Permits for the use of the streets, alleys, sidewalks or other
public ways or places of the Village may be granted to applicants
by the Village Administrator or for the purpose of moving any building
or structure or of encumbering the street, alley, sidewalk or way
with materials necessary in and about the construction or demolition
of any building or structure, provided such applicant has complied
with the other requirements of this section and has obtained a building
permit if required by this Code of Ordinances. The Village Administrator
shall request advisory recommendations from the Director of Public
Works, law enforcement and/or the Building Inspector prior to issuance
of the permit. Village officials may attach conditions to the permit,
including proof of liability insurance.
No street privilege permit shall be issued until the applicant
shall execute and file with the Village Administrator a bond in an
amount determined by the Director of Public Works not exceeding $10,000,
conditioned that the applicant will indemnify and save harmless the
Village from all liability for accidents or damage caused by reason
of operations under said permit and will remove such encumbrance upon
termination of the operations and will leave the vacated premises
in a clean and sanitary condition and repair any and all damage to
the streets, alleys, sidewalks or public property of the Village resulting
from such building or moving operations. Upon request, the Village
Board may waive this requirement.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General
Provisions, Art. II)]
The fee for a street privilege permit shall be in an amount
as set from time to time by the Village Board, plus any actual Village
The permission to occupy or obstruct the streets, alleys, sidewalks
or public grounds is intended only for use in connection with the
actual erection, alteration, repair, removal or moving of buildings
or structures and shall be given upon the following terms and conditions
and subject to revocation without notice by the Village Board, the
Director of Public Works, law enforcement, or the Building Inspector
for violation thereof:
A. Such temporary obstruction shall cover not more than 1/3 of any street
or alley.
B. Obstructions shall be sufficiently lighted at night so as to be in
full view of the public from all directions.
C. Sidewalk traffic shall not be interrupted, but temporary sidewalks
of not less than four feet in width guarded by a closed fence at least
four feet high on both sides may be maintained during the period of
D. The process of moving any building or structure shall be as continuous
as practicable until completed and, if ordered by the Village Board,
shall continue during all hours of the day and night.
E. No building or structure shall be allowed to remain overnight on
any street crossing or intersection or so near thereto as to prevent
easy access to any fire hydrant.
F. Buildings shall be moved only in accordance with the route prescribed
by law enforcement.
G. Upon termination of the work necessitating such obstruction, all
parts of the streets, alleys, sidewalks or public grounds occupied
under the permit shall be vacated, cleaned of all rubbish and obstructions
and placed in a safe condition for public travel at the expense of
the permittee.
All street privilege permits shall automatically terminate at
the end of three months from the date of issuance unless an earlier
termination date is specified thereon at the discretion of the Village
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General
Provisions, Art. II)]
In addition to any other penalty imposed, if the owner or occupant
of the premises adjoining any lawfully obstructed sidewalk shall fail
or neglect to remove such obstruction within 24 hours after such notice
from the Village Board to do so, it shall be the duty of the Village
Board to remove such obstruction and make return of the costs and
expenses thereof to the Village Administrator who shall enter such
cost on the next annual tax roll as a special charge against the property
abutting such obstructed sidewalk, and such sum shall be levied and
collected as other special taxes against real estate.