The city council adopts the International Building Code, 2021 edition, published by the International Code Council, a copy of which is located on the city building department website.
(Ordinance 21-25, sec. 1, adopted 4/20/21; Ordinance 23-76 adopted 10/17/2023)
The city council adopts the NCTCOG 2021 regional amendments option B to the International Building Code, 2021 edition, a copy of which is located on the North Central Texas Council of Governments website.
(Ordinance 21-25, sec. 1, adopted 4/20/21; Ordinance 23-76 adopted 10/17/2023)
Building contractor’s bond.
It shall be the duty of every contractor or builder, who shall make contracts for the erection, construction, or repair of buildings for which a permit is required, and every contractor or builder making such contracts and subletting the same, or any part thereof, to register his name with the building official, in a book provided for that purpose, giving full name, residence, place of business and, in case of removal from one place to another, to change said register accordingly; and it shall be the further duty of every such person to give good and sufficient bond, in a sum fixed from time to time by the city council to be approved as to form by the city attorney, conditioned to conform to the building regulations, the regulations of this article and other ordinances or laws of the city in reference to buildings. The bond required under this provision shall be executed by the contractor or builder as principal and by a corporate surety duly authorized to do business under the laws or the state. 7 * State law references--Building and residential codes, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, sec. 214.211 et seq.; International Building Code adopted as municipal commercial building code, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, sec. 214.216.
Cash deposit or house mover’s bond.
It shall be the duty of every person who shall make contracts for the removal of any structure over, along, or across any street in the city to file a cash deposit, in a sum fixed from time to time by the council, as an indemnity for any damages which the city may sustain or to file with the building official a bond approved as to form by the city attorney, executed by a bonding or surety company authorized to do business in the state, in the amount established by the city council, conditional upon the assurance that this article and article 3.05 and other applicable ordinances and laws will be complied with. Such bond shall be made payable to the city for the benefit of any aggrieved party and shall indemnify the city against any damages or injury to any person or persons intended to be protected thereby and shall be conditional on the payment of any damages or losses resulting from any malfeasance, misfeasance, nonfeasance or negligence in connection with any of the activities or conditions upon which the permit applied for is granted, in the form as approved by the city attorney.
(1991 Code, sec. 3.106)
Nothing contained in this chapter shall prohibit any bona fide homeowner of a property that is their homestead from personally doing work within his home, or on his own premises, provided that the owner shall apply for and secure a homeowners permit; pay the required fees; do the work in accordance with the adopted codes in this chapter; apply for an inspection and receive certification of approval.
(Ordinance 13-571, sec. 3, adopted 7/16/13)