Rental rates.
Group Type
Community room
General use
$100.00 per first 2 hours, $50.00 per additional hour
$150.00 per first 2 hours, $75.00 per additional hour
Community room
$50.00 per first 2 hours, $25.00 per additional hour
$75.00 per first 2 hours, $37.50 per additional hour
Community room
Youth oriented and senior groups
$10.00 per first 2 hours, $5.00 per additional hour
$15.00 per first 2 hours, $7.50 per additional hour
Conference room
General use
$40.00 per 4 hours
$60.00 per 4 hours
Conference room
$20.00 per 4 hours
$30.00 per 4 hours
Conference room
Youth oriented and senior groups
$10.00 per 4 hours
$15.00 per 4 hours
Group types.
General use.
All uses not included in subsections (2) and (3) below, including, but not limited to: private lesson groups, private educational institutions, or any individual, organization or business which stands to receive personal or corporate gain from use of the facility.
Organizations meeting the definition of "nonprofit corporation" in accordance with the Texas Business Organizations Code section 22.001(5), as amended.
Youth oriented and senior groups.
Organizations serving a member constituency of children, adolescents or seniors including Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H, AARP, Family Eldercare, etc.
(Ordinance CO05-18-12-13-E1 adopted 12/13/18; Ordinance CO06.22.12.15.E1 adopted 12/15/2022)
Annual membership.
Nonresidents wishing to borrow library materials may purchase a nonresident library membership which will expire one year after its issuance. The charge for such membership shall be $35.00 annually.
Six-month membership.
Nonresidents wishing to borrow library materials may purchase a nonresident library membership which will expire six months after its issuance. The charge for such memberships shall be $20.00.
Three-month membership.
Nonresidents wishing to borrow library materials may purchase a nonresident library membership which will expire three months after its issuance. The charge for such memberships will be $10.00.
(Ordinance CO05-18-12-13-E1 adopted 12/13/18; Ordinance CO06.22.12.15.E1 adopted 12/15/2022)
Lost, damaged, or unreturned library materials.
(entire item)
(single part)
Replacement processing fee
Manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP)
Audiobook CDs, DVDs and music CDs
Interlibrary loan materials
Per lending library
Per lending library
Equipment, kits, tools, and other devices
MSRP for item
Cost of repair or replacement
The $5.00 replacement processing fee will be assessed only for replacement of items with a manufacturer’s suggested retail price of more than $7.00.
If the library material is out of print or the MSRP is no longer available, the library charges a flat fee of $30.00 for a hardbound book; $8.00 for a paperback book; $20.00 per DVD; or $8.00 per CD; plus a $5.00 replacement processing fee.
The library reserves the right to determine the extent of damage to an item and whether an item is repairable.
Notice regarding collection of outstanding fees.
The Library may report any patron accounts with outstanding fee balances totaling $50.00 or more for more than 60 days to an independent collection agency.
(Ordinance CO05-18-12-13-E1 adopted 12/13/18; Ordinance CO06.22.12.15.E1 adopted 12/15/2022)
The Library Director will set reasonable fees for interlibrary loan, copying, scanning, faxing and miscellaneous services, not to exceed $10.00 per service, to be posted on the Library website.
(Ordinance CO05-18-12-13-E1 adopted 12/13/18; Ordinance CO06.22.12.15.E1 adopted 12/15/2022)