[Amended 8-24-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-15]
For the purposes of this article, the following terms and phrases shall have the meanings set forth in this section, unless a different meaning is clearly indicated by the context:
Includes any brush, hedge, shrubbery, tree, or other plant life and/or any land, rock, fence, wall, or other structure or item situate in or over or intruding upon or enclosing any Township right-of-way or portion thereof.
Includes all public streets, roads, avenues, highways, lanes, alleys, public places, ways and easements of the Township, including those dedicated but as yet unaccepted, for the full width thereof, whether or not the same are now or may hereafter be actually in use for a lesser width than the established width thereof.
It shall be a violation of this article to place an encroachment, obstruction, or encumbrance in the right-of-way which interferes with the public use or impairs the public safety or welfare. Adjacent property owners or others who place in the right-of-way an encroachment, obstruction or encumbrance which does not interfere with the public use or impair the public safety or welfare do so at their own risk. Under no circumstances shall the Township be responsible to repair or replace personal property placed in the right-of-way if damaged by snowplow or other Township vehicle under any circumstances. A person placing an encroachment, obstruction, or encumbrance in the right-of-way shall indemnify the Township for any liability caused by the placement.
A municipal officer or employee designated by the Township Manager to enforce this article (hereinafter "enforcement official") shall be empowered to declare any encroachment, obstruction or encumbrance in, on, over or upon any Township right-of-way an interference with the public's use or an impairment to the public safety or welfare of the Township or its inhabitants and order the same to be abated by the removal of the encroachment, obstruction or encumbrance in such manner and to such extent as they may designate.
Whenever the enforcement official shall declare any obstruction, encroachment or encumbrance in, on, over or upon any Township right-of-way an impairment or interference, they shall give written notice to the owner or tenant of the lands in, on, over or in front of which any such obstruction, encroachment, or encumbrance is located to abate it in the manner set forth in such notice. The notice is to be mailed to the last known address of the owner or tenant or left at the owner's or tenant's residence with a member of his family above the age of 14 years.
Should the aforesaid owner or tenant fail to abate within 30 days after receiving the written notice and in the manner set forth therein, the Township, through its agents, servants and employees, may abate and charge the cost thereof against the premises in, on, over or in front of which the encroachment, obstruction or encumbrance is located. The cost shall be certified to the Mayor and Township Council, and if found correct they shall cause the cost as shown to be charged against the lands, or in the event that the Mayor and Council deem such cost to be excessive, they shall determine a reasonable amount thereof to be charged against the lands. The amount so charged shall forthwith become a lien upon such lands and shall be added to and become and form part of the taxes next to be assessed and levied upon such lands, the same to bear interest at the same rate as other taxes, and shall be collected and enforced by the same officers and in the same manner as taxes.
Any person who refuses or neglects, after written notice as above set forth, to comply with the demands therein made with respect to the abatement within 30 days after receiving the written notice shall, upon conviction thereof, be liable to a penalty not to exceed a fine of $100, and each and every day in which the person neglects to abate shall constitute a separate offense.
The imposition and collection of any fine or penalty prescribed by this section shall not bar the right of the Township to collect the cost of the abatement as specified in this article, and the remedies shall be cumulative.