The storage, sale, possession or serving of any alcoholic beverages, when permitted by the laws of the state, shall be regulated and governed as provided herein.
(Ordinance 2003-04-090, exh. A, sec. 4.1, adopted 5/13/03)
This article shall not apply when the storage or serving of alcoholic beverages is strictly for consumption of the owners or occupants of the premises and their guests at no charge.
(Ordinance 2003-04-090, exh. A, sec. 4.2, adopted 5/13/03)
The storage, possession, sale or serving of alcoholic beverages by anyone for the consumption, either on or off the premises, shall be illegal unless on property zoned specifically for that purpose as a special exception in accordance with the zoning ordinance. For the purpose of this article and the city's zoning ordinance, the phrase "off the premises" shall mean "storing, selling or possessing beer, wine and liquor, as those beverages are described and defined in the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code irrespective as to whether the subject property was zoned for beer only, or beer and wine only."
No person or entity shall engage in the business of storing, selling, possessing or serving any alcoholic beverage in the city unless the place of business of such person is located in the zoning district of the city providing for the storing, selling, possessing or serving of such alcoholic beverages.
(Ordinance 2003-04-090, exh. A, secs. 4.3, 4.4, adopted 5/13/03)
No individual or entity shall sell or serve alcoholic beverages for on-premises or off-premises consumption as holder of a mixed beverage permit separately or holder of a mixed beverage permit and a brew pub permit, except in a restaurant, cafe, cafeteria or eating establishment or on the premises of an individual or entity whose principal business is transporting of the general public and is operating pursuant to a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by a federal or state regulatory body. "Restaurant, cafe, cafeteria or eating establishment" is herein defined as a business whose gross sales from food on an annual basis represent at least sixty percent (60%) of its total sales.
All holders of such permits shall conduct their business in a manner that produces gross revenues on an annual basis from the sale of food in accordance with subsection (a) and state law.
(Ordinance 2003-04-090, exh. A, sec. 4.5, adopted 5/13/03; Ordinance adopting Code)
Any person applying for a permit or license issued by the authority of the Texas Liquor Control Act, or a renewal of such permit or license, or to change the location of the place of business designated in such permit or license, shall deliver to the city secretary for filing, one copy of the appropriate forms prescribed by the state alcoholic beverage commission together with a scale drawing showing the proposed location in relation to streets, property lines, and the nearest churches, public schools or public hospitals. Such party shall also provide his name, current address, and addresses for the previous ten (10) years and a written statement as to the type and character of the proposed business. Said statement shall contain an affidavit that the information is true and correct.
The city secretary shall forward such information and statement to the city official charged with the primary responsibility of enforcing the zoning laws of the city. The zoning official shall determine the use district in which the business is located, the type and character of the proposed business, the distance to the nearest churches, public schools and public hospitals and any deficiencies in the proposed use of the building. The zoning official shall then forward his findings back to the city secretary.
If the applicant meets all the requirements of the zoning ordinance, this article, and all other applicable city ordinances, the city secretary shall certify on the application from the alcoholic beverage commission that the storage, sale, possession or serving of alcoholic beverages is not prohibited at the location of the applicant's place of business.
In addition to the penal sanctions contained in this code, any party or entity that violates any section, subsection or provision of this article shall be subject to having their certificate of occupancy cancelled by the city upon receipt of written notice from the city specifying the violation. The notice requirement from the city shall be satisfied by placing said notice in the United States mail addressed to the last address provided the city by the entity or party that holds a certificate of occupancy. The notice from the city shall state that the certificate of occupancy shall be cancelled unless the party or entity corrects the violation within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice except as hereinafter set out. However, a party or entity that submits an annual report pursuant to section 5.02.004 that does not satisfy the sixty (60) percent requirement relating to food sales shall have the alternative of filing monthly reports for a period of six months. The monthly reports shall contain the same information and be in the same form as the annual reports, except that said monthly reports shall reflect an accumulation of total sales for the preceding twelve (12) month period reflected in the annual report added to the monthly sales. The party or entity submitting the monthly reports shall be deemed to have satisfied the section 5.02.004 requirements if the monthly reports on or before the final sixth (6th) month reports filing show total sales from food to be at least sixty percent (60%) of total sales. Failure to file the monthly reports or failure to satisfy the food sales requirements by the end of the six (6) month period shall result in cancellation of the certificate of occupancy without the necessity of further notice.
(Ordinance 2003-04-090, exh. A, sec. 4.6, adopted 5/13/03)
There are hereby levied, pursuant to V.T.C.A., Alcoholic Beverage Code section 11.38, fees for a license or permit issued for the premises located within the city under the Alcoholic Beverage Code as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
However, in each case, since the city does not have a large professional staff, if the actual costs of providing any such permit shall exceed these estimated amounts, then the applicant or permit holder shall be required to pay such additional costs upon the presentation of an itemized billing from the city.
(Ordinance 2003-04-090, exh. A, sec. 4.7, adopted 5/13/03; Ordinance adopting Code)
The fees required by this article shall be paid in advance for one (1) year.
(Ordinance 2003-04-090, exh. A, sec. 4.8, adopted 5/13/03)
No person or entity shall engage in the business of storing, selling, possession or serving of alcoholic beverages without first having paid to the city the fee or fees [levied] by this article. It shall be the duty of the city attorney to petition the state alcoholic beverage commission to cancel the permit or license of any party or entity who shall engage in such business without first having paid the fees levied by this article.
(Ordinance 2003-04-090, exh. A, sec. 4.9, adopted 5/13/03)
No refund of a fee paid the city under the terms of this article shall be made for any reason except when the permittee or licensee is prevented from continuing in business by reason of the result of a local option election or an amendment of the zoning regulations of the city concerning the property on which the place of business is situated.
(Ordinance 2003-04-090, exh. A, sec. 4.10, adopted 5/13/03)
No individual or entity shall sell alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption as holder of a package store permit, except in an alcohol package store in the city, [and] unless the place of business of such permit holder is located in the use district of the city, as established by zoning regulations of the city, in which an alcoholic package store or the storing, selling, or possessing of such alcoholic beverages is permitted.
(Ordinance 2003-04-090, exh. A, sec. 4.11, adopted 5/13/03)
It shall be unlawful for any person who is engaged in the business of selling alcoholic beverages to sell alcoholic beverages where the place of business of any such person is within three hundred (300) feet of any church, public school, or public hospital.
Measurement of the distance between the place of business where alcoholic beverages are sold and a church or public hospital, public school or any premises where minors are prohibited from entering the premises under the Alcoholic Beverage Code shall be made in accordance with applicable state law.
In conjunction with the zoning ordinance, the city council may allow a special permit to this section if it determines that the enforcement of the regulations in a particular instance is not in the best interests of the public, constitutes waste or inefficient use of the land or other resources, creates an undue hardship on the applicant for a license or permit, does not serve its intended purpose, is not effective or necessary, or for any other reason the city council determines, after consideration of the health, safety and welfare of the public and the equities of the situation, that the special permit is in the best interest of the community. No special permit may be granted hereunder except after a public hearing for which notice has been given to owners of real property within three hundred feet (300') of the location of said business seeking a special permit, to be measured from building to building, such notice to be given not less than (10) days before the date set for hearing, to all such owners who have rendered said property for county taxes as the ownership appears on the last approved Wise County tax roll.
(Ordinance 2003-04-090, exh. A, sec. 4.12, adopted 5/13/03; Ordinance adopting Code)