In accordance with the provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, separate provisions regulating mobile home parks and their design, development, alteration, extension, operation and maintenance; licensing; setting forth certain street, parking, walk, open space, and density requirements; and providing penalties for violations, are incorporated within this article.
The construction of a new mobile home park, as permitted by the Thornbury Township Zoning Ordinance, or the alteration of an existing park shall be made only after the plans have been submitted in accordance with this chapter. The plans shall be prepared and processed in accordance with Article III and applicable standards incorporated in Article V of this chapter and shall be in sufficient detail so that the following items can be properly examined:
Complete park layout showing lot sizes and dimensions, open space areas, and all improvements including: easements, streets, vehicular parking areas, water supply location, sewer and water lines, service buildings, sewage disposal system, lighting facilities, walkways, refuse storage areas and disposal methods, and recreation facilities;
Plans for providing adequate stormwater management;
Details of the construction of the sewage disposal system, including soil percolation tests, if soil absorption type system is to be used;
The locale, dimension, and arrangement of all areas to be devoted to lawns, buffer planting strips, screen planting, and common open space including areas for recreation;
Details of the construction of the sewerage system, including size, slope, material, manhole and clean-out construction and location;
Water supply including expected capacity and size of well, pump rating, water storage facilities, methods of sealing well, housing for pump and storage tank, distribution system including size, materials and valve locations;
Construction of service buildings showing plumbing, heating, ventilation, and other sanitary systems which are to be included;
Lighting facilities and electrical power line installation;
Anticipated number of parking spaces as would be permitted under available land area; and
A copy of approved plans that will be kept on file by the Chester County Health Department.
Permits required.
It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, alter, extend, or operate a mobile home park within Thornbury Township without obtaining:
A permit issued by the Chester County Health Department, in the name of the operator, in accordance with the Rules and Regulations, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Health, Chapter 4, Article 415, Regulations for Mobile Home Parks, enacted on October 30, 1959, as amended;
A mobile home park permit issued by the Township Zoning Officer in the name of the operator, which shall not be issued until a copy of the Health Department permit has been furnished, all permits for water supply and sewage systems shall have been obtained, and all other requirements contained herein have been complied with and final approval of the application has been granted by the Board of Supervisors;
A building permit is issued by the Township Building Official after having paid a fee for each unit to be placed within the mobile home park; and
A valid license issued by the Township Zoning Officer in the name of the operator, which shall not be issued until a copy of the Health Department Permit has been furnished, and all other requirements contained herein have been complied with.
Inspection and issuance, or refusal, of license. Upon receipt of the application for license, the Zoning Officer shall:
Verify the validity of the Chester County Health Department permit;
Verify the issuance of a certificate of the Board of Supervisors granting a conditional use approval; verify the Planning Commissions' recommendations and the Supervisors' approval of the development plan; and, upon finding that all requirements of this chapter have been met, shall thereupon issue a license in the name of the operator. The license shall be valid for one year from the date of issue.
Require annual inspection by the Township.
For yearly renewal of licenses, there shall be a fee, payable to the Township and submitted to the Zoning Officer with the application for renewal.
Applicability to existing mobile home parks. Upon the effective date of this chapter, the operators of any existing mobile parks shall be required to show the Zoning Officer evidence of having obtained a permit from the Chester County Health Department, and within a period of one year shall take the necessary steps to comply with the provisions of this chapter; and, at the end of the one-year period, shall obtain a license from the Zoning Officer upon payment of the fee, and shall renew his license each year thereafter.
In the event that the Zoning Officer shall find evidence of any condition that is not in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, it shall be their duty to refuse to issue, or renew, a license, and to notify the Chester County Health Department and the Board of Supervisors, accordingly. In the event that it is not feasible for the operator to comply with all of the provisions of this chapter, the Zoning Officer shall instruct the operator concerning the procedure for appeal to the Zoning Hearing Board and in due course the Board shall direct the Zoning Officer with respect to issuance or denial of the license, and, if issued, the annual renewals shall be issued without prejudice so long as a renewal of the Chester County Health Department is obtained. Any modification of an existing mobile home park after the effective date of this chapter shall be in strict accordance with the provisions herein.
Fees for the initial application and preliminary and final approvals shall be prescribed by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
The fee for the annual license shall be prescribed by resolution of the Board of Supervisors and shall be submitted to the Zoning Officer with the application for the annual license.
Fees for the inspection of a mobile/manufactured home park during and following construction shall be as specified in § 115-801.
A mobile home park shall be subject to inspection during any stage of construction and at any time during its operation by an authorized representative of the Township or other agency having jurisdiction, and such representative shall make known his presence and authorization to the operator at the time of each inspection.
The Zoning Officer or other designated representative is hereby authorized to stop all work or other activity that they find to be in violation of the provisions of this or other applicable ordinances.
Upon receipt of the application for annual license and before issuing such annual license, the Zoning Officer or other designated representative of the Township shall make an inspection of the mobile home park to determine compliance with this chapter. The Zoning Officer or other representative shall thereafter notify the licensee of any instances of noncompliance with the Chapter and shall not issue the annual license until the licensee has corrected all such violations.
Where the applicant or licensee can demonstrate that the Zoning Officer has failed to follow procedures or has misinterpreted or misapplied any provision of this chapter in the review of an application for a mobile home park permit or an annual license renewal, the applicant may appeal such action to the Township Zoning Hearing Board in accordance with the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
No permit issued under this chapter shall be transferable to a different location. No person holding a permit under this chapter shall extend or reduce the area of any mobile home park, add any new facility or structure, until notice of such proposed changes shall have been given to the Zoning Officer and/or Inspector who shall have ascertained, after investigation as in the case of an original application for a permit, that such proposed changes are in accordance with all the requirements of this chapter, and shall have signified that fact by their approval.
In the event a mobile home park operator intends to discontinue operation of the park, the operator shall notify park residents one year in advance of the intended closing date. This notice should further be forwarded to the Township at the same time it is given to the park residents.
Regulations governing the density of dwelling units in any mobile home park and the dimensions of any mobile home park or mobile home lot therein shall be as specified in § 155-1000C and D of the Thornbury Township Zoning Ordinance.
Mobile homes placed on individual lots are encouraged to be placed off center on the lots so to provide a large usable open yard space and outdoor living area in one section of the lot.
Groups or clusters of units, so placed as to create interior spaces and courtyards, shall be incorporated whenever feasible.
There shall be variety in the arrangement and orientation of mobile homes, with particular attention given to topography and the retention of existing trees. Site layout shall be designed to ensure that mobile homes are offset to avoid long, uninterrupted corridors between the units.
Each mobile home shall be located in a well-drained area and the lot shall be properly graded to prevent the accumulation of stormwater or other water.
Safe and convenient vehicular access shall be provided from abutting public streets or roads to each mobile home park. To ensure safe access, the following standards shall apply:
With the exception of those street standards specified in this article, the standards in Article V of this chapter shall govern the design and construction of streets in a mobile home park.
The entrance road, or area, connecting the park with a public street or road shall have a minimum pavement width of 36 feet. At least 500 feet must separate roads connecting the park with a public street or road if more than one exit and/or entrance is provided.
Access to any mobile home lot shall be from a street interior to the mobile home park. Where mobile home lots are created having frontage on an existing street within the Township, the mobile home park street pattern shall provide reverse frontage access to an interior street within the mobile home park, and not to the existing street.
Interior streets. All interior streets shall be designed and constructed to the same specifications as required for subdivisions, and shall be paved to a width of at least 28 feet; all minor streets or culs-de-sac shall be paved to a width of 22 feet; and all interior streets shall be provided with vertical concrete curbs to subdivision standards herein. The curb along the public street frontage shall be as specified by the Board of Supervisors.
Required illumination of park street systems. All mobile home parks shall be furnished with lighting units so spaced and equipped to provide average levels of illumination for the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles at night.
Parking areas.
Off-street parking areas shall be provided in all mobile home parks for the use of park occupants and guests.
Required vehicle parking spaces shall be located to provide convenient access to the mobile home, but shall not exceed a distance of 200 feet from the mobile home that it is intended to serve.
Two required parking spaces shall be provided for on-lot parking for each mobile home.
On-site common parking areas shall be provided at a rate of one parking space for every three mobile home lots. Such parking spaces shall be provided through off-street common parking areas, and shall be in locations that are sufficiently dispersed throughout the park to serve all mobile home units.
Parking is prohibited on internal roads. It shall be the duty of the owner or operator of the mobile home park to enforce this provision.
The applicant is strongly encouraged to utilize pervious paving material for all required parking areas and walkways, as appropriate, in order to reduce stormwater runoff generation.
All mobile home parks shall provide safe, durable, convenient, all-season pedestrian walkways of adequate width for their intended uses, between the park streets and all community facilities provided for park residents.
Where pedestrian traffic is concentrated, each walkway shall have a minimum width of four feet.
The provisions of Chapter 116, Stormwater Management, of the Code of Ordinances of the Township of Thornbury shall be applicable to all mobile home park development(s).
General. All mobile home parks shall be served by a public sanitary sewage disposal system.
Location and capacity. Location and installation of the sewage disposal system and each part thereof shall be such that, with reasonable maintenance, it will function in a sanitary manner and will neither create a nuisance nor endanger the safety of any domestic water supply. The system shall be designed adequate for a minimum flow of a minimum of 250 gallons per day per mobile home lot.
Individual sewer connections. Subject to the latest update to the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (UCC), the following represents minimum standards for sewer system connections:
Each mobile home lot shall be provided with at least a four-inch diameter sewer riser pipe. The sewer riser pipe shall be so located on each stand to allow for the sewer connection to the mobile home drain outlet be in an approximately a vertical position. The sewer riser pipe shall further be in a concrete apron at ground level. The riser shall be projected within a concrete curb or concrete collar at least three inches thick and extending 12 inches from the riser in all directions.
The sewer connection shall have a nominal inside diameter of not less than four inches, and the slope of any portion thereof shall be at least 1/4 inch per foot. All joints shall be watertight.
All sewer connections shall be installed in accordance to the adopted Township Plumbing Code.
Provision shall be made for plugging the sewer riser pipe when a mobile home does not occupy the lot. Surface drainage shall be diverted away from the riser. The rim of the riser pipe shall extend at least 1/2 inch above ground elevation.
Sewer lines.
All sewer lines shall be separated from any pressurized water supply lines by at least two feet horizontally and three feet vertically in a shelved trench (or separate trenches) with the water supply line being closer to the ground surface.
All sewer lines shall be at a grade which will ensure a velocity of two feet per second when the sewer is flowing full.
All joints in the sewer line shall be made watertight. Sewer connections and manholes shall be constructed so as to be watertight. Manholes shall be provided as necessary.
Cleanouts extending to grade shall be installed at fifty-foot intervals on four-inch lines and at 100-foot intervals for larger lines. All cleanouts shall be capped with cleanout plugs.
General. An adequate supply of safe water of satisfactory quality under adequate pressure shall be furnished to all mobile homes and service or recreational buildings. In addition, an adequate supply shall be furnished for fire protection. Wherever feasible, connection shall be to a public water system. If connection to a public water system is not feasible, connection shall be to a community system acceptable to the Township and the Chester County Health Department. Construction shall be in strict accordance with current adopted Township Plumbing Code.
Water distribution system and connections.
Distribution system.
The water distribution system shall be constructed of materials acceptable to the Township, the County Health Department, and the water service provider. The piping system shall be capable of supplying five gallons per minute at a minimum pressure of 20 pounds per square inch at each mobile home stand. In addition, the system shall be capable of supplying the following water demand for mobile homes:
Number of Mobile Home Spaces
Demand Load
50 or fewer
Hose connections shall be provided at each mobile home stand. Additional hose connections shall be provided for watering community recreational land.
The water piping system shall not be connected with nonpotable water supplies.
Individual water riser pipes and connections. Subject to the current adopted Township Plumbing Code, the following represents minimum standards for public water connections:
Individual water riser pipes shall be located within the confined area of the mobile home stand at a point where the water connection will approximate a vertical position, thereby insuring the shortest water connection possible and decreasing susceptibility to water pipe freezing.
The water riser pipe shall have a minimum inside diameter of 1/2 inch and terminate at least four inches above the ground surface. The water outlet shall be provided with a cap when a mobile home does not occupy the lot.
Adequate provisions shall be made to prevent freezing of service lines, valves, and riser pipes and to protect risers from heating and thawing actions of ground during freezing weather. Surface drainage shall be diverted from the location of the riser pipe.
A shutoff valve below the frost line shall be provided near the water riser pipe on each mobile home lot. Underground stop-and-waste valves are prohibited unless their type of manufacture and their method of installation are approved.
Mobile home stand.
General. A stand shall be provided on every mobile home lot to accommodate the mobile home and its attached accessory structures. The stand shall provide an adequate foundation and anchoring facilities to secure the mobile home against any accidental movement. The stand shall not heave, shift, or settle unevenly under the weight of the mobile home as a result of any frost action, poor drainage, vibration, or other such forces.
The mobile home stand shall be graded to obtain adequate surface drainage. The grade of the stand and its accessway should allow easy placement of the mobile home.
The material used in constructing the stand shall be durable and capable of supporting the expected load regardless of the weather. Reinforced cement concrete runways or well-compacted gravel and bituminous concrete materials may be used.
The stands shall be designed to fit the dimensions of the mobile homes that are to be accommodated. Consideration should also be given to the fact that many mobile home owners may later want to add carports or other accessory structures. If future additions are anticipated, the stand shall be located on the mobile home lot so that the proper clearances can be maintained between the mobile home and other structures.
Patios are frequently constructed as an integral part of the mobile home stand. Patios must have a minimum size of 250 square feet.
Anchors. It is essential that some means be provided at each stand to anchor mobile homes and secure them against overturning forces. Anchors such as cast-in-place concrete "dead men," eyelets embedded in concrete, screw augers or arrowhead anchors may be used. Anchors shall be provided at least at each corner of the mobile home, and each anchor shall be able to withstand a tension force of at least 2,800 pounds. The cable or other device connecting the mobile home and anchor must also be able to withstand a tension of at least 2,800 pounds.
Skirts. Each mobile home placed within a mobile home park shall, prior to occupancy or other use, have a skirt installed which is designed to complement the appearance of the mobile home and is coordinated with other units throughout the park.
Mobile home pad. A concrete pad with dimensions sufficient to support the intended unit shall be provided for all mobile homes. The base for such pad shall be properly graded, placed, and compacted so as to be durable and adequate for the support of the maximum anticipated loads during all seasons.
Hitch. If a hitch or tow bar is attached to a mobile home for transport purposes, it shall be removed and remain removed from the mobile home when it is placed on its mobile home pad.
General. All lighting shall be subject to those standards set forth for lighting under § 155-1505 of the Thornbury Township Zoning Ordinance.
Additional standards for lighting.
Each mobile home stand shall be provided with an individual walkway light located between the street and the mobile home.
Lighting shall be provided on all entrance streets, around community buildings and central storage facilities throughout the mobile home development to ensure a minimum illumination level of 0.1 footcandle in these areas.
General requirements. Every mobile home park shall contain an electrical wiring system consisting of wiring, fixtures, equipment and appurtenances, which shall be installed and maintained in accordance with electric power provider's specifications regulating such systems and the latest update to the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (UCC).
Power distribution lines. Main power lines shall be located underground. All conductors and cables shall be buried at least 36 inches below the ground surface and insulated and specially designed for the purpose. Such conductor and cables shall be located not less than 18 inches radial distance from water, sewer, gas or communications lines.
Individual electrical connections.
Each mobile home lot shall be provided with an approved disconnecting device and overcurrent protective equipment. The minimum service per lot shall be 120/240 volts AC, 100 amperes.
The mobile home shall be connected to the outlet receptacle by an approved type of flexible cable with connectors and attachment plug.
Where the calculated load of the mobile home is more than 60 amperes, either a second outlet receptacle shall be installed or electrical service shall be provided by means of permanently installed conductors.
Meter poles shall have a maximum height of six feet.
Required grounding. All exposed non-current-carrying metal parts of mobile homes and all other equipment shall be grounded by means or an approved grounding conductor run with branch circuit conductors of other approved method of grounded metallic wiring. The neutral conductor shall not be used as an equipment ground for mobile homes or other equipment.
The mobile home park owner or operator shall be responsible for the proper storage, collection and disposal of solid waste.
The storage, collection, recycling, and disposal of solid waste in any mobile home park shall be managed by the mobile home park owner or operator, to create no health hazard, odors, rodent harborage, insect breeding area, accident or fire hazard, or air pollution, and shall comply with the Pennsylvania Department of Health regulations or other applicable agencies governing mobile home parks.
All mobile home parks shall be provided with solid waste collection stations at convenient but inconspicuous locations, each serving not more than 15 mobile homes, and consisting of self-closing containers, with separate containers for garbage and recyclable materials, placed on a concrete slab and accessible for truck pick-up.
All solid waste shall be stored in fly-tight, watertight, rodent-proof containers, which shall be located not more than 200 feet from any mobile home space and no less than 50 feet from the mobile home park boundary. Containers shall be provided in sufficient number and capacity to properly store all refuse.
Community refuse disposal containers shall be screened in accordance with Article XV of the Thornbury Township Zoning Ordinance.
Racks or holders shall be provided for all refuse containers. Such container racks or holders shall be designed to prevent containers from being tipped, to minimize spillage and container deterioration, and to facilitate cleaning.
All solid waste shall be collected at least twice weekly. Where suitable collection service is not available from private agencies, the mobile home park owner or operator shall provide this service.
General requirements.
Fuel distribution to mobile homes, service buildings, or other structures shall be made from bulk tank by underground systems whenever feasible. When bulk tank distribution systems are not feasible, individual tanks may be utilized, provided that they are located underground no closer than 10 feet from the nearest mobile home.
If liquefied petroleum gas pipelines or fuel oil containers are installed on mobile home lots, they shall be installed underground. No liquefied petroleum gas pipeline or fuel oil container shall be placed inside or beneath any mobile home, storage cabinet, carport or any other structure.
Natural gas system.
Natural gas piping systems, when installed in mobile home parks, shall be maintained in conformity with the specifications of the gas company serving the area and the latest update to the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (UCC).
Each mobile home lot provided with piped gas shall have an approved shut-off valve installed upstream of the gas outlet. The outlet shall be equipped with an approved cap to prevent accidental discharge of gas when the outlet is not in use.
Liquefied petroleum gas systems.
The design, installation, and construction of containers and pertinent equipment for the storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gasses shall conform to the Act of the Pennsylvania Legislature of December 27, 1951, P.L. 1793, as it may be amended; and the latest update to the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (UCC).
Liquefied petroleum gas systems provided for mobile homes, service buildings, or other structures, when installed, shall be maintained in conformance with the latest update to the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (UCC) and shall include the following:
Systems shall be provided with safety devices to relieve excess pressures and shall be arranged so that the discharge terminates at a safe location.
Systems shall have at least one accessible means for shutting off gas to each individual unit. Such means shall be located outside the mobile home and shall be maintained in effective operating condition.
All liquefied petroleum gas piping outside of the mobile home shall be well supported and protected against mechanical injury. Undiluted liquefied petroleum gas in liquid form shall not be conveyed through piping equipment and systems in mobile homes.
Vessels of at least 12 U.S. gallons and less than 60 U.S. gallons gross capacity shall be maintained in a vertical position and shall be securely, but not permanently, fastened to prevent accidental overturning. No vessel shall be placed any closer to a mobile home exit than five feet, and no closer to any window than three feet.
No vessel containing liquefied petroleum gas shall be located inside or beneath any storage cabinet, carport, mobile home, or any other structure, nor within 10 feet of any mobile home door.
All pipe connections shall be of a flare type.
Fuel oil supply systems.
All fuel oil supply systems provided for mobile homes, service buildings, and other structures shall be installed and maintained in conformance with all applicable federal, state, and local rules and regulations.
All piping from outside fuel storage tanks or cylinders to mobile homes shall be securely, but not permanently, fastened in place.
All fuel oil supply systems provided for mobile homes, service buildings, and other structures shall have shut-off valves located within five inches of storage tanks.
All fuel storage tanks or cylinders shall be securely placed and shall not be less than five feet from any mobile home exit, and not less than three feet from any window.
Storage tanks located in areas subject to traffic shall be protected against physical damage.
No fuel combustion unit shall be used in any mobile home without being vented to the outside of the structure.
Any portion of the development which is devoted to nonresidential use shall be primarily for the management and maintenance of the park or for the recreational use of park residents and their guests.
Where a community building is provided, it must contain a toilet and lavatory. In addition, the mobile home park may provide laundry facilities, storage facilities for use of occupants, management office, and indoor recreation facilities for park residents and guests only. It is required that the owner provide a mailbox area for residents.
Construction of all community buildings shall be in compliance with all applicable codes and such buildings shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary and structurally safe condition. All portions of the structure shall be property protected from damage by ordinary use and decay, corrosion, termites, and other destructive elements. Exterior portions shall be of such materials and be so constructed as to prevent the entrance of penetration of moisture and weather.
Ownership and maintenance of all community buildings shall be defined in the application for a mobile home park.
All community buildings shall be equipped to provide accessibility in accordance with ADA Standards for Accessible Design.
As a prerequisite to conditional use approval in accordance with the provisions of Article XXI of the Thornbury Township Zoning Ordinance, the Township shall be satisfied upon the recommendation of the local fire prevention authority that appropriate provisions for fire protection shall be incorporated into the design and development of any mobile home park.
Mobile home park areas shall be kept free of litter, rubbish, and other flammable materials.
Portable hand-operated fire extinguishers of a type and size suitable for use on oil, chemical, and electrical fires, and approved by the local fire prevention authority shall be kept in public service buildings under park control. Two portable fire extinguishers shall be placed in each mobile home, located inside the structure in a fixed location preferably near a door but not in close proximity to cooking facilities. Each mobile home also shall be equipped with a smoke alarm and a carbon dioxide sensor. It shall be the responsibility of the mobile home park operator to enforce these requirements.
The mobile home park owner or operator shall consult annually with the local fire prevention authority as to proper fire prevention practices, accessibility of streets, testing of fire hydrant pressure if applicable, location and operation of equipment, community education programs, and the like.
Maintenance of facilities. The operator or owner of a mobile home park shall be responsible for maintaining all common facilities, including, but not limited to, roads, parking areas, sidewalks or walkways, lighting, signage, recreational and open space areas and facilities, water supply and sewage disposal systems, and community buildings, in a condition of proper repair and maintenance. If, upon inspection by the Township or designated representative, it is determined that the mobile home park is not in compliance with this standard of maintenance, the licensee shall be considered to be in violation of this chapter and the Township shall notify the operator or licensee of the particulars of any such violation.
Failure to maintain. After notice has been given pursuant to § 115-718A above, the operator and licensee shall thereafter have 30 days in which to correct any such violations, except that if the violation is determined by the Township or designated representative to constitute a hazard to the health or safety of the residents of the mobile home park, the violation shall be corrected forthwith. Upon written request of the operator and licensee and at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors, extended time for correction of violations may be granted.
Maintenance guarantee.
The licensee of a mobile home park shall, prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy pursuant to final approval of an application, provide the Township a maintenance bond in a form acceptable to the Township Solicitor in an amount sufficient to cover for a period of two years, the costs of maintenance of all common areas and facilities and subject to performance guarantees during their construction, said costs to be estimated by the Township Engineer or other representative.
In the event of noncompliance with an order pursuant to § 115-718B, whether a thirty-day order or an order to correct violations forthwith, the Township may utilize the financial security to effect correction of the violations.
Upon repeated violations by the same permittee, the applicant's right to the issuance of a permit, or to continued operation under a permit, may be suspended for a fixed term or permanently revoked by the Board of Supervisors, after notice and hearing, subject to the right of appeal to the Chester County Court of Common Pleas.