It shall be unlawful for any person, except a peace officer in the discharge of his official duties, to discharge any firearm within the city. It is an exception to this prohibition if the firearm is discharged within an indoor firearm range, operated by a person or entity with all permits or licenses required to operate such a facility, that meets the following requirements:
The structure must be constructed in such a manner that a bullet of the maximum caliber allowed to be fired within the range may not escape from the structure.
The range must utilize bullet traps that prevent the bullet from escaping from the structure and, in addition, minimize the escape of lead particles into the air, both inside and outside the structure.
The ventilation of the structure must meet all regulations applicable to such use, including, but not limited to, the regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency and the state commission on environmental quality.
The structure must be constructed such that noise from the structure during use will not cause a disturbance to those across the real property boundary of the facility.
The building official is charged with enforcement of this section and may not issue a certificate of occupancy for the structure and other properties associated with the use of the structure until it meets the requirements of this section and all other applicable codes of the city.
Any interpretation of this section by the building official may be appealed to the building board of adjustment in accordance with the ordinances applicable to such appeal.
(1958 Code, sec. 23-37; Ordinance 04-010, sec. 1, adopted 2/10/04; 1978 Code, sec. 18-7)
It shall be unlawful for a person intentionally, knowingly or recklessly to enter a vehicle owned or operated by Beaumont Municipal Transit with a handgun or other firearm capable of being concealed on the person. It is a defense to prosecution that the actor possessed a firearm while traveling to or from the actor’s place of assignment or in the actual discharge of duties as:
A peace officer;
A member of the armed forces or National Guard;
A guard employed by a penal institution; or
A security officer commissioned by the state private security bureau if:
The actor is wearing a distinctive uniform; and
The firearm is in plain view.
(Ordinance 95-76, sec. 1, adopted 12/12/95; 1978 Code, sec. 18-7.5)
It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge gravel, marbles, shot or any projectile, missile, object or material out of a gravel shooter, blowgun, air gun, rubber sling or compressed gas, compressed air or spring device; provided, however, that this section shall not be construed to prevent the use of a compressed air device for the delivery of handbills, circulars or newspapers; and provided that this section shall not apply to the sport of archery when it is practiced on the property of the participant or on property upon which the participant has permission to practice archery, nor shall it apply to organized sports or adventure games employing the use of a low-velocity gas-powered gun or air gun, so long as the game is played or practiced under supervision, and on private property owned or leased by the participant or sponsor of the game, without the use of any metallic pellet or projectile, and no closer than three hundred (300) feet to any place of human habitation, and employing marker pistols or marker guns, with nonmetallic chalk-type pellets or paint pellets. It shall, however, be unlawful for any person to propel an arrow or any other projectile onto or over the property of another who has not given permission to the participant to propel an arrow or other projectile onto or over this property.
(1958 Code, sec. 23-38; Ordinance 76-26, sec. 1, adopted 2/24/76; Ordinance 85-37, sec. 1, adopted 3/26/85; 1978 Code, sec. 18-8)