[Amended 8-11-2021 by Ord. No. 15-2021]
The Employer is committed to providing a work environment that is free of discrimination. The Employer will not tolerate harassment of or by employees towards anyone, including any supervisor, co-worker, or non-employee, including vendors and citizens.
Applicability. This policy applies to all people employed by the Employer, as well as volunteers working on behalf of the Employer, and prohibits such conduct by or towards all such employees/volunteers. Independent contractors, vendors and all other parties, engaged in a professional business relationship with the Employer are also expected to abide by the policy. In addition, no employee shall be required to withstand behavior from the public which violates this policy.
Purpose. This policy is designed to ensure all employees a work environment free of any type of discrimination based upon a protected status, including freedom from sexual harassment. The purpose of this policy is to inform employees that harassment based upon a protected status is prohibited, to educate employees about harassment based upon a protected status and to provide employees with a procedure to bring complaints to management's attention.
Provisions. All employees are expected to avoid any behavior or conduct of a harassing or discriminatory nature. The Employer prohibits any form of harassment or discrimination related to an employee's protected group status, including race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, age, marital status, civil union status, domestic partnership status, affectional or sexual orientation, familial status, genetic information, sex, gender identity or expression, disability (including perceived disability, physical, mental, and/or intellectual disabilities), atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, or because of the liability for service in the Armed Forces of the United States, veteran status, citizenship status, or any other group status protected by law. Harassment includes, but is not limited to:
Treating an individual less favorably based on a person's protected group status;
Using derogatory or demeaning slurs to refer to a person's protected group status;
Calling another by an unwanted nickname which refers to one or more protected group statuses, or telling ethnic jokes that harass an employee or create a hostile work environment;
Using derogatory references regarding a protected group status in any job-related communication;
Engaging in threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts, in the workplace, based on a protected group status; or
Displaying or distributing material in the workplace that contains language or derogatory or demeaning images, based on any protected group status.
Any form of harassment or discrimination related to an employee's protected group status violates this policy.
This policy applies to all employment practices such as recruitment, selection, hiring, training, promotion, transfer, assignment, layoff, return from layoff, termination, compensation, fringe benefits, working conditions and career development.
Violations of this policy will result in appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
Sexual Harassment. The Employer prohibits sexual harassment of its employees in any form. Such conduct shall result in appropriate disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from employment.
Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical conduct or other verbal or physical conduct, gestures or communications, expressed or implied, of a sexual nature when:
Submission to that conduct or communication is made a term or condition, either explicitly or implicitly, of obtaining or retaining employment; or
Submission to or rejection of that conduct or communication by an individual is used as a factor in decisions affecting that individual's employment; or
That conduct or communication has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with an individual's employment, or creating an intimidating hostile or offensive employment environment.
Prohibited Conduct: No supervisory employee shall threaten or insinuate either directly or indirectly, that an employee's refusal to submit to sexual advances will adversely affect the employee's continued employment, evaluation, compensation, assignment, advancement, or any other condition of employment. Similarly, no supervisory employee shall promise or suggest either directly or indirectly, that an employee's submission to sexual advances will result in any improvement in any term or condition of employment for the employee.
Other sexually harassing conduct in the workplace, whether committed by supervisory or non-supervisory personnel is also prohibited. This includes, but shall not be limited to:
Sexual flirtations, advances, propositions, subtle pressure for sexual activity, flirtatious whistling, discussing sexual activities;
Verbal abuse of a sexual nature including sexually oriented "kidding" or "teasing," "practical jokes," jokes about gender-specific traits, and foul or obscene language or gestures;
The display of sexually graphic pictures or pictures of an offensive nature, or objects in the workplace, including sexually suggestive written material such as letters, notes, facsimiles, text messages and e-mails;
Any unwelcome sexually motivated touching, including, for example, patting, pinching, hugging, cornering, blocking or impeding movement and repeated brushing against another employee's body.
Sexual harassment also occurs when one person harasses another solely because of the victim's gender. This type of sexual harassment may involve unwelcome sexual demands or overtures, but it may also take the form of other harassing conduct not necessarily sexual in nature. For example, this would include gender stereotyping such as comments about the lesser abilities, capacities, or the "proper role" of females. It also includes subjecting a woman or a man to non-sexual harassment solely because of her or his gender. Sexual harassment is prohibited whether the harasser is male or female, and whether the harassment is opposite sex or same-sex harassment.
Complaint Procedure. Any employee who feels he or she has been subject to harassment should report the incident directly to the designated Affirmative Action Officer. The designated Affirmative Action Officer will ask the employee to complete a Harassment Complaint Form. Employees, however, are not required to complete the complaint form to initiate a harassment complaint under this policy.
Alternatively, any employee who feels he or she has been subject to harassment should report the incident directly to the Chief Administrative Officer. The Chief Administrative Officer will ask the employee to complete a Harassment Complaint Form. Employees, however, are not required to complete the complaint form to initiate a harassment complaint under this policy. The names and telephone numbers of the designated Affirmative Action Officer and Chief Administrative Officer are contained in the Contact Information attached to this policy.
Any individual uncomfortable reporting an incident to the designated Affirmative Action Officer and/or Chief Administrative Officer should feel free to go to any management representative with whom he or she feels most comfortable to relay the problem. When any management representative learns of a violation of this policy, the management representative shall assist the victim in reporting the alleged incident(s) of harassment.
All Employer employees should notify the alleged harasser that the behavior in question is thought to be offensive and unwelcome. However, failure to inform the alleged harasser that the behavior is unwelcome does not prevent the victim from filing a complaint pursuant to this policy. The harassment or discrimination does not have to occur on the Employer's property during regular work hours for an employee to file a complaint under this policy.
The Employer strongly encourages employees who witness conduct which they believe violates the Employer's Policy Against Harassment to report the violation pursuant to this complaint procedure. The Employer encourages the prompt reporting of complaints so that rapid response and appropriate action may be taken. Any complaint should be reported within sixty (60) days to be considered current. Nevertheless, due to the sensitive nature of these problems, all complaints will be investigated, regardless of when they are filed.
Investigation Procedure. The Employer shall conduct an investigation into the harassment complaint to determine the merits of the allegations. The designated Affirmative Action Officer and/or Chief Administrative Officer shall designate an objective investigator to determine the validity of any complaint. The objective investigator may include any third party deemed appropriate.
The investigation shall be completed in a reasonable time to resolve the issue and minimize the effects of such investigation on the parties involved. The investigation will, at a minimum, include an interview with the employee bringing the complaint and the accused.
If the Employer determines that the complaint has merit, the accused shall face appropriate disciplinary action based upon the severity of the complaint and any prior history of past charges against the individual. Disciplinary action may include a written warning, suspension, demotion, and/or termination of employment. Any disciplinary action shall be consistent with applicable collective bargaining agreements, regulations and applicable due process safeguards. Upon completion of the investigation, the entire file shall be maintained in a secure location with the Employer.
In the event that the Employer determines the complaint to be intentionally dishonest, appropriate disciplinary action may be taken against the employee who caused the complaint to be filed.
Privacy. To the extent possible, all persons involved in a harassment complaint will be given the utmost protection of privacy. Specifically, the Employer will strive, both during and after the investigation, to maintain confidentiality to the fullest extent possible, including confidentiality of the identities of all persons involved or alleged to be involved in the incident, revealing only those particulars of the matter to the extent necessary for a thorough investigation. Any employee who unnecessarily compromises the confidentiality of an investigation will be subject to appropriate discipline.
Responsibility of Supervisory Personnel. Supervisors are to monitor the work environment to ensure that all subordinates comply with this Policy Against Harassment. When a supervisor learns of a violation of this policy, the supervisor shall assist the victim in reporting the alleged incident(s) of harassment.
Alternatively, the supervisor shall report the matter to the designated Affirmative Action Officer and/or Chief Administrative Officer for resolution.
Retaliation Prohibited. The Employer encourages victims of harassment to bring their complaints to management by ensuring that no reprisals or retaliation will result from the good faith reporting of harassment. The filing of a complaint, in good faith, shall not, under any circumstances provide cause for discipline. Additionally, it is a violation of this policy for any personnel to retaliate against another because he or she filed a complaint or otherwise participated in the complaint procedure.
Any supervisor who receives a harassment complaint from any employee must bring it to the attention of the designated Affirmative Action Officer and/or Chief Administrative Officer for resolution. Supervisors shall closely monitor the work environment for any forms of retaliation once an allegation has been made. This will include but not be limited to verbal remarks, irregular assignments or any other activity that may contribute to a hostile work environment.
Legal Effect. This Policy Against Harassment is to be construed as a unilateral expression of the policy of the Employer concerning harassment in the workplace. It is not intended to create any contractual rights or duties and any such intention or effect is hereby disclaimed. This policy may be amended, supplemented, modified and/or revised at any time. Any employee with questions regarding the Employer's Policy Against Harassment should contact the designated Affirmative Action Officer and/or Chief Administrative Officer.
Training. The Employer recognizes the need to reinforce its policies with effective training. Training is to be provided to all supervisory and non-supervisory employees. Ultimately, the goal of effective training is to build a culture in which all employees feel safe. Training may be conducted in person or through electronic means. To the extent economically and operationally feasible, training should be conducted live whenever possible. Training should empower participants to intervene appropriately when they witness harassment or discrimination. This means not only training participants on the requirements of the policy prohibiting harassment and discrimination, but also training participants on tools for response and lodging complaints. Training should emphasize the negative impact of harassment and discrimination on employees, workplace productivity, workplace culture, and encouraging those employees who either experience harassment/discrimination or witness it to report it.
Monitor for Compliance. The Employer acknowledges the importance of ensuring that employers' policies and procedures are actually working as intended to prevent sexual harassment and other forms of discrimination from occurring in the workplace. It is the expectation of the Employer that all supervisors shall enforce anti-harassment policies and that setting the proper example is part of their job description and part of the evaluation of their job performance. The Employer will engage in proactive efforts to monitor and ensure compliance with its policies within their workplaces.