The city shall purchase and equip necessary ambulances for emergency service. Ambulance services to be provided under the terms of this division shall be limited to emergency calls only, and the city ambulance and equipment shall never be used to transfer any patient from one place to another in other than an emergency situation, or be used for transportation of an ambulatory patient to or from their home to a hospital. It is expressly provided that, in the event of an emergency when no other ambulance shall be available, the city ambulance may be dispatched on a call outside of the limits of the city. Any emergency call made by the city ambulance shall terminate at the first available hospital with emergency room service, or at the emergency room of any hospital to which the ambulance service may be directed by a medical doctor or emergency medical technician attending or who has examined the emergency patient. In this connection, the city ambulance is expressly forbidden to continue past this directed place of termination.
(1999 Code, sec. 1.901)
The city has entered into an agreement with the city volunteer fire department under the terms of which the city volunteer fire department will provide trained personnel for the operation of the city emergency ambulance and administration of emergency medical services.
(1999 Code, sec. 1.902)
Ambulance service.
An ambulance service charge as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code shall be charged for all ambulance calls.
“Life Flight” helicopter service.
City residents utilizing Hermann Hospital's “Life Flight” helicopter service will be charged in accordance with the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code.
(1999 Code, sec. 1.903)
If collection of the charges cannot be made at the time of service, the police department shall obtain the information necessary to collect the charges due the city. All funds collected, and all collection information, shall be delivered to the city secretary for the billing of the user of the service. Any charges due the city and not paid within ninety (90) days after billing shall be turned over to the city council to take such action as shall be deemed necessary for collection.
(1999 Code, sec. 1.904)
The fact that the city accepts the responsibility for operating the emergency ambulance service as a part of the city's obligation to provide protection for the public health at a time when no individual or corporate enterprise is available makes it imperative that the performance of this vital service be recognized as a governmental function and that the doctrine of governmental immunity shall be and it is hereby invoked to the extent of the applicable laws of the state.
(1999 Code, sec. 1.905)