[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020[1]]
This Part shall be cited to as the "Red Hill Borough Street Opening and Excavation Ordinance."
Editor's Note: This ordinance repealed former Part 4, Street Opening Regulations, adopted by Ord. 448, 4/12/2006, as amended.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
As used in this Part, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any activity within the Borough right-of-way of any street which involves cutting, breaking or disturbance of the surface thereof or any and all facilities and/or appurtenances located within the street (by way of example only: curbing, sidewalk, storm sewers, utilities and traffic control devices).
Any cutting or excavating of the surface or soil of any street, sidewalk area or public Borough property.
For purposes of this Part, activity which revises or changes in any way an ingress or egress point to any existing dedicated Borough street or other right-of-way owned by or under the control of the Borough. By way of example only, revised or changed ingress or egress shall include construction of a new access point, physically revising an existing access point and changing the use of an existing access point.
Any right-of-way which serves to access and provide for transportation between multiple properties, whether under public or private ownership, and used or intended to be used by vehicular traffic and pedestrians, and which may also be used to provide space for sewer, other utilities and sidewalks, including street, avenue, boulevard, road, highway, freeway, parkway, lane, alley, viaduct, or other similar facilities.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
No opening, cutting, excavating, boring or disturbance of any kind upon, in, or under any portion of a road or any road right-of-way; no gas pipe, water pipe, sanitary sewer pipe, electric conduits, cable conduits or other piping, shall be laid upon or in; nor shall any drain, culvert, footpath, drive or driveway or other means of ingress or egress be graded, constructed, installed or erected onto or in; nor shall any telephone, telegraph or electric light or power poles or any other obstruction, including, but not limited to, driveways and/or newly constructed roads, be erected upon or in, any portion of a road or within any road right-of-way located in the Borough; except under such conditions, restrictions and regulations relating to the installation and maintenance thereof, as may be prescribed in the ordinances, rules and regulations of the Borough and permits granted by the Borough for such purposes.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
The application for a permit shall be on a form prescribed by the Borough and submitted to the Borough in triplicate. The written application shall state the name, address and principal place of business of the applicant, set forth the purpose for which the street is to be excavated, the location and dimensions of said excavation and the purpose of the proposed facility.
The Borough shall not approve the locating of any water, sewer, steam or gas main or electric, telephone or other utility main or line at a depth of less than 30 inches from the surface of the street unless Borough Council determines that locating the same at a depth of more than 30 inches from the surface is impossible or impractical.
The application shall be accompanied by an application fee in accordance with the Schedule of Fees for street opening permits established from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council or, if applicable, the schedule of fees set forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for highway occupancy permits and restoration charges then in effect, as amended from time to time.
The applicant shall submit three copies of a sketch plan showing the following:
Address of the property;
Location and dimensions of the intended facility;
Width of the traveled roadway;
Right-of-way lines;
Width, depth and length of the proposed opening;
The PA One-Call serial number; and
Distance and/or dimension to the nearest intersecting road or other nearby landmark, so as to be able to easily ascertain the location and scope of the work.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
As part of the permit application, the applicant shall provide the Borough with an insurance certificate evidencing comprehensive general liability insurance coverage for bodily injury and property damage in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate. The certificate of insurance shall include the following provision or comparable provision: "Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, notice shall be delivered in accordance with the policy provisions."
[Amended by Ord. No. 2021-576, 10/13/2021; and by Ord. No. 2022-581, 5/11/2022]
If the applicant is a utility company or utility provider performing work within the public right-of-way and is self-insured, the applicant shall provide a certificate in form and substance satisfactory to the Borough Solicitor, which evidences that the applicant has in effect self-insurance for comprehensive general public liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate and names Red Hill Borough, its elected and appointed officials, agents, successors and assigns as additional insured.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2021-576, 10/13/2021]
The filing of an application and the issuance of a permit shall constitute the agreement of the applicant to assume all liability for any or all damage to person or property which may result from the opening or excavation work and/or occupancy of the street, and the applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the Borough against all claims, demands and actions for damages either to person or property that may be sustained by any person by reason of or arising out of any work done or action taken under the application and permit and shall assume the defense and all costs of lawsuits and awards.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
The permit application shall be approved or denied within 10 calendar days of submission of the application to the Borough. If the application and required documents do not conform to the requirements of this Part and other applicable ordinances, rules, and regulations, the Borough shall deny the application in writing, stating the reasons therefor. If the Borough is satisfied that the proposed work conforms to the aforesaid requirements, the Borough shall issue a permit.
The permit shall specify the exact location where the opening or excavation is to be made, the approximate permitted size or depth thereof and the time within which the work for which the permit is granted is to be completed. The applicant shall keep the sketch plan and the permit on the job site once the permit is issued.
The permit shall not be operative for more than 60 days from the date of issue but may be renewed for a like period upon the payment of an extension of time fee.
No permit issued by the Borough pursuant to this Part shall be assigned or transferred without the prior written consent of the Borough.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
Where the work relates to the installation of utilities, commercial openings or, at the discretion of Borough staff, residential openings greater than 100 square feet, the requirements of this section shall apply.
As a condition of issuance of the permit, and prior to the commencement of the work, the applicant shall provide the Borough with financial security to ensure completion of the proposed work described in the permit. The financial security shall be in the form of a cash escrow, irrevocable letter of credit issued by a bank maintaining an office in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or a surety bond issued by a reputable insurance company licensed to do business in the commonwealth and in good standing with the Pennsylvania Insurance Department. If a cash escrow is provided, it shall be held by the Borough in a non-interest-bearing escrow account.
The amount of financial security to be posted with the Borough for the completion of the work shall be equal to 110% of the costs of completion of the proposed work or such other amount as may be determined by the Borough Engineer. Determination of the cost of the completion of improvements used for setting the amount of financial security required shall be based upon an estimate of the cost of completion submitted by the applicant and prepared by a professional engineer licensed as such in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and certified by such engineer to be a fair and reasonable estimate of such cost.
A public utility company desiring to open or excavate a street shall provide to the Borough a bond of indemnity issued by a reputable surety company licensed to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the minimum amount of $50,000, or such other amount as may be provided from time to time by resolution of Borough Council. A bond of indemnity shall be furnished separately for each calendar year and shall be in effect for 36 months.
The financial security posted with the Borough shall serve as a performance bond and shall be held by the Borough until the end of the one-year guarantee period described in § 21-436 and shall be used by the Borough as liquidated damages in case of default for nonperformance by the permittee.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
As a condition of issuance of the permit, and prior to the commencement of the work, the applicant shall also pay inspection and permit fees to the Borough in the form of a cash escrow deposited with the Borough. The inspection and permit fees shall be in an amount as determined by the Schedule of Fees for street opening inspections established from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council and by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation under 67 Pa. Code Chapters 441 and 459 as determined by the Borough Engineer. Upon issuance of the permit, the cash escrow shall be provided to the Borough upon which the inspection and permit fees shall be drawn.
Any unused inspection and permit fees shall be returned to the applicant after completion of the final inspection.
Any unused financial security shall be returned to the applicant after completion of the one-year guarantee period.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020; as amended by Ord. No. 2024-601, 10/9/2024]
In addition to compliance with all provisions in Chapter 9, Part 2, if the permittee will be required to use any blasting operations in the excavation or construction, then the permittee agrees to make, execute and deliver to the Borough, as a condition of issuance of the permit, a bond in the sum stipulated by the Borough with surety in the form of a surety bond satisfactory to the Borough Solicitor and issued by a surety company duly registered and authorized to do business in Pennsylvania, conditioned that the permittee will save harmless the Borough from any and all damages whatsoever to its subgrade, subbase, modified subbase, drainage facilities, pavement, and any other installations or matters in, under or upon the street or street right-of-way for a period of two years from the date of the completion of the last work covered by the permit issued under this Part. Any blasting must abide by all other state and federal regulations.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
In addition to the requirements of this Part, all work is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations. While the Borough has made every effort to be comprehensive with the requirements of this Part, those areas not covered in this Part, but outlined in 67 Pa. Code Chapter 459, Occupancy of Highways by Utilities, most recently revised, are required with the issuance of a street opening permit.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
The permission herein granted does not relieve the permittee and/or its contractor from obtaining any consent otherwise required from the owner or owners of the abutting property and does not confer upon the permittee and/or its contractor the right to cut, remove or destroy trees or shrubbery within the legal limits of the street right-of-way, except under such conditions, restrictions and regulations as the Borough may prescribe.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
At least three business days prior to the proposed start of work, the applicant or his representative shall contact the PA One-Call system at 1-800-242-1776, report the proposed work, obtain a serial number, and provide such serial number to the Borough. No work shall begin until such date and time as authorized by PA One-Call.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
The applicant shall notify the Borough at least 24 hours in advance of starting work and upon completion of temporary restoration and permanent restoration.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
In the case of emergencies threatening property or lives, the applicant may proceed with the work after notifying the Borough, police, fire company and 911. The applicant shall still be responsible for applying for and obtaining a permit and for satisfying all requirements outlined in this Part. The application shall be made within five days of the applicant's verbal or written emergency notice to the Borough, police, fire company and 911. If the emergency occurs over a holiday, a weekend, or at night, the application shall be filed the morning of the next working day. The date of the permit shall be retroactive to the date when the work began.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
All work authorized by the permit issued under this Part shall be done at such a time and in such a manner as shall be consistent with the safety of the public as determined by the Borough and shall otherwise conform to all requirements and standards of the Borough. If at any time the Borough shall determine that the work is not being done or has not been properly performed, the permittee and/or its contractor, upon being notified in writing by the Borough, shall immediately take the necessary steps, at its own expense, toward placing the work in a condition to conform to said requirements or standards.
All excavation work shall be done in such a manner so as not to interfere with access to fire hydrants, manholes, valves, the firehouse and other similar vital properties, and no materials shall be allowed to obstruct the flow of water in any gutter at any time.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
At least one lane of traffic shall be maintained at all times. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of PennDOT Publication 203, "Work Zone Traffic Control."
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
Under extremely unusual circumstances, the Borough may allow a road to be closed and traffic to be detoured. No road shall be closed without giving the Borough at least 72 hours' prior notice to allow time to notify 911, police, fire departments, emergency services and school districts. No road shall be closed without the applicant submitting a detour plan to the Borough for its approval upon recommendation of the Borough Engineer. No road shall be closed without proper detour signs having been installed by the applicant as approved by the Borough. All detour signs shall be maintained for the entire work period.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
All proper erosion control measures shall be taken to ensure compliance with applicable laws. If necessary, the applicant shall obtain erosion and sedimentation control plan approval from the Montgomery County Conservation District prior to starting work.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
The applicant shall comply with all OSHA safety requirements and procedures, including, without limitation, all enclosed space requirements. All trenches over five feet in depth shall be shored or protected with a trench box.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
No utilities, except for transverse laterals, shall be placed in the planting area between the face of curb and the sidewalk, or within five feet of the edge of cartway or paved shoulder. This area is reserved for Borough use for storm sewers, traffic signs, streetlights and similar public improvements.
Conduits and pipes shall be installed with a minimum of 18 inches of cover. In no case shall conduits or pipes be allowed to be placed in or be permitted to bond to asphalt pavement.
Potentially hazardous combinations of utilities, such as water/sewer and gas/electric, shall be separated by a horizontal distance of not less than 10 feet.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
All backfill within the Borough right-of-way shall be 2A crushed stone of optimum moisture content. There shall be a minimum six inches of bedding under the pipe or utility line. Crushed stone backfill shall be mechanically compacted in maximum six-inch lifts. Where work is done outside the paved cartway or shoulder, the last six inches of backfill shall be topsoil.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
If the work cannot be completed in one workday, proper barricades, flashing lights, steel plates or other methods shall be used to secure the site and ensure the safety of travelers on the roads in the Borough until the next workday.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
The work area shall be swept clean, cleaned of debris and otherwise policed at the end of each workday and at the end of the project. Mud shall not be tracked onto the streets at any time. All mud shall be cleaned up within one hour of verbal or written notice from the Borough or its agents. All loads shall be tarped.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
In the case of longitudinal openings, excavation will not be permitted in streets unless the applicant agrees to overlay the full width of the side of the street being excavated with 1 1/2 inches of wearing course. The overlay shall extend 25 feet past each end of the proposed work and from the curb or edge of pavement to the roadway center line. The existing paving along the proposed edge of overlay shall be milled. Overlays shall be placed within one week of permanent restoration of the excavation. The applicant shall contact the Borough Engineer for complete requirements and associated construction details.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
Trenches for conduits, water, steam, oil, gas pipes, sewers, and other obstructions placed parallel with the road shall be dug so that the near edge of the trench is at least three feet outside of the edge of the pavement, or 15 feet from the center line for unpaved roadways, with a minimum depth of three feet below the surface of the road, unless the Borough Engineer shall authorize a lesser clearance in writing. A greater distance shall be used whenever practicable. The trench for such construction shall not be opened for a distance greater than 500 feet at any one time, unless specifically authorized by the Borough Engineer in writing. At no time will the permittee be permitted to leave a trench open at the end of a workday.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
If it is necessary to cross under any improved road, the opening for a pipeline or conduit shall be drilled, bored or driven on a horizontal plane at a minimum depth of three feet below the surface of the road, or the structure may be placed otherwise by tunneling, when approved by the Borough Engineer. Trenching will be authorized by the Borough Engineer, in writing, where tunneling would not be attended with danger to life or safety. Where necessary to cross the improved road by tunneling, the crossing shall be made, except in solid rock formation, under 1/2 of the improved road width and the pipe or structure placed and the hole carefully backfilled with 1:3:6 concrete of a dry consistency and thoroughly tamped with an approved mechanical tamper, and allowed to stand 24 hours before traffic is permitted to use that half of the road. The second half of the tunneling is to be completed in the same manner, so at least one-way traffic will be maintained over 1/2 of the improved road while the second half is being tunneled. In solid rock formation, the crossing may be made by trenching when approved by the Borough Engineer, but not more than 1/2 of the width of the pavement shall be opened, the structure placed, the trench backfilled and tamped with an approved mechanical tamper, unless other methods are approved, before disturbing the remaining 1/2 of the road.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
To protect the road surface or pavement and shoulders, all equipment used by the permittee and/or its contractor shall have rubber runners or wheels and shall have rubber, wood or similar protective pads between the outriggers and the surface unless otherwise authorized by the permit. If rubber-equipped machinery cannot be used, the road surface or pavement and shoulders shall be protected by the use of heavy rubber or similar matting, wood or other suitable protective materials having a minimum thickness of four inches and being a minimum of 12 inches wider on each side than the tracks or wheels of the equipment used.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
No openings for the purpose of placing pipelines or other structures under the improved surface of the road by drilling, boring, driving, or tunneling shall be made closer than three feet from the edge of the pavement.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
If at any time the structure or facility installed, constructed or erected in accordance with a permit issued under this Part shall become a hazard from any cause whatsoever, the permittee and/or its contractor shall have such hazard removed or repaired within 48 hours after receipt of written notification of such hazard from the Borough, unless such time limit is extended by the Borough in writing.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
If work is stopped on a project for any reason, and any ditch or trench remains open for more than five business days, the permittee and/or its contractor, if so directed, shall refill the ditch or trench and work shall not be resumed thereon until the permittee and/or its contractor is prepared to diligently proceed with the work to completion. In the event that the permittee and/or its contractor shall fail to refill the ditch or trench or to diligently proceed until completion of the work within 60 days of receiving notice from the Borough to do so, the Borough may perform the work and obtain reimbursement from the permittee and/or its contractor for all costs and expenses incurred by the Borough (including attorneys' fees), plus an additional 20% as an administrative fee.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
In the event of willful failure or neglect by said permittee and/or its contractor or its or their employees to comply with the conditions, restrictions, and provisions of the permit issued under this Part, the Borough may revoke and annul such permit and may order and direct said permittee and/or its contractor to remove any or all structures or property belonging to said permittee and/or its contractor from the legal limits of the street right-of-way and to restore the street right-of-way to its former condition, all at the permittee's sole cost and expense.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
The last two inches of the excavation shall be backfilled with compacted "cold patch" or similar permeable asphalt material to allow percolation of water into the excavation while preventing dust and stone chip nuisances. All excavations shall be temporarily restored prior to allowing traffic on them. All settlement shall be brought back to grade within four hours of verbal or written notice from the Borough or its agents. The temporary restoration shall remain in place for a minimum of two months to allow for final settlement to occur through the actions of rain and traffic, but in no case shall it remain in place more than four months. The permittee shall promptly notify the Borough in writing of the date of completion of the temporary restoration.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
All excavations shall be marked promptly after temporary restoration. The following information shall be spray-painted in six-inch letters on the existing road surface (not on the patch where it will quickly soak in) in the direction of travel: name of applicant, date temporary restoration performed, and emergency telephone number to be called in case of problems. This information shall be spray-painted in the proper APWA color (yellow for gas, green for sanitary sewers). If the markings become worn prior to the end of the two- to four-month period, they shall be repainted by the applicant.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
All ragged or broken edges and undermined areas shall be saw-cut straight; the minimum cutback shall be one foot and the minimum depth shall be 8 1/2 inches. Permanent restoration shall match existing thicknesses and materials, except in the case of asphalt paving, where the minimum requirements shall be five inches of asphalt base course, two inches of asphalt binder course and 1 1/2 inches of asphalt wearing course. All edges shall be sealed a minimum of 12 inches wide with PG64S-22 liquid asphalt. All nonpaved areas shall be restored with six inches of topsoil, seeded and strawed. The permittee shall promptly notify the Borough in writing of the date of completion of the permanent restoration.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
Upon completion of the work authorized by the permit, the permittee shall give written notice thereof to the Borough.
Where the work relates to the installation of utilities, commercial openings or, at the discretion of Borough staff, residential openings greater than 100 square feet, the Borough Engineer shall inspect the work. Where the work relates to residential openings of 100 square feet or less, the Borough roadmaster shall inspect the work. The Borough employee inspecting the work shall enforce compliance with all requirements, conditions and regulations prescribed by the permit.
Where any settlement or defect in the work occurs, if the permittee shall fail to rectify any such settlement or defect within 60 days after written notice from the Borough to do so, the Borough may perform the work (by either using its own employees or hiring one or more contractors) and obtain reimbursement from the permittee for all costs and expenses incurred by the Borough (including attorneys' fees), plus an additional 20% as an administrative fee.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
All work shall be guaranteed for a period of one year from the date of final inspection and certification by the Borough or its agents that the work has been completed in accordance with the permit. All defects shall be corrected by the permittee within 30 days of verbal or written notice from the Borough or its agents.
[Ord. No. 2020-564, 5/13/2020]
Any person, utility or other public or private business entity which shall violate or permit the violation of any of the provisions of this Part shall, upon conviction in a summary proceeding brought before a Magisterial District Judge under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, be guilty of a summary offense and shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000, plus court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the Borough. Such fines, costs and attorney fees, after being reduced to a final, unappealable judgment, shall be enforced by the Borough pursuant to the applicable rules of criminal procedure. Each day a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation.