[Added 9-25-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-26]
[Amended 2-26-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-02]
Pass required. The Pequannock Township Dog Park may only be used for dogs which have been registered with the Department of Parks and Recreation and have obtained a Dog Park pass. Residents shall not be charged a fee for Dog Park tags. The fee for a nonresident Dog Park tag shall be as provided in Chapter 152, Fees. The owner and any individual responsible for bringing a dog which does not have a pass to the Dog Park shall be deemed in violation of this section.
Rules and regulations. The following rules and regulations shall govern the use of the Pequannock Township Dog Park:
Dog owners are responsible and liable for the actions and behavior of their dogs at all times and may use the park only at their own risk. Pequannock Township will not provide supervision during Dog Park operating hours.
Dog owners must confirm that their homeowner's/renter's insurance has liability coverage before using the Dog Park.
All dogs must have current rabies and distemper vaccinations. It is recommended that all dogs be on a flea or heartworm preventative medication.
No dog that is ill may be brought to the park.
All dogs must wear a valid license and a Pequannock Township Dog Park pass when in the park.
A limit of two dogs per adult may be brought to the park at one time.
Dogs must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older at all times.
Dogs must be kept on a leash until inside the gated area.
No puppies younger than six months old are permitted in the park.
No children under age eight shall be allowed inside the fence; all children between the ages of eight and 18 are permitted inside the fenced area only if accompanied by an adult.
Owners are required to clean up after their dog.
The owner must remove a dog from the park at the first sign of aggression. Continued display of aggression by any dog may result in loss of membership.
Female dogs must be spayed and male dogs neutered.
All dog bites shall be immediately reported to the Pequannock Township Health Department.
No food shall be allowed within the park (except water in plastic bottles). Play items must be removed when leaving.
The park may be closed for maintenance without prior notice.
No smoking allowed.
Hours: open during daylight hours only.
Dog owners who fail to comply with the above rules and regulations shall be deemed in violation of this section and subject to the penalties provided for in § 237-31.
Dog Park passes are not transferable.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof before the Municipal Judge or other authorized judicial officer, be subject to a fine not exceeding $1,000 or imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding 90 days, or both, or by a period of community service not exceeding 90 days, in the discretion of the Judge. In default of the payment of any fine imposed hereunder, any person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this article may, in the discretion of the Judge, be imprisoned in the county jail for a period not exceeding 90 days.