[Adopted 12-20-1988 (Ord. No. 10-041)]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Refers to the person proposing a new street or work on an existing street.
The Select Board for the Town of Thompson, Connecticut, or its authorized representative.
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Thompson, Connecticut.
An access onto or an egress from a street.
Includes corporations, partnerships, firms, associations, or any other entity.
The standards and specifications set forth in the Public Improvement Specifications prepared by the Northeastern Connecticut Council of Governments.
Any Town-owned way constructed for and dedicated to movement of vehicles and pedestrians. The word shall not include private driveways and rights-of-way.
The Town of Thompson, Connecticut.
It is the declared purpose of this article to regulate road work on existing and proposed streets to assure safety and structural adequacy.
Application shall be made to the Board on a form provided by the Board. A plan and fee, see Ordinance Schedule of Fees and Fines,[1] shall accompany the application. The Board may require additional information from the applicant or changes in the plan.
Editor's Note: The Schedule of Fees and Fines is included as an attachment to Ch. 33, Enforcement, Fees and Penalties.
The Board will categorize the proposed work and take the appropriate action.
New street. Shall be referred to the Commission for conformance with the Town's Subdivision Regulations requirements for new streets.
Upgrade existing street. Shall be referred to the Commission for conformance with the Town's Subdivision Regulations requirements for upgrading existing streets.
Minor road work. Projects of up to 200 linear feet will be evaluated by the Board. The Board may refer the application to the Commission or decide upon the application alone.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
Road work. Projects of more than 200 linear feet shall be referred to the Commission for review and comments. The Board will decide upon the application after receipt of the Commission's comments.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
Construction permits will be issued by the Board only after approval of the application, proof of liability insurance, posting of a cash security, and an inspection fee. The proof of liability insurance and the cash security must be of a type and in a form approved by the Town Counsel.
The amount of the cash security shall be equal to the value of the proposed work.
The inspection fee will be based upon the Town cost of inspection services. No work will start until the issuance of the construction permit. The construction permit shall be valid one year from date of issue for work in existing streets and five years for new streets and upgrading existing streets.
Inspections by the Board shall be scheduled two full working days in advance of starting work activities. The Board will determine which work activities will need inspection before issuance of a construction permit. A final inspection and acceptance of completed work by the Board is required before the Board will return the cash security.
After approval of the application for a new road by the Board and Commission, the proposed road may be presented to a Town Meeting for acceptance into the Town Road System, subject to final completion of all work and acceptance by the Board. Final acceptance of all roads by the Board shall be recorded in the minute book of the Town Clerk as proof of acceptance.
Applications referred to the Commission shall conform to the requirements of the Town's Subdivision Regulations, the Road Standards, and this article.
Applications not referred to the Commission shall conform to the requirements of the Road Standards and this article.
Safety precautions shall be the responsibility of the applicant. Warning signs, flagmen, warning lights, barricades, braces, covers, and other appropriate measures shall be taken by the applicant during any road work.
Pavement cuts and trenches shall have square-cut edges. Only suitable material, approved by the Board, will be used for backfill material. The backfill shall be compacted in six-inch layers up to 18 inches below the top of the finished surface. A compacted twelve-inch layer of gravel subbase shall be placed on the fill. A compacted four-inch processed gravel base shall be placed on the subbase. A three-inch-thick compacted bituminous concrete layer shall be placed on the base. Layer materials shall conform to the standards of Connecticut Department of Transportation, Form 813. Pavement patches shall smoothly blend with the existing pavement.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
Any person violating any provision of this article shall be fined for each such offense as provided in the Schedule of Fees and Fines. Each day of any such violation shall constitute a separate offense and be subjected to separate punishment.