[Adopted effective 1-15-1983 (§ 130 of the prior compilation)]
The regulation of the use of rubbish dumpsters is hereby declared necessary for the protection of the health, property, safety and welfare of the public.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any receptacle used for the storage of trash, rubbish and garbage, which receptacle is placed out of doors and which is emptied by means of a garbage truck picking it up and dumping same.
Any person or establishment owning or maintaining a dumpster on his or its premises shall locate said dumpster a minimum of 15 feet from any building, overhang or structure. All dumpsters shall be kept covered at all times, except when being filled or emptied.
The Fire Marshal shall have the power to vary the terms of this article by written permit when, due to circumstances peculiar to an individual situation, a strict application of the provisions herein would cause undue hardship and where the public safety and welfare are properly protected.
Any person, corporation, partnership or association violating any of the provisions of this article shall be fined not more than $100 for each offense. Each day on which any provision of this article is violated shall constitute a separate offense.