For brevity and ease of communication, this chapter may be cited as the "Hamlet of Shandaken Sewer Use Law."
The general purpose of this chapter is the following: to provide for an efficient, economic, environmentally safe on-site sewer maintenance program to protect surface water and groundwater supplies from pollution, to maintain a high quality physical environment and to eliminate malfunctioning septic systems that could impact nearby water bodies while minimizing the costs to the property owners within the Shandaken Septic Maintenance District.
The specific purposes of this chapter are the following:
To prevent the introduction of substances into the surface water and groundwater supplies of the Town of Shandaken that will:
Pass into the state's waters and cause contravention of standards for those waters; or
Hamper the disposal of septic system sludge and/or other residuals; or
Endanger employees responsible for the operation, maintenance, and repair of the septic systems; or
Cause air pollution, or groundwater pollution, directly or indirectly; or
Cause, directly or indirectly, any public nuisance condition.
To ensure that the costs of operating and maintaining the district are minimized and such costs are properly and equally distributed to property owners within the district.
If there is an existing local sewer use law or ordinance applicable to septic systems within the Shandaken Septic Maintenance District, then the provisions of the existing law or ordinance are hereby repealed and said provisions are replaced by the herein set forth Articles I through XI.