[Adopted 12-7-2021]
The purpose of this article is to establish the authority of certain land use boards and commissions, pursuant to C.G.S. § 8-1c, to pass through the cost of engaging outside engineering and consulting services in connection with a technically complex application and beyond the expertise of the Town resources.
Upon the filing of an application to Planning and Zoning or Wetlands Commission, the Director of Community Development, or his/her designee, shall make a determination whether one or more outside consultant(s) are needed to analyze, review and report on areas requiring technical review in order to assist the Commission. Such consultant(s) may include, but shall not be limited to, engineers, surveyors, soil scientists, traffic consultants and information technologists. If such determination is made, the Director shall assess the reasonable costs for such consultant(s) to the applicant based upon a preliminary estimate from the consultant(s). The Director shall collect 150% of the estimate from the applicant, which amount shall be held in escrow until the technical review(s) are completed. Any excess amount collected over the actual cost(s) shall be refunded to the applicant. This payment shall be considered as an integral component of the application. The failure by the applicant to make this payment shall render the application incomplete
Any fees or charges imposed pursuant to this article will be in addition to any other application fee imposed under any other ordinance or local regulation.
This ordinance shall take effect 15 days after publication of a summary of its provisions pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes § 7-157(b).