An economic development commission is hereby created in order to accomplish the following purposes:
To assist the city council to enhance economic development within the city.
To direct and oversee the Bee Cave Pioneer Festival.
Any other tasks that are directed by the city council in regard to economic development.
(2002 Code, sec. 9.901)
All members shall be appointed on an annual basis at a city council regular meeting. The commission shall be comprised of three members: one (1) chairperson, one (1) co-chairperson, one (1) member from the city council, and a nonvoting member to be the city clerk or city manager.
The economic development commission is hereby charged with the duties of directing and overseeing the Bee Cave Pioneer Festival; [and shall] adopt an operating budget, which will require city council approval. Furthermore, the commission shall be responsible to collect all revenue, write checks for expenditures, deposit all revenues received and collect all accounting necessary for the monthly city council accountant's report.
(2002 Code, sec. 9.902)
The economic development commission is hereby directed to hold no less than one meeting a month, or as necessary to fulfill the requirements associated with the Bee Cave Pioneer Festival, and to issue a report to the city council in their monthly city council meetings.
(2002 Code, sec. 9.903)