As used in this division:
Ad valorem tax.
Those taxes on real property and personal property which the city is entitled to collect under the Texas Tax Code and article X, section 3 of the city charter.
A commercial or industrial enterprise or activity organized for direct or indirect gain, benefit, advantage or profit engaged in retail sales that produce sales tax for the city.
Grant agreement.
The document prepared with the approval of the city council, ratified by resolution, under which the city will reimburse, through a grant of public funds generated by tax, all or a part of the cost of approved public improvements.
Public purpose.
Those uses that substantially affect the inhabitants of the city as a whole, not merely as individuals, having as its objective the promotion of the public health, welfare, and safety of all the citizens of the city.
Sales tax.
That tax imposed on sales by Texas Tax Code chapter 151, including sales within the incorporated limits of the city and sales to buyers outside the city through a billing office located in the city.
(1999 Code, sec. 1.2108)
The city economic development program is available to new businesses being developed within the city and expansions of existing businesses which will provide a significant increase in the tax base of the city, create and retain new jobs and generate high volumes of new taxes for the city.
The owner of the private business or industry and the owner of the land on which it is located, if not the same, shall make joint application to the city furnishing proof of ownership, details of the public improvements required for development of the property and business, a description of the business or industry and satisfactory evidence establishing the amount of tax which will be generated within the city.
The following factors, among others, shall be considered in determining whether to approve the grant requested by the applicant and to create an agreement with the applicant:
Value of land and existing improvements, if any;
Type and value of proposed improvements;
Productive life of proposed improvements;
Number of existing jobs to be retained by proposed improvements;
Number and type of new jobs to be created by proposed improvements;
Amount of local payroll to be created;
Whether the new jobs to be created will be filled by persons residing or projected to reside within the city;
Amount of local sales tax to be generated directly;
Amount of local sales tax to be generated from contractor sales to locations outside the city;
Amount of property tax from personal and real property which may be expected from the completed development;
The costs to be incurred by the city to provide facilities or services directly resulting from the new improvements;
The population growth of the city that will occur directly as a result of new improvements;
The types and values of public improvements, if any, to be made by the applicant seeking the grant;
Whether the proposed business competes with existing businesses to the detriment of the local economy;
The impact on the business opportunities of existing businesses;
The attraction of other new businesses to the area;
The overall compatibility with the zoning ordinances and comprehensive plan for the area; and
Whether the project is environmentally compatible, with no negative impact on quality of life perceptions.
It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide evidence supporting the business in response to each of the above. Such evidence shall be in writing and submitted with the application. No application shall be considered received by the city until such evidence is presented. Economic projections shall be based on accepted accounting principles.
(1999 Code, sec. 1.2101)
Upon receipt of an application, the applicant shall meet with the city administrator for purposes of review of the application and the needs of the applicant. Such meeting shall be conducted by the city administrator within 2 weeks after receipt of the application. Within thirty (30) days after the meeting with the city administrator, the application shall be brought before the city council for review and action.
The city council may not adopt an ordinance approving an agreement authorizing a grant until it has held a public hearing at which interested persons are entitled to speak and present evidence for or against the grant. Notice of the hearing shall be clearly posted or identified on the agenda of the city council at least thirty (30) days prior to the hearing.
Prior to entering into an agreement, the city council may, at its option, hold a public hearing at which interested persons shall be entitled to speak and present written materials for or against the approval of the grant.
In order to enter into an agreement, the city council must find that the terms of the proposed agreement meet these guidelines and criteria and that:
There will be no substantial adverse affect on the city services or tax base; and
The planned use of the property will not constitute a hazard to public safety, health or morals.
Upon a finding that the improvements for which a grant is sought serve a public purpose and that the business seeking a grant has met the criteria and requirements of this division, the city council may authorize a written agreement to be prepared which will allow the applicant to recover up to 100% of its total actual cost for constructing the public improvements. Such payment shall be made only when the city council determines that economic projections have met the applicant's forecast. The city council shall decide when the payment shall begin, over what period of time the payment shall be made and the amount of each annual payment. If the recovery allowed under the agreement is paid prior to the expiration of the agreement term then the agreement shall terminate. In no event shall the city be required to pay the applicant more than the stated percentage of the cost of improvements constructed by the applicant and accepted by the city. The agreement shall not become effective until the applicant has completed the installation of the public improvements, the installation has been approved by the city engineer and the improvements and all necessary easements and rights-of-way have been transferred to the city.
The grant to be made by the city to an applicant under the terms of the agreement shall be made on an annual basis within 30 days after adoption of the annual city budget. Such annual payments shall be made for so long as payments are made to the city by the state on a quarterly basis. If such payment schedule is changed or interrupted then any agreement shall be deemed amended to provide that payment shall be made within 30 days after receipt by the city. The applicant shall not be entitled to interest on any amount of the grant.
The payments shall be subject to an annual appropriation. In the event no funds or insufficient funds are appropriated and budgeted or are otherwise unavailable by any means whatsoever in any fiscal period for payments under this agreement, including a decision by the city council that such appropriation in full or in part would impair or curtail other city services, then payments due hereunder for that year shall be deemed paid. Any obligation of the city created hereunder is a current expense subject to an annual appropriation and shall not in any way be construed to be a debt of the city in contravention of any limitation or requirement concerning the creation of debt by the city, including but not limited to its home rule charter. Nothing contained in this agreement shall constitute a pledge of the general tax revenues, funds or monies of the city.
(1999 Code, sec. 1.2102)
If the city council shall determine that an applicant has met the guidelines and criteria and that the business will benefit the city and make a substantial impact on the city's tax revenues, the city may enter into a written agreement with the applicant. The agreement shall be ratified by resolution of the city council. In addition to such other terms and conditions which city council may impose, the agreement shall include the following:
Estimated amount of sales tax to be generated by the applicant's business in each of the following 5 years;
Description and value of the public improvements for which the grant is being made;
The total amount of the grant stated in percentage of the cost of the public improvements and the estimated amount to be paid each year;
The date the payments shall commence and the number of quarters (years) such payments shall be made, and the percentage of each payment received by the city attributable to such plant that shall be rebated;
Requirement that the applicant provide the city, within 5 days of filing, a certified copy of each quarterly sales tax report filed with the state;
Requirement that the applicant provide the city, within 5 days of filing, a certified copy of each annual sales tax report filed with the state;
The understanding that the city shall be under no further obligation to make grants if the city council determines that the applicant is in violation of any terms or conditions of the agreement, or taxes are delinquent; and
Such other provisions as the city shall deem appropriate.
It shall be deemed a default if the applicant, after having obtained an agreement, moves its billing office from the city. If the default occurs in the first two years following adoption of the agreement, the city shall be entitled to recover all funds reimbursed to the applicant in all quarters prior to the default.
In the event the state reduces the city's sales tax rate below one percent (1%), the city shall be under no further obligation to make grants hereunder.
(1999 Code, sec. 1.2103)
In the event that the facility is completed and begins retail sales but subsequently goes out of business, and tax, as forecast, is not produced in the years projected, the grant amount shall be reduced accordingly. If the business discontinues business for a three-year period, the obligation of the city under this division shall be deemed terminated. The amount of the grant is paid in annual installments. Such amounts are not cumulative.
Should the city council determine that the applicant is in default according to the terms and conditions of its agreement, the city shall notify the company or individual in writing at the address stated in the agreement, and if such is not cured within thirty (30) days from the date of such notice (“cure period”), then the agreement may be terminated and the city shall be under no further obligation to make payments hereunder.
The applicant will timely pay all ad valorem taxes and charges for city utilities. Failure to do so shall be deemed a default.
(1999 Code, sec. 1.2104)
The city shall use tax figures and amounts furnished by the state comptroller and the city tax department to make all calculations and payments hereunder.
(1999 Code, sec. 1.2105)
The grant may be assigned to a new owner or lessee of the facility, upon the approval by resolution of the city, subject to the financial capacity of the assignee and provided that all conditions and obligations in the grant agreement are guaranteed by the execution of a new contractual agreement with the city, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. No assignment shall be approved if the assignor or the assignee is indebted to the city for ad valorem taxes or other obligations in this or any other jurisdiction.
A memo identifying this agreement shall be filed in the public records of the county in which the business is located.
(1999 Code, sec. 1.2106)
These guidelines and criteria are effective upon the date of their adoption and will remain in force for two (2) years, at which time the grant program, guidelines and criteria and all grant agreements then in effect will be reviewed by the city council to determine whether the goals have been achieved. Based on that review, the guidelines and criteria may be modified, renewed or eliminated.
(1999 Code, sec. 1.2107)