There is hereby created a parks and recreation advisory committee to be composed of fourteen (14) members who are resident citizens and qualified voters of the city. The members of the parks and recreation advisory committee shall be appointed by the city council. The term of office of each member of the parks and recreation advisory committee shall be for two (2) years, expiring on September 30 of odd-numbered years, or until a successor is appointed. The city council shall name one (1) of the members of the parks and recreation advisory committee as chairman for two (2) years. Vacancies shall be filled by the council for the unexpired term.
The duties of the parks and recreation committee shall be advisory in nature to the city council and the city manager. It shall recommend parks and recreation objectives and policies, assist in planning for a continuing program of parks and recreation services and development, assist the parks and recreation director in keeping the city officials and the public informed about the current parks and recreation trends, and recommend to the parks and recreation director changes and improvements which will update the parks and recreation services.
(1958 Code, sec. 25-9; Ordinance 80-20, sec. 1, adopted 4/1/80; Ordinance 82-63, sec. 1, adopted 6/15/82; Ordinance 84-88, sec. 9, adopted 6/26/84; 1978 Code, sec. 20-2; Ordinance 07-055, sec. 1, adopted 5/8/07; Ordinance 15-049, sec. 11, adopted 11/10/15)