As used in this article, the following terms shall have the respective meanings ascribed to them:
Dangerous railroad crossing.
The intersection of any railroad tracks upon and over which may be moved any railroad train, with, on, or through a public street under such circumstances that such crossing is dangerous to pedestrians or vehicular traffic using such public streets and that safety precautions are necessary to protect pedestrians and vehicular traffic.
Railroad train.
Locomotive engine, car, train of cars, or any other conveyance, by whatever means propelled, designed to move over fixed tracks or rails.
The pulling up and backing across, or the backing across and pulling up, of any freight or passenger cars or railroad engine across any street crossing or intersection of two (2) streets within the city, or upon or along any street within the city; provided, however, nothing contained in this article shall be construed as an exception to or exemption from compliance with section 20.02.004.
Any device in or by which any person or property is, or may be, transported or drawn upon a public street or thoroughfare, except devices moved only by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
(1958 Code, sec. 31-1; 1978 Code, sec. 22-1)
It shall be unlawful to blow the railroad engine whistle, horn or siren, or cause the same to be blown, within the city during the period of time between 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., except when there is imminent danger of an accident. All persons are prohibited from blowing off or blowing out a railroad engine boiler when crossing any public street, alley or other thoroughfare within the city.
(1958 Code, sec. 31-2; 1978 Code, sec. 22-2)
It shall be unlawful for any person, other than authorized railroad employees, to climb through, under or over any train of cars, whether such train of cars is moving or at a standstill, or for any person to disobey any train approach warning signal, sign or barricade.
(1958 Code, sec. 31-5; 1978 Code, sec. 22-3)
Blocking streets at crossings; time limit.
It shall be unlawful for any person operating or causing to be operated any railroad train within the city to obstruct the crossing, or any portion of the width thereof, of any street in the city by any railroad engine, car or cars, of any description, for a longer time than five (5) consecutive minutes, and whenever such crossing shall have been obstructed, or any portion of its width, by any such engine, car or cars, for five (5) or more consecutive minutes at any one time, it shall be left entirely free and unobstructed for at least five (5) consecutive minutes, except that this section shall not apply to any through train passing over such crossing and kept in constant forward motion while passing the crossing and engaged in interstate or intrastate commerce.
Between crossings, maximum period.
It shall be unlawful for any railroad engineer, train conductor or other person to cause or allow any railroad locomotive, engine, car or train of cars to stop in or remain upon any street between crossings within the city for a longer period than thirty (30) minutes at any one time.
Unblocking in case of fire.
If any railroad crossing is blocked when the fire alarm indicates there is a fire, it shall be the duty of the yardmaster in charge of the railroad train blocking the crossing, and the engineer in charge of the engine, and the watchman in charge of the crossing, to cause the crossing to be cleared of railroad trains at once, and to be kept clear for a space of fifteen (15) minutes, and the failure on the part of any of the aforementioned persons in charge of their respective duties to clear such crossing of railroad trains at once, and keep same clear for a space of fifteen (15) minutes, shall constitute a misdemeanor.
(1958 Code, secs. 31-8—31-10; 1978 Code, secs. 22-4—22-6)
Whoever shall violate, or cause or permit to be violated, any provision of this article shall, upon conviction therefor, be punished as provided in section 1.01.009 of this code, and the penalty herein prescribed shall extend to the president, vice-president, and general manager of any corporation so offending and to all persons in actual control of such engine, car or cars, to all persons having direction over the movement of such engine, car or cars, and to all general or division officers of any corporation owning or controlling such engines or cars, who shall have the authority to give orders in relation to the disposition of such engines or cars in the city, who shall fail to give the necessary orders or fail to enforce such orders when given.
(1958 Code, sec. 31-11; 1978 Code, sec. 22-7)
Whenever any person shall be charged with violation of any provision of this article, it shall not be necessary that the complaint shall negative any of the exceptions contained in this article, and this article shall be construed so that such exceptions shall be deemed to be defenses to conviction of any person charged with violation of this article so that the burden of establishing any of such exceptions in any case shall be upon the defendant.
(1958 Code, sec. 31-12; 1978 Code, sec. 22-8)