Appointment of Township Clerk; term; qualifications. The Township Clerk shall be appointed by the Township Council for a three-year term effective January 1 of the year of appointment in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:9-133 et seq. The Township Clerk shall, prior to appointment, be qualified by training and experience to perform the duties of the office. The Township Clerk shall receive such compensation as shall be provided by ordinance.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Duties as Clerk of Council. The Township Clerk shall serve as Clerk of the Township Council. He shall keep a journal of the proceedings of the Township Council and shall engross all ordinances and all resolutions of a permanent character in books to be provided for that purpose. After each ordinance, he shall also engross and certify the proof of publication thereof as required by law. Each ordinance and resolution so engrossed shall be signed by the Mayor and the Township Clerk, who shall attest that it was duly adopted upon a date stated pursuant to law, and when so signed the engrossed copy shall be deemed to be a public record of the ordinance or resolution. Any omission by the Township Clerk or the Mayor to engross, sign or certify as herein required shall not impair or affect the validity of any ordinance which has been duly adopted.
Custodian of records. The Township Clerk shall have custody of and shall safely keep all records, books and documents of the Township, except such as shall be committed by Charter or ordinance to any other office or be transferred thereto by resolution of the Township Council. He shall, upon request and upon the payment of the fees prescribed therefor by resolution of the Township Council for the use of the Township, furnish a certified copy of any such paper in his custody, under the Corporate Seal of the Township.
Corporate Seal. The Township Clerk shall cause the Corporate Seal of the Township to be affixed to instruments and writings when authorized to do so by any ordinance or resolution of the Township Council, or when necessary to exemplify any document on record in his office, or to certify any act of paper, which from the records in his office shall appear to have been a public act of the Township or a public document. He shall not affix the Seal or cause or permit it to be affixed to any instrument or writing or other paper except as in this section provided, unless required to do so by law or ordinance.
Depository for bonds, contracts, insurance policies and leases. The Township Clerk shall be the depository and custodian of all official surety bonds furnished by or on account of any Township officer or employee, except his own bond, which shall be placed in the custody of the Township Treasurer, and all formal contracts for work, labor, services, supplies, equipment and materials to which the Township may be a part. The Township Clerk shall also have custody of all leases of property owned by the Township. The Township Clerk shall also be the depository for and have custody of all performance bonds running to the Township as obligee, or any other form of security given by any contractor, subdivision developer or other person on account of work done or to be done in or for the Township.
Administrative duties. In addition to such other functions, powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Charter and this chapter, the Township Clerk shall:
Perform all of the functions required of municipal clerks by the General Election Law[1] and any other law or ordinance and receive the fees prescribed therefor.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 19:1-1 et seq.
Administer the provisions of this chapter and other Township ordinances with reference to the several trades, occupations and activities for which licenses are required by law or ordinance to be obtained from the Township Clerk.
Issue such licenses as may be authorized by the Township Council pursuant to the State Alcoholic Beverage Control Law[2] and this chapter.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 33:1-1 et seq.
Perform such functions as are vested in the Municipal Clerk by state law and ordinances relating to bingo and raffle licensing.
Issue certificates as to approval of land subdivisions by the Township Planning Board or the Township Council pursuant to the Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Additional duties. The Township Clerk shall have such other different and additional functions, powers and duties as may be prescribed by law, this chapter or other Township ordinances.
The Deputy Township Clerk shall act in the place and stead of the Township Clerk in the event of his absence or disability and shall have such other duties and powers as may be prescribed by law.
Appointment of Township Attorney; term; qualifications. There shall be a Township Attorney appointed by the Township Council for a term of one year from January 1 of the year of his appointment and until his successor has been appointed. He need not be a resident of the Township. He shall be an attorney at law in the State of New Jersey.
Compensation of Township Attorney. The Township Attorney shall receive compensation as provided by ordinance and/or a professional services agreement in accordance with the Local Public Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq., and all regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.
Powers and duties of Township Attorney. The duties of the Township Attorney shall be such as are prescribed by Charter, general law, this chapter and other Township ordinances. In addition, he shall give legal counsel to the Township Council, the Township Manager, department heads and other boards, committees, etc., where appropriate.
Appointment of firm. The Township Council may, in lieu of appointing an individual, appoint a firm of attorneys, the partners of which have the qualifications herein provided.
Appointment; compensation. The Township Manager shall be appointed by the Township Council in the manner and subject to the qualifications prescribed by the Charter. He shall receive such annual compensation as shall be provided in the Salary Ordinance.
Acting Manager. The Township Manager may designate a qualified administrative officer of the Township to perform his duties during his temporary absence or disability. In the event of his failure to make such designation, the Township Council may, by resolution, appoint an officer of the Township to perform the duties of the Township Manager during such absence or disability until he shall return or his disability shall cease.
General duties of Township Manager. The Township Manager shall:
Supervise the administration of all departments of the Township government and be responsible for the maintenance of sound personnel policies and administrative practices.
Approve all bills, purchase orders and/or vouchers for payment, subject to audit and control as provided in this chapter.
Maintain a continuing review and analysis of budget operations, work programs and costs of municipal services.
Maintain all personnel records, vacation and sick leave schedules and records.
Study the government and administrative operations and need of the Township government and prepare and recommend to the Township Council necessary and desirable plans and programs with respect thereto.
Attend all meetings of the Township Council and perform such other duties as the Township Council may prescribe.
Duties relative to budget. The Township Manager shall:
Be responsible for the preparations of the budget document and the compilation and analysis of budget costs and estimates.
Conduct pre-budget public hearings during the month of November in each year, during which each department head shall have an opportunity to present and justify his budget requests.
Prepare the forms, schedules and exhibits for each annual budget upon the basis of departmental requests and the budget hearings which he conducts and within such policy guides as may be prescribed by resolution of the Township Council.
Prepare the annual budget for introduction in such form and with such explanatory statements and schedules, consistent with the Local Budget Law,[1] as the Township Council shall approve.
Editor's Note: N.J.S.A. 40A:4-1 et seq.
There shall be a Township Treasurer appointed by the Township Manager. The Township Manager may serve as the Township Treasurer and appoint a Deputy Treasurer as prescribed by law. He shall have and perform all the powers and duties prescribed under the Optional Municipal Charter Law,[1] general law, this chapter or other ordinances of the Township.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. § 40:69A-81 et seq.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
There shall be a Tax Collector appointed by the Township Manager, who shall hold office for a term of four years from January 1 of the year of the appointment. The Tax Collector shall have, perform and exercise all of the functions, powers and duties as are provided by the Optional Municipal Charter Law,[1] general law, this chapter and other Township ordinances and in addition thereto shall assume the duties of collector of assessments and tax title searcher.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. § 40:69A-81 et seq.
Appointment of Township Engineer; compensation. There shall be a Township Engineer appointed by the Township Manager who may also serve as Director of the Department of Public Works. In the event that a qualified professional engineer is not available for appointment as Township Engineer/Director of Public Works, then the Township Manager shall appoint a consulting engineer who shall be paid a retainer and reasonable fees as approved by the Township Council.
Township Engineer powers and duties. The Township Engineer shall:
Prepare all plans and specifications for public works and improvements undertaken by the Township, either on force account or by contract.
Provide and maintain maps, plans and specifications, surveys and records with respect to public property, works and facilities owned or operated by the Township government.
Provide engineering services to the various departments, boards and agencies of the Township, as directed by the Township Council, Township Manager, ordinances or other authorized authority.
Issue such certificates as may be necessary and approve all bills with respect to work performed under his supervision.
Prepare plans and specifications, make surveys and maps and maintain the Tax Map on a current basis.
The Township Council shall appoint a Tax Assessor for a four-year term effective July 1 of the year of his appointment. The Assessor shall perform all duties and have all the powers which are assigned to the Assessor by general law, this chapter or other ordinances of the Township. The Township Manager may appoint such clerical assistance as may be deemed necessary for the effective administration of the Assessor's function.
Appointment of Township Auditor; term; compensation. There shall be a Township Auditor, appointed by the Township Council, who shall hold office for a term of two years from January 1 of the year of appointment and until a successor is appointed. The Township Auditor shall receive such compensation as may be hereafter determined and approved by the Township Council.
Qualifications of Township Auditor; appointment of firm. The Township Auditor shall be a registered municipal accountant of the state and need not be a resident of the Township. In lieu of appointing an individual auditor, the Council may appoint a firm of auditors, each member of which shall be a registered municipal accountant of the state.
Powers and duties. The Township Auditor shall make the annual audit and shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by law, this chapter or other Township ordinances or as may be directed by the Township Council.
The Township Council may appoint a local historian who shall serve at the pleasure of the Council without compensation. He shall make an annual report to the governing body and generally perform such duties as outlined in general law. The Township Historian may request citizens of the community to assist him in special projects from time to time or as requested by the governing body.
General powers and duties of Township department heads. The head of each department, subject to the Charter, this chapter and other Township ordinances, and subject to the approval of the Township Manager, shall:
Prescribe the internal organization of the department and the duties of subordinate officers and employees within the department.
Assign functions, powers and duties to subordinate officers and employees within the department and modify such assignments as need appears.
Supervise the work of the department through the divisions established by this chapter and such other organization units as the head of the department may find necessary or desirable and supervise and direct the work of the employees in the department.
Delegate to division heads such of his powers as he may deem necessary for efficient administration.
Report at least annually to the Township Council in such form as shall be approved by the Township Manager on the work of the department during the preceding year.
Authority of department heads with regard to employees. Each department head shall have the power, except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, to appoint, suspend or remove subordinate officers and employees within the department, subject to the approval of the Township Manager.