All plats shall be based on current Tax Map information or some other similarly accurate base at a scale not less than 50 feet to the inch and shall show or include the following information. When the sketch plat differs from the Tax Map, the Planning Board may require substantiating evidence in the form of deeds, etc., to verify any changes.
Location. The location of that portion which is to be subdivided in relation to the entire tract.
Structures; wooded areas. All existing structures and wooded areas within the portion to be subdivided and within 200 feet thereof.
Owners. The name of the owner, all adjoining property owners and those across existing or proposed streets as disclosed by the most recent records of the Municipal Tax Office.
Identity. The Tax Map sheet, date of revision, block and lot numbers; the identifying title of the subdivision and name of the municipality, county and state.
All existing or proposed streets, roads, easements, public rights-of-way, streams, drainage ditches and natural watercourses in and within 500 feet of the subdivision or, in the case of a minor subdivision, 200 feet.
The original and proposed lot layout, lot dimensions and total area of each lot.
Utility and drainage information. In cases when there is a question on the adequacy of drainage, sewage and utility facilities, the Board may require maps showing utility connections and topography, as well as percolation tests conducted at the expense of the applicant.
Other information.
The names and addresses of the prospective purchaser.
Any deed restriction imposed by the owner or seller, which shall be so noted on the map.
The old name, if submitted previously under a different title, the date of original preparation and the date of the revision.
The name, address and signature of the person responsible for preparing the map.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The final plat and all plans and profiles or improvements shall be filed with the Secretary at least three weeks prior to the meeting of the Board when the plat is to be considered. The plat shall be drawn by a licensed New Jersey land surveyor on tracing cloth 24 inches by 36 inches, at a scale of not less than one inch equaling 50 feet, in compliance with all the provisions in N.J.S.A. 46:26B-1 et seq., as the same may be amended. The final plat shall show or be accompanied by the following:
Identity. The date, name and location of the subdivision, the name of the owner, a graphic scale and a reference meridian.
Other contents. The tract boundary lines, the right-of-way lines of streets, street names, easements and other rights-of-way, land to be reserved or dedicated to public use, all lot lines and other site lines, with accurate dimensions, bearings or deflection angles and radii, arcs and central angles of all curves and square foot area of all lots within the subdivision.
Public use. The purpose of any easement or land reserved or dedicated to public use shall be designated, and the proposed use of a site other than residential shall be noted.
Block and lots. All block and lot numbers shall be approved by the Engineer and shall be related to existing block and lot numbers as shown on the Official Tax Map of the Township.
Setback lines. The minimum building setback lines of all lots and other sites.
Monuments. The location and description of all monuments.
Owners. The names of owners of adjoining properties and those across any existing or proposed street.
Accuracy. Certification by the surveyors as to the accuracy of details of the plat.
Consent of owner. Certification that the applicant is agent or owner of the land or that the owner has given consent under an option agreement.
Approval. When approval of a plat is required by an officer or body, whether municipal, county or state, approval shall be certified on the plat.
Profiles. Cross-sections and profiles of streets, curbs or gutters, catch basins and storm sewers and all utilities proposed, showing grades and approved by the Engineer.
Contours. Contours at five-foot intervals for slopes averaging 10% or greater and at two-foot intervals for land of lesser slope.
Sewers; mains. Plans and profiles of storm and sanitary sewers and water mains approved by the Township Engineer.
Streams. Plans, profiles and cross-sections of all streams, ditches and watercourses.