Editor's note–Former section 1, pertaining to boards, committees and commissions, was repealed 11/7/2023.
Editor's note–Former section 2, pertaining to condemnation of dangerous structures, was repealed 11/7/2023.
No property of any kind, church, school, or otherwise, in the City of Beaumont, shall be exempt from any of the special taxes and assessments authorized by this Charter for local improvements unless exemption is required by State law.
Editor's note–Former section 4, pertaining to liens against city property, was repealed 11/7/2023.
Editor's note–Former section 5, pertaining to city exempt from appeal bonds, was repealed 11/7/2023.
Editor's note–Former section 6, pertaining to execution, garnishment and assignment, was repealed 11/7/2023.
Except as herein otherwise provided, qualifications being equal, citizens of Beaumont shall be given preference in employment by the City as well as by any contractor doing work for the City under contract, and such contractors shall pay the prevailing rate of wages paid for the class of work done; and qualifications, prices and quality of material being equal, citizens of Beaumont shall be given preference in the awarding of all contracts over which the City has jurisdiction, provided that this section shall not interfere with the system of purchasing supplies for the various departments by competitive bidding.
No officer or employee of the City of Beaumont shall ever accept, directly or indirectly, any gift, favor, privilege or employment with a value in excess of $100 from any public utility corporation enjoying the grant of any franchise, privilege or easement from the City during the term of office of such officer or during such employment of such employee except as may be authorized by law or ordinance; provided, however, that policemen or firemen in uniform or wearing their official badges may accept such free service where the same is permitted by ordinance. Any officer or employee of the City who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be punished by any fine that may be prescribed by ordinance for this offense and shall forthwith be removed from office.
(Amended 9/16/2003)
No officer or employee of the City shall have a financial interest direct or indirect or by reason of ownership of stock in any corporation, in any contract with the City, or be financially interested directly or indirectly in the sale to the City of any land, materials, supplies, or services except on behalf of the City as an officer or employee; provided, however, that the provisions of this Section shall only be applicable when the stock owned by the officer or employee exceeds one percent (1%) of the total capital stock of the corporation. Any willful violation of this section shall constitute malfeasance in office and any officer or employee guilty thereof shall thereby forfeit the office or position. Any violation of this section with the knowledge expressed or implied of the person or corporation contracting with the governing body of the City shall render the contract voidable by the City Council.
Editor's note–Former section 10, pertaining to relatives of officers shall not be appointed or employed, was repealed 11/7/2023.
Editor's note–Former section 11, pertaining to persons indebted to city shall not hold office or employment, was repealed 11/7/2023.
All legal process against the City shall be served upon the Mayor, or acting Mayor.
Editor's note–Former section 13, pertaining to power to remit penalties, was repealed 11/7/2023.
Editor's note–Former section 14, pertaining to power to settle claims, was repealed 11/7/2023.
Before the City of Beaumont shall be liable for personal injuries of any kind, the person injured or someone in his behalf shall give the City Council notice in writing of such injury within six (6) months after the same has been sustained, stating specifically in such notice when, where and how the injury occurred and the extent thereof, and the names and addresses of any person or persons, if any, witnessing the same, if such names and addresses can be ascertained by reasonable diligence. No officer or employee of the City shall have authority to waive any of the provisions of this section as to notice, but same may be waived only by a resolution of the City Council, made and passed before the expiration of the period herein provided, and evidenced by the minutes of the City Council.
(Amended 4/5/1986)
The City shall provide a disability and pension plan in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Texas Municipal Retirement System. City Council shall have authority to provide for rules and regulations for maintaining employees when injured and disabled while performing their duties or it may provide for such plan of insurance as it deems proper. All those falling under the heading of employees in this charter and who are employed by the City when the same is in effect, shall be entitled to a credit for the years of continuous service heretofore served; provided, however, that any payment under this provision shall never constitute a waiver or estop the City from asserting any defenses it might have under Section 15 of Article XVII of this charter.
(Amended 9/16/2003)
Any real property owned by the City of Beaumont may be sold or leased by the City Council when in its judgment such sale or lease will be for the best interests of the City; provided, however, a sale or a lease for more than five (5) years shall never become effective until thirty (30) days after the passage of the ordinance or resolution effecting same. If, during such thirty-day period, a referendum petition is presented to the City Clerk, which in all respects conforms to the provisions of Section 2 of Article XI of this Charter, and same is found to be sufficient, then the City Clerk shall certify the sufficiency of same to the City Council, and an election shall be called submitting the question of whether or not the sale or lease, as the case may be, shall be consummated; provided, further, however, the provisions of this Article shall not apply to the sale or lease of public utilities as provided for under Article XIV, Section 14 [Article XVI, Section 4], of this Charter, nor shall it apply to property purchased by the City at tax sales.
Editor's note–Former section 18, pertaining to effective date of charter and interim government, was repealed 9/16/2003.
Editor's note–Former section 19, pertaining to effective date of charter and interim government, was repealed 9/16/2003.
All contracts entered into by the City, or for its benefit, prior to the taking effect of this Charter, shall continue in full force and effect. Public improvements for which legislative steps have been taken under laws or ordinances existing at the time this Charter takes effect may be carried to completion in accordance with the provisions of such existing laws and ordinances.
Accounts shall be kept for each revenue producing property, tract or parcel of real estate owned or operated by the City, including revenue producing properties owned or held by the City or its officers as trustees, and other trust funds, in such manner as to show the true and complete financial results of such ownership and operation, including all revenues and all distributions of such revenues, and the City Council shall annually cause to be made and published a report showing the financial results of such ownership and operation, and giving such information and such additional data as the City Council shall deem expedient.
If any section or part of a section of this Charter proves to be invalid or unconstitutional, the same shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force, or effect, of any other section or part of a section of this Charter, unless it clearly appears that such other section or part of a section is wholly or necessarily dependent for its operation upon the section or part of a section so held unconstitutional or invalid.
Editor's note–Former section 23, pertaining to effective date of charter and interim government, was repealed 9/16/2003.
There shall be a City Planning Commission. The number of members to serve on said Commission, their term of office, and qualifications for office shall be determined by the City Council. The City Council may combine the City Planning Commission with a City Zoning Commission. The City Planning Commission may make recommendations to the City Manager and the City Council on all matters affecting the physical development of the City, shall be consulted on the comprehensive plan and the implementation thereof as provided in Section 25, and shall exercise all other responsibilities as may be provided by law.
(Added by amendment 1/25/1972)
Content: The City Council shall adopt a comprehensive plan for the City of Beaumont to be composed of land use, parks and open space, transportation and economic development elements. Said comprehensive plan shall set forth in graphic and textual form policies to govern the future development of the City. Such plan and its elements shall cover the entire City and all of its functions and services. After the adoption of each element of the comprehensive plan, each element shall be reviewed and readopted by the City Council as directed by the City Council.
Adoption: Upon receipt from the City Manager or his designee of a proposed comprehensive plan or any element thereof or a proposed modification of the existing plan or any element thereof, the City Council shall refer such proposal to the City Planning Commission which shall, within the time specified by City Council, report its recommendations thereon. After receipt of the recommendations of the City Planning Commission, the City Council shall hold a public hearing on the proposed comprehensive plan or element thereof or modification thereof and shall adopt it be resolution with or without amendment.
Effect: The comprehensive plan shall serve as a guide to all future Council action concerning land use and development regulations.
Effective Date: Repealed 4/5/1986.
(Amended 4/5/1986; 9/16/2003)