The existing Personnel Policies Manual adopted by Ordinance No. 752 on December 12, 1985, and as may have been subsequently amended, is hereby repealed.
The city council hereby adopts a new Revised Personnel Policies Manual dated September, 1997, as the official policy of the city with regard to personnel administration. A copy of the manual shall be kept on file in the office of the city secretary and shall become a part hereof as fully as if set out at length herein.
(1999 Code, art. 8.700)
The personnel manual of the city entitled “City of Katy Employee Classification and Compensation Plan,” attached to Ordinance 1185, adopted September 22, 1997, is hereby adopted. Said plan shall apply to all personnel matters, dictate policy, establish work requirements and duties and establish jurisdiction for employee selection, orientation, training and work performance evaluation. A copy of the employee classification and compensation plan shall be maintained in the office of the city secretary as the official copy of the city.
(1999 Code, art. 8.1500)
There is hereby adopted a vehicle use, safety and operation policy which shall apply to all officers and employees using city-owned motor vehicles or operating personal motor vehicles on authorized city business. There is hereby adopted a travel policy which shall apply to all personnel of the city, whether elected or appointed, and which shall apply to all travel on city business outside the city limits and to all travel reimbursements to city personnel, subject to authorized budget appropriations and authenticated expenses. The policies hereby adopted are those policies heretofore submitted by the mayor, a copy of which is on file in the office of the city secretary and incorporated herein by reference.
(1999 Code, art. 8.1600)
The city hereby adopts a policy designed to eliminate drug abuse and its effects among the employees of the city. Such policy adopting rules, procedures and penalties shall be marked “official copy” signed by the mayor and maintained in the office of the city secretary for examination in that office.
Distribution to employees.
Within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this section, copies of the policy shall be given to all employees of the city. All new employees shall be given a copy of the policy on or before the first day of employment.
(1999 Code, secs. 8.1801, 8.1802)
The city hereby elects to provide health benefits coverage to its retirees through TML-GBRP under the pool's interlocal agreement.
The city hereby adopts the following definition of “retiree” for purposes of this section: Meets the definition of a retiree under the Texas Municipal Retirement System and is eligible for benefits.
The city hereby adopts the following benefits plans to be provided to its retirees through the TML-GBRP: The same medical plan(s) offered to active employees and the medical plan adopted for retirees and their dependents.
The interlocal agreement in effect between the city and the TML-GBRP provides that the board of trustees may adopt rules and regulations. The rules and regulations of the TML-GBRP allow the participating member entity to provide retiree medical coverage at the same contribution as charged to active employees or to select a contribution level which is 150 percent of the active employee contribution. The city elects to have the retiree medical contribution be 150 percent of the active employee for as long as the TML-GBRP offers this rate structure for retiree medical coverage. Other coverages will be established annually by the TML-GBRP board of trustees.
This section will only apply to individuals retiring after its effective date or to employees which retired under a previous ordinance. For individuals retiring after the effective date of this section to qualify, they must enroll for this coverage within 30 days of their retirement.
This section may be repealed or modified at any time, but will remain in effect for any employee retiring while it is in effect.
(1999 Code, art. 8.1900)