The Council may by ordinance call such special elections as are authorized by the State law and this Charter, fix the time of holding same, and provide all means for holding such special elections, provided that every special election shall be held on a Saturday, unless otherwise provided by law or this Charter, and shall be held as nearly as practicable according to the provisions governing general elections.
Regular elections for Mayor and City Councilmembers shall be held annually on the first Saturday in May of each year as hereinafter provided. All regular elections shall be conducted in accordance with the Texas Election Code.
Regular Election for Mayor -
The regular election for the Mayor shall be every three (3) years.
Regular Election for City Council -
The regular election for one Councilmember from Ward A. and one Councilmember from Ward B shall be once every three years and on a different year than any other election for one Councilmember from Ward A and one Councilmember from Ward B An election for one Councilmember at large shall also be once every three (3) years.
(Ordinance 2889 adopted 1/14/19; amended 5/1/2021)
Where in an election for Mayor or to a place on the Council, no candidate receives a majority of all the votes cast for such place at such election, the Council shall, immediately upon declaring the official results of the election, issue a call for a run-off election for every place to which no one was elected according to State law. Such date shall be set by ordinance by Council in the ordinance calling the run-off election. Such run-off election and candidates therefor shall comply with the Texas Election Code.
(Amended 5/1/2021)
Any person seeking election to the Office of Mayor or Councilmember must comply with the provisions of this Charter and to the extent it applies to persons seeking municipal office, must also comply with the Texas Election Code, in particular, Texas Election Code, Title 9, except that age and residency requirements shall be those prescribed by this Charter.
In addition to such requirements which require the filing of an application, each candidate must present an affidavit signed by the candidate, containing proof that such candidate has met the qualifications of the office as outlined in this Charter. Such application and affidavit shall be presented to the City Secretary.
All regular, special and run-off elections in the City of Katy shall be conducted in accordance with this Charter and the Texas Election Code.
The voting system for casting and processing votes in any City of Katy election shall be designated by City Council in the ordinance calling the election and shall be a system meeting the standards of and approved by the Texas Election Code.
(Amended 5/1/2021)
Early voting, formerly absentee voting, shall be conducted in accordance with the Texas Election Code.
(Amended 5/1/2021)
The candidates elected to either the Office of Mayor or Councilmember shall assume the duties of office after giving the oath of office which shall be administered by the City of Katy Municipal Judge or any person authorized by Texas State Law to administer oaths.
(Amended 5/1/93)