Any check accepted by the city in payment of a tax, service, fee or fine, which is returned to the city, is subject to a handling charge of $25.00. Such handling charge shall be added to the amount of the tax, charge, fine or fee for which the check was given. If payment has been made for city water and sewer service and the handling charge is not paid, the city shall not be barred from discontinuing water service. Such handling charge is in addition to any other charges levied by the city, including late payments as provided elsewhere in the city ordinances.
(Ordinance 3001 adopted 9/27/21)
An adjoining landowner may file a request with the city council for abandonment of an easement or right-of-way. The request shall be accompanied by a filing fee of $100.00.
(Ordinance 3001 adopted 9/27/21)
The following fees shall be charged and shall be paid to the impounder:
For the taking and impounding of any personal property, the actual expenses incurred by the impounder in impounding the property, plus two dollars ($2.00), but in no event less than four dollars ($4.00).
Storage fees, including storage for all or part of the first twenty-four (24) hours, one dollar ($1.00) per twenty-four-hour period or portion thereof.
For preparation of notices of sale for each article, including newspaper advertisement, one dollar ($1.00).
For selling each article, one dollar ($1.00).
For posting notices of sale for each article, one dollar ($1.00).
For newspaper advertisement, the actual publication costs incurred.
(Ordinance 3001 adopted 9/27/21)