Except as otherwise provided by this Charter, all powers conferred on the City shall be vested in a body to be known as “The City Council” and shall be exercised by the City Council.
The City Council shall be composed of a Mayor and six (6) Councilmembers. Four (4) Councilmembers shall be designated as “ward Councilmembers,” each of whom shall be elected only by the qualified voters residing in the ward from which each such ward Councilmember is elected. Each ward Councilmember shall reside in the ward to which such Councilmember is elected to represent. Two (2) Councilmembers shall be designated “Councilmembers-at-large;” and the Mayor and Councilmembers-at-large shall be elected by all the qualified voters of the City. At the general election in 2004, the Mayor and at-large Councilmembers shall be elected to one (1) year terms. Thereafter, the Mayor and all Councilmembers shall be elected for two (2) year terms.
(Amended 9/16/2003)
Candidates for election and appointment to City Council shall be at least 21 years of age and otherwise meet all state qualifications for office.
(Amended 4/5/1986; 5/1/2021; 11/7/2023)
Salaries of Mayor and Council members shall be set by ordinance but may not be increased in the current term of the Mayor or Councilmembers enacting such ordinance.
(Amended 4/5/1986)
The Mayor shall preside at meetings of the City Council. He shall be known as the official head of the City Government but shall have no regular administrative duties.
The City Council shall elect one of its members as Mayor Pro Tempore for a one (1) year term. The Mayor Pro Tempore shall perform the duties of the Mayor in case of the absence or inability of the Mayor to perform the duties of his office, and, if a vacancy occurs, shall become Mayor for the unexpired term. If the Mayor Pro Tempore is unwilling to assume the duties of Mayor in the event of a vacancy in that office, then the City Council shall appoint a Mayor Pro Tempore from its membership.
(Amended 5/2/1998)
A vacancy in a ward position, whether filled by the City Council or by election, shall be filled by a resident of the ward in which the vacancy occurred. Vacancies in the City Council where the same do not exceed two (2) at any one time shall be filled by a majority of the remaining members of the City Council and the person elected shall serve for the unexpired term only. When more than two (2) vacancies occur, a special election shall be called to elect their successors to fill their unexpired terms; provided, however, if such vacancies occur within ninety (90) days prior to a general election, then no special election shall be called. But in that event, the remaining members of the City Council shall by a majority vote fill such vacancies and the person so elected shall serve only until the next general City election when such vacancies shall be filled. If four (4) or more vacancies occur within ninety (90) days of a general election, then, and in that event, a special election shall be called to fill the vacancies and the persons so elected shall serve only until the next general City election when such vacancies shall be filled.
(Amended 4/5/1986)
The City Council shall hold such monthly meetings as necessary to efficiently conduct the affairs of the City. The City Council shall set the date and time of its regular meetings by resolution. Special meetings of the City Council shall be called by the City Clerk, at the request of the Mayor, City Manager or four (4) members of the City Council. Four (4) or more members of the City Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. All meetings of the City Council shall be held in a public place in the City of Beaumont. Meetings of the City Council shall be held in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas which require meetings of public bodies to be open to the public.
(Amended 4/5/1986; 11/7/2023)
The City Council shall determine its own rules and order of business. It shall keep a true and correct journal of all of its proceedings which said journal shall be open at all times to public inspection.
The City Council shall appoint a City Manager who shall be the chief administrative and executive officer of the City.
The City Council shall appoint a City Clerk and prescribe the duties and compensation of said officer and provide him with such assistance as it may deem necessary. He shall hold office during the pleasure of the Council.
Prior to the end of each fiscal year, the City Council shall designate one or more qualified public accountants who shall make an independent audit of accounts and other evidence of financial transactions of the City government for the fiscal year for which appointed, and shall submit their report to the City Council. Said report shall be posted on the City’s website. Special audits shall be made when deemed necessary by the City Council. The original reports of the City auditors shall be kept among the permanent records of the City. No auditor or firm of auditors shall serve as auditor for the City of Beaumont for more than four (4) successive years.
(Amended 4/5/1986; 5/1/2021)
The City Council or any person or committee appointed by it shall have power to inquire into the conduct of any department, office, agency or officer of the City; to make investigations as to City affairs and for that purpose may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths and compel the production of books, papers and other evidence material to said inquiry. The City Council shall provide by ordinance penalties for contempt in refusing to obey any such subpoena or failure to produce books, papers, and other evidence, and shall have the power to punish any such content [contempt] in a manner provided by ordinance.