[Amended 3-28-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-6]
Any person, firm or corporation which owns or operates an alarm device shall make application for continuance thereof in writing to the Chief of Police on the form provided by the Police Department, which application shall contain at least the location of the device, the person responsible for maintenance of the device, the type of device, provisions relating to false alarms and testing procedures, a list of persons to be contacted in the event of an alarm, and other information as may be required by the Chief of Police.
Alarms shall be registered, but no fee shall be charged therefor.
Any registration permitted hereunder shall be accepted upon the express condition that the registrant shall indemnify and hold the Township of Pequannock harmless from and on account of any and all damages arising out of the activities of the registrant and its alarm contractor.
Alarm permits shall not expire. The Chief of Police shall be notified in writing of any change in the alarm registration information.
Notwithstanding the payment of any fee as herein required and/or the receiving or issuance of any permit as herein required, the Police Department of the Township of Pequannock shall be under no obligation whatsoever concerning the adequacy, the operation or maintenance of the alarm system so installed, and the Township of Pequannock and its authorized agents hereby assume no liability whatsoever for any failure of any such alarm system, failure to respond to any such alarms or for any act of omission or commission as a result of any such alarm, device or system.
The applicant or permittee, upon the acceptance of such permit, hereby agrees to hold and save harmless the Township of Pequannock, its agents or employees from any liability whatsoever in connection with any such alarm system or the operation of the same.
Any individual permit issued hereunder may be revoked at any time by the Chief of Police, provided that 30 days' notice is given in writing to said permittee.
[Amended 3-28-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-6]
Time delay. All audible alarms shall be equipped with a time delay or battery to limit the sounding of an alarm to five minutes for continuous airborne sound and 15 minutes for impulsive sound after it has been activated.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Business owners, occupants of commercial establishments, homeowners, or residents of Pequannock Township shall be deemed responsible for any and all false alarms generated by an alarm system located on their premises. This provision shall apply whether or not an alarm has been properly registered in accordance with the applicable ordinances.