Reclaim fee:
Reclaim fee: $45.00 per occurrence.
Individuals will also be charged a “rabies vaccination fee: for any reclaimed animal that is not vaccinated against rabies.
Reclaim fees may be waived at the discretion of the city manager.
Rabies vaccination fees: $10.00.
Preventative health vaccination: $15.00.
FIV/feline leukemia virus test: $15.00.
Heartworm test: $15.00.
Boarding: $15.00 per day.
Dead animal removal fee for veterinarians:
Trip fee: $40.00 for one (1) animal.
Trip fee: $10.00 per animal in excess of one (1).
Kennel permit fee: $75.00 per year.
Dog and cat fanciers permit:
New permit: $200.00.
Renewal permit: $50.00.
Trap rental fee (shall consist of an administrative fee and refundable usage fee):
Administrative fee: $10.00.
Refundable usage fee: $90.00.
Special rates: The city manager may waive trap rental fees as circumstances warrant.
Adoption fees:
Unaltered adult animals:
Cats: $70.00.
Dogs: $70.00.
Altered or underage animals or heartworm positive dogs:
Cats: $30.00.
Dogs: $30.00.
All animals other than dogs and cats; $20.00.
Adoption fees may be waived or modified at the discretion of the city manager.
Microchipping: $15.00 per animal.
The city manager may waive microchipping fees as circumstances warrant.
Animal surrender fees (city residents only):
Cats: $50.00.
Dogs: $50.00.
Dangerous animal registration: $125.00 per year.
Animal exhibition permit fee: $75.00.
(Ordinance 17-007, sec. 56, adopted 1/31/17; Ordinance 17-076 adopted 12/12/17; Ordinance 18-019, sec. 2, adopted 4/24/18; Ordinance 18-036, sec. 2, adopted 7/3/18; Ordinance 18-049 adopted 9/11/18)