of the lease and the leasehold mortgage;
The recording of the leasehold mortgage; and
The facts upon which he or she seeks to recover;
Stating any claim for damages or compensation due from the persons to be evicted; and
Otherwise satisfying the requirements of the Tribal Court.
A copy of the summons, issued in accordance with established Tribal Court rules and procedures.
In the absence of such rules and procedures for the issuance of a summons, the summons shall require defendants to appear for trial upon the complaint on a date and time specified in the summons.
The trial date specified in the summons shall be no less than six nor more than 30 days from the date of service of the summons and complaint.
The summons must notify the defendants that judgment will be taken against them in accordance with the terms of the complaint unless they file with the Court an answer and appear for trial at the time, date and place specified in the summons.
[History: Tribal Act #96-14.319, enacted by Tribal Council on February 20, 1996; and as amended by Tribal Act #96-14.375, enacted by Tribal Council on July 2, 1996.]
A copy of the summons and complaint shall be served upon the defendants in the manner provided by the Tribal Court rules for service of process in civil matters.
In the absence of such Tribal Court rules, the summons and complaint shall be served by one of the two methods provided in § 311 above.
[History: Tribal Act #96-14.319, enacted by Tribal Council on February 20, 1996; and as amended by Tribal Act #96-14.375, enacted by Tribal Council on July 2, 1996.]
The Tribal Court shall enter a writ of restitution if:
Notice of suit and trial is given by service of summons and complaint in accordance with the procedures provided herein; and
The Tribal Court shall find that the occupier of the leasehold estate subject to the leasehold mortgage is guilty of an act of unlawful detainer.
Upon issuance of a writ of restitution, the Tribal Court shall have the authority to enter against the defendants a judgment for the following:
Back rent, unpaid utilities, and any charges due the Tribe or lessor under any lease or occupancy agreement;
Any and all amounts secured by the leasehold mortgage that are due the mortgagee (or its successors or assigns); and
Damages caused by the defendants to the property other than ordinary wear and tear. The Tribal Court shall have the authority to award costs and reasonable attorney's fees in bringing suit to the prevailing party.
[History: Tribal Act #96-14.319, enacted by Tribal Council on February 20, 1996; and as amended by Tribal Act #96-14.375, enacted by Tribal Council on July 2, 1996.]
Upon issuance of a writ of restitution by the Tribal Court, Tribal law enforcement officers shall enforce the writ of restitution by evicting the defendants and their property from the leasehold estate which is unlawfully occupied.
In all cases involving the mortgagee (or its successors or assigns), the writ of restitution shall be enforced no later than 60 days after the date of service of the summons and complaint, subject to § 316 below.
[History: Tribal Act #96-14.319, enacted by Tribal Council on February 20, 1996; and as amended by Tribal Act #96-14.375, enacted by Tribal Council on July 2, 1996.]
Except by agreement of all parties, there shall be no continuances in cases involving the mortgagee (or its successors or assigns) which will interfere with the requirement that the writ of restitution be enforced not later than 60 days from the date of service of the summons and complaint.
[History: Tribal Act #96-14.319, enacted by Tribal Council on February 20, 1996; and as amended by Tribal Act #96-14.375, enacted by Tribal Council on July 2, 1996.]
In those cases in which the persons or property are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Michigan or the United States, the remedies and procedures provided by this ordinance are in the alternative to the remedies and procedures provided by the laws of the State of Michigan or the United States.