This article is entitled the "Town of Hudson Mobile Tower Siting
Permit Ordinance."
The purpose of this article is to regulate by zoning permit:
1) the siting and construction of any new mobile service support structure
and facilities; 2) with regard to a Class 1 co-location, the substantial
modification of an existing support structure and mobile service facilities;
and 3) with regard to a Class 2 co-location, co-location on an existing
support structure which does not require the substantial modification
of an existing support structure and mobile service facilities.
The Town Board has the specific authority under its village
powers, zoning authority, and § 66.0404, Wis. Stats., to
adopt and enforce this article.
This article, adopted by a majority of the Town Board on a roll
call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having
been given, provides for the regulation by zoning permit: 1) the siting
and construction of any new mobile service support structure and facilities;
2) with regard to a Class 1 co-location, the substantial modification
of an existing support structure and mobile service facilities; and
3) with regard to a Class 2 co-location, co-location on an existing
support structure which does not require the substantial modification
of an existing support structure and mobile service facilities.
All definitions contained in § 66.0404(1), Wis. Stats.,
are hereby incorporated by reference.