A pen called the “pound” shall be provided by the city for the purpose of impounding any dog, male or female, found running at large or in violation of this article within the city limits. A pen called a “cattery” shall be provided by the city for the purpose of impounding any cat, male or female, found running at large or in violation of this article within the city limits. Either or both the pound or cattery may be referred to as the “pound” in this section.
Provided, however, in lieu of the city's establishing a pound or cattery, the city council shall have the authority to have the dogs and/or cats kept by an individual with facilities meeting standards for keeping of dogs and cats and to pay such individual a sum agreed on for keeping the dogs and/or cats in the manner provided by this article.
(1999 Code, sec. 2.205)
The city shall hire or appoint a city employee or citizen to act as the animal control officer to capture dogs and cats under the provisions of this article, and shall further have the authority to appoint such deputy officers as the city council shall deem necessary.
(1999 Code, sec. 2.206)
Except as provided in section 2.03.013, it shall be the duty of the animal warden or any of his deputies or any city police officer while on duty to seize and impound, subject to the provisions of this article, all dogs found running at large upon any public highway, street, alley, court, square, park, sidewalk or any other public property within the corporate limits of the city, whether in the immediate presence of the owner or custodian or otherwise.
(1999 Code, sec. 2.208)
It shall be the duty of the city animal control officer or any of his deputies or any city police officer, while on duty, to seize and impound, subject to the provisions of this article, all dogs and cats found running at large upon any lot, tract or parcel of land within the corporate limits of the city, whether in the immediate presence of the owner or custodian or otherwise, and such city animal control officer, deputy or city police officer is hereby authorized to enter upon any lot, tract or parcel of land for the purpose of seizing and impounding any dog running at large thereon.
(1999 Code, sec. 2.209)
Right to take up animal.
Any person may take up and deliver to the city animal control officer any dog or cat running at large that the city animal control officer is, by the provisions of this article, required to impound.
Delivery to animal control officer.
At-large dogs or cats on private property.
Any dog or cat found trespassing or running at large on any private property within the city may be taken up by any person and delivered to the city animal control officer or his deputies.
Persons to notify city animal control officer.
Every person other than a police officer or the city animal control officer or his deputies that takes up any dog or cat under the provisions of this article shall immediately thereafter give notice thereof to the city animal control officer, and every such person, or any person in whose custody such animal may in the meantime be placed, shall deliver such dog or cat to the city animal control officer without fee or charge, and the city animal control officer shall thereupon hold and dispose of such animal as though such animal had been found running at large and impounded by him.
(1999 Code, sec. 2.210; Ordinance 2623, sec. I (2.211), adopted 3/10/14)
The city animal control officer or his deputies, upon receiving any dog or cat, shall make a complete registry, entering the breed, color and sex of such dog or cat and whether licensed and the place and time of taking into custody. If licensed, he shall enter the name and address of the owner and the number of the license tag. Licensed dogs and cats shall be separated from unlicensed dogs and cats.
(1999 Code, sec. 2.212)
The owner of any licensed dog or cat impounded may redeem such dog or cat any time prior to sale or destruction by the payment of the impounding fee as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code.
(1999 Code, sec. 2.213)
The owner of any unlicensed dog or cat impounded may redeem such dog or cat at any time prior to sale, destruction or transfer to a rescue organization by having such dog or cat duly licensed and vaccinated against rabies, and paying the impounding fee as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code.
(Ordinance 2740, sec. 1, adopted 3/14/16)
It shall be the duty of the city animal control officer to keep all licensed dogs and cats for a period of six (6) days from the date of the impounding. If at the expiration of six (6) days such dog or cat has not been redeemed by the owner, it may be sold, destroyed or donated to a rescue organization.
(Ordinance 2740, sec. 1, adopted 3/14/16)
It shall be the duty of the city animal control officer to keep all unlicensed dogs and cats for a period of three (3) days. If at the expiration of three (3) days from the date of impounding such dog or cat has not been redeemed, it may be sold, destroyed or donated to a rescue organization as herein provided.
(Ordinance 2740, sec. 1, adopted 3/14/16)
At any time after the expiration of the period of time for redemption for impounded dogs and cats shall have expired, the city animal control office may, without further notice and without advertising in any manner, sell at a private sale or public auction, for cash, any dog or cat not redeemed or reclaimed or donate the dog or cat to a rescue organization. All dogs and cats impounded and not redeemed, reclaimed, donated or sold after the period of time for redemption has expired shall forthwith be destroyed by the city animal control officer.
(Ordinance 2740, sec. 1, adopted 3/14/16)
Editor's note-This section, as it pertained to the redemption of animal from purchaser, was deleted by Ordinance 2740, sec. 1, adopted 3/14/16. Prior to its deletion, this section derived from section 2.218 of the 1999 Code.
The city animal control officer shall keep necessary records as are required to show in detail the disposition of all animals impounded and the money collected by him and such other records as are required by the city auditor. All money collected shall be delivered as required by the city auditor or secretary, who will deposit same in the general fund.
(1999 Code, sec. 2.219)
The city animal control officer shall file such reports under oath as are required by the city secretary or city council.
(1999 Code, sec. 2.220)