The Council shall have the power under the provisions of the State Laws to levy, assess and collect an annual tax on real and personal property within the City to the maximum provided by the Constitution and General Laws of the State of Texas. The Mayor, with approval of City Council, may appoint a City Tax Assessor-Collector to oversee the assessment and collection of taxes. The Council may also enter into an agreement with the governing County to assess and collect taxes on its behalf.
(Amended 5/1/2021)
The City Council shall not adopt a tax rate for the City of Katy which exceeds the maximum tax rates provided in the Texas Tax Code, or amendments thereto. Aggrieved taxpayers who own taxable property within the City of Katy shall be entitled to relief as provided in the Texas Tax Code, or amendments thereto.
(Amended 5/6/89; 5/1/2021)
All monies received from City Sales Taxes shall be delegated to the General Fund of the City without designation as to their usage.
(Amended 5/1/2021)
The Mayor, City Council, or any other official of the City shall never extend the time for the payment of taxes except as herein provided, or remit, or discount any tax legally due the City, nor waive the penalty and interest that may be due thereon to any persons, firms or corporations owing taxes to the City for such year or years, provided, however, that this provision shall not prevent the discounting of any tax suit or the correction of any errors in assessment, or preparation of tax rolls, or preparation of a tax statement. Such discount or correction of errors shall first have the approval of the Mayor and the City Council.
This provision shall not govern those options for exemptions or reductions granted by the City pursuant to State Law including, by way of illustration but not of limitation, “over-65” exemptions.
On all suits for the collection of taxes which have been heretofore or which may be hereafter levied upon the tax rolls of said City, a certified statement made therefrom by the Tax Assessor and Collector, shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of all recitations and facts shown by said rolls, and shall be held to be sufficient proof, subject to rebuttal only by pleading and proof by defendant, of the following facts, viz:
That the person, partnership, association or corporation therein shown to be a taxpayer was such, and owned the property therein listed, and that such property was subject to taxation in said City, and was rendered by such person, partnership, association or corporation, or by his or its agent, at the value placed thereon in such rolls.
That the taxes due upon such property were duly and legally levied for the purposes shown in such rolls, and that the same are valid and unpaid.
That all acts and proceedings required by law or by ordinance of said City in the manner of rendering, appraising, and fixing of values upon said property and the giving of all notices to such taxpayers have each and all been performed and complied with at the time and in the manner and form required and that all things that might be construed as conditions precedent to the lawful demand upon such taxpayers to pay the amount of taxes in such rolls shown to be due by him or them have been performed at the time and in the manner required by law; provided, that in the event the defendant shall show that his property was voluntarily rendered by him, and that the valuation of the same was subsequently changed by the Tax Assessor and Collector without notice to him or his agent, or shall show that the said rate of taxation for any purpose was to any extent illegal, judgment shall thereupon be rendered against him for the proper amount due, based upon the value of his property rendered by him, and the amount of tax which is found to be legal.
(Amended 5/1/2021)