The title of this article shall be the "Electrical Code of the City of Sherman, Texas," and may be cited as such.
(Ordinance 5341 adopted 10/3/05)
The purpose of this article is the practical safeguarding of persons and of buildings and their contents from electrical hazards arising from the use of electricity for light, heat, power, radio, signaling and for other purposes.
(Ordinance 5341 adopted 10/3/05)
The provisions of this article shall apply to all installations of and work done on electrical conductors, fittings, devices, motors, appliances, fixture, signs and gaseous tubing, hereinafter referred to as "electrical equipment," within or on public and private buildings and premises, with exception as provided herein.
On all installations of electrical conductors or equipment made and all existing installations which are altered, all work shall be done in a manner that will conform with the requirements for a sufficient and safe electrical system. Repair and maintenance work shall be such that if any electrical conductors or equipment are removed and later replaced, they shall be replaced in a manner which conforms with this article.
(Ordinance 5341 adopted 10/3/05)
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be punished as provided in section 1.01.009.
(Ordinance 5341 adopted 10/3/05)
The local power company, its agents or employees, shall make all connections from the power lines to the electric service installations. It shall be unlawful for any person to do so.
(Ordinance 5341 adopted 10/3/05)
All circuses, carnivals and road shows using portable electrical equipment within the city shall be subject to inspection and regulation from this article.
(Ordinance 5341 adopted 10/3/05)
It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, expose for sale, offer to sell, dispose as a premium or offer for rent, and repair any electrical material, conductors, equipment, apparatus or appliance within the city which is not approved and bears an approved seal.
(Ordinance 5341 adopted 10/3/05)