[Adopted by the Board of Selectmen effective 7-11-1938; amended 10-24-1983; 10-28-1987; 9-24-1993; 9-6-1994 (§ 12b of the prior compilation)]
It shall be unlawful for any person over 16 years of age to solicit orders of purchase for future delivery of any goods, wares or merchandise, including magazines and other printed matter, from door to door, or on any street or highway within, or by telephone from and within the Town, without first obtaining from the Chief of Police a solicitor's license to do so.
It shall be unlawful to engage in the business of soliciting orders of purchase for future delivery between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
The occupant or occupants of each residence in the Town may determine whether solicitors shall or shall not be invited to their respective residences.
Form of notice.
Notice of an occupant's giving invitation to solicitors, or refusal to give such invitation, to any residence, shall be given by notice posted at the main entry door to the premises in the following manner:
"No Solicitors Invited, Winchester Code, Ch. 288, Art. II, § 288-11"
The letters shall be easily visible to anyone seeking entry to the residence. Posting of this card shall constitute sufficient notice to any solicitor, hawker, peddler or canvasser of the determination by the occupant of the residence of the information contained on it.
Each solicitor shall have the duty, upon going onto any premises in the Town on which a residence is located, to examine and look for the notice provided herein, if any is posted, and to be governed by the statements contained on the notice. If the notice states "No Solicitors Invited," then any solicitor, whether licensed or exempt from licensing, shall immediately and peacefully depart from the premises.
Any solicitor, whether invited or not, who has gained entrance to any residence shall immediately and peacefully depart from the premises when requested to do so by an occupant therein.
It shall be unlawful and shall constitute a nuisance for any person to go upon any premises and ring a doorbell upon or near any door or create any sound in any other manner calculated to attract the attention of an occupant within a residence, for the purpose of gaining an audience with that occupant and engaging in soliciting, hawking, peddling or canvassing, in defiance of the notice exhibited at the residence entry in accordance with this article.
For the purpose of this section, the term "solicitor" shall include hawkers, peddlers, vendors, canvassers, and solicitors and any sign so posted shall be notice to all such persons.
Any person who shall engage in soliciting orders without being duly licensed as herein provided and any person who shall violate any other provision of this article shall be fined $200 and the Chief of Police shall revoke the license of any person convicted of violation of any of the provisions of this article; and each sale made in violation of the provisions and regulations herein contained shall constitute a separate offense.