[Adopted as § 6 of the prior compilation]
It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Works or his designee to keep strict supervision over all sidewalks and crosswalks of whatever material the same may be composed, which have been laid out or may hereafter be laid out in the Town, and see that said sidewalks and crosswalks are always kept in good repair, clean and free from dirt, snow, ice, rubbish or other material and obstructions; and it shall also be the duty of said Director to execute all orders of the Board of Selectmen in reference to the building, maintaining and repairing of sidewalks and crosswalks and railings, and to see that all ordinances of the Board of Selectmen in reference to the removal of dirt, snow, ice, rubbish or other material or obstructions from the sidewalks and crosswalks in the Town are complied with, and the due observance of all bylaws relating to sidewalks and crosswalks in the Town are complied with and the enforcement thereof.