[History: Tribal Act #06-24.1650 enacted by Tribal Council at Special Session on April 26, 2006.]
This Plan of Operation and any amendments thereto shall serve as the operating guideline for the GTB Department of Public Works ("Department").
[History: Tribal Act #06-24.1650 enacted by Tribal Council at Special Session on April 26, 2006.]
The purpose of the Department will be to manage, operate, and maintain utility systems of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians ("GTB," "Tribe").
[History: Tribal Act #06-24.1650 enacted by Tribal Council at Special Session on April 26, 2006.]
The Department will maintain an office in Peshawbestown, Michigan. Its address will be:
Grand Traverse Band Department of Public Works
2605 N. West Bayshore Drive
Peshawbestown, MI 49682
[History: Tribal Act #06-24.1650 enacted by Tribal Council at Special Session on April 26, 2006.]
Water Service. The Department is responsible to provide safe, adequate water for a fee to those houses connected to the mainlines of Tribally owned public water systems. Responsibility for maintenance will include water sources, storage tanks, controls, mainlines, valves and hydrants, and service lines to the curb stops only. The service line from the curb stop to the house or building and the interior plumbing are the responsibility of the customer.
Sewerage Service. The Department is responsible to provide sanitary disposal of domestic waste for a fee to those houses and businesses connected to the main lines of the community sewerage systems. Responsibility for maintenance will include treatment facilities, pumping stations, mainlines and manholes, and service lines to the property lines only. The Service line from the property line to the house or business and interior plumbing are the responsibility of the customer.
Customer Service. To ensure the provision of adequate water and sewerage service to its customers, the Department will retain qualified personnel on duty or on call at all times. The Department will respond as quickly as possible to breakdowns and other emergencies. The Department's personnel can be contacted at 231-534-7376.
Septic Tank Service. The Department may elect to provide for pumping of individual septic tanks for a fee. Responsibility of the Department will cover only such elective pumping. The Department cannot guarantee the operation of improperly designed, maintained or constructed septic tank systems.
Other Services. The Department may agree to perform under contract with governmental, tribal, or private bodies, construction or operation and maintenance services.
Future Services. At some future date, the Department may assume responsibility to provide solid waste disposal, electrical, gas, telephone, or other utility services. None of these services are available through the Department at the present time.
[History: Tribal Act #06-24.1650 enacted by Tribal Council at Special Session on April 26, 2006.]
Water (Community Systems).
All Grand Traverse Band Public Water Systems within the six-county service area. Currently: Peshawbestown, Turtle Creek and the Grand Traverse Resort.
Sewerage (Community Systems).
All Grand Traverse Band Community Sewer Systems within the six-county service area. Currently: Peshawbestown and Turtle Creek.
Those individuals not on the community water or sewer systems are responsible for maintenance of their individual systems.
[History: Tribal Act #06-24.1650 enacted by Tribal Council at Special Session on April 26, 2006.]
The Department will develop and follow a regular schedule of maintenance services for each water and sewage system. These services will include, but not be limited to the following:
Water Systems - Community Water Systems.
Inspect and operate all valves and hydrants.
Inspect and repair water mains for leaks or damage.
Flush water lines.
Inspect storage tank and level indicators.
Adjust and service controls.
Maintain all components as necessary.
Collect all water samples as required by the Safe Drinking Water Act, 25 U.S.C. §§ 300f — 300j-26.
Sewerage Systems - Community Sewerage Systems.
Flush sewer mains.
Remove debris from manholes.
Inspect and service lift stations.
Operate and maintain wastewater treatment plants.
Perform all sampling and testing in accordance with the NPDES permit requirements.
[History: Tribal Act #06-24.1650 enacted by Tribal Council at Special Session on April 26, 2006.]
The rate structure and fee schedules shall be determined based on the actual costs of operation and maintenance for each of the systems. All rates and fee changes must be approved by the GTB Tribal Manager. The fee schedules are available at the Department's office in Peshawbestown.
[History: Tribal Act #06-24.1650 enacted by Tribal Council at Special Session on April 26, 2006.]
The Department will maintain a complete and up-to-date record of all customers served by those systems operated by the Department. Additions and deletions will be made as soon as the Department learns of changes.
The Department will send out a water and wastewater bill for services on the first day of each month. Payment will be due on the 10th day of the month. Non-payment by the 20th day of the following month will be cause for the Department to shut off the customer's water service.
Customers may make payments by cash, check or money order at the GTB Housing Department office in Peshawbestown, Michigan. The customers will receive a signed receipt for payment.
Customers requesting new services or re-connection shall make arrangements with the Department works for payment prior to receiving the services.
If a customer's water service is discontinued they must pay all of the delinquent charges plus the re-connection fee before the Department will restore water service.
[History: Tribal Act #06-24.1650 enacted by Tribal Council at Special Session on April 26, 2006.]
The Department is hereby authorized by the GTB Tribal Council to collect fees for services and to shut off services for non-payment.
The Department shall enforce its regulations and fee collections by shutting off water service of any and all violators and delinquent bill payers; provided, however, that any shut off of water service shall not be effected if the water user is currently a family in crisis, receiving GTB or state human services. The Department shall not seek to attach customer's property, nor seek to have fines assessed by the GTB Tribal Court, except in limited cases of blatant or continued abuse or destruction of property.
[History: Tribal Act #06-24.1650 enacted by Tribal Council at Special Session on April 26, 2006.]
The Department will follow normal Tribal procedures for bookkeeping and banking. This will allow convenient handling of funds through the same bank of the Tribe, while also providing separate accounting of the Department's funds.
Actual handling of the Department's funds will be handled by the GTB Accounting Department.
All accounts and ledgers of the Department shall be available for audit at any time by the Tribal Auditor or auditor of the Tribe's choice.
[History: Tribal Act #06-24.1650 enacted by Tribal Council at Special Session on April 26, 2006.]
The Department will manage the operations of the water and wastewater facilities. The water and wastewater program director will have the responsibility to direct the work of all employees of the Department. He or she shall establish a direct chain of command for orderly functioning of the office and operation and maintenance of the utility systems.
Job descriptions for all employees will be developed and followed.
Employees of the Department will receive wages and benefits comparable to employees of the Tribe. Employees will retain their right of final appeal to the Tribal Grievance Committee should any dispute with the Department Manager not be resolved.
[History: Tribal Act #06-24.1650 enacted by Tribal Council at Special Session on April 26, 2006.]
The Department is designed to serve the people of the Tribe and the community it serves. Any grievance or customer complaint should be put in writing and delivered to the GTB Administration Building, and shall follow the "Statement of Due Process" procedures.
[History: Tribal Act #06-24.1650 enacted by Tribal Council at Special Session on April 26, 2006.]
The Plan of Operation may be amended by a simple majority vote of the GTB Tribal Council as provided by law.