Corporate Name -
The inhabitants of the City of Katy, Fort Bend, Harris, and Waller Counties residing within its corporate limits as heretofore or hereafter established, are hereby constituted and shall continue to be a Municipal body politic and corporate in perpetuity under the name of the “CITY OF KATY,” hereinafter referred to as the “City,” with such powers, privileges, rights, duties and immunities as are herein provided.
Boundaries -
The boundaries of the City of Katy shall be the same as have been heretofore established and now exist and those boundaries established and changed hereafter in all annexation ordinances and proceedings of the City of Katy, Texas, filed in the Office of the City Secretary of Katy, Texas.
Extension and Alteration -
The Council shall have the power by ordinance to fix the boundary limits of the City and to provide for the alteration and extension of said boundary limits, [and] the annexation of additional territory with or without the consent of the owners and inhabitants of the territory annexed, detached, or disannexed; in any manner not inconsistent with the Laws of the State of Texas. Upon the final passage of any ordinance annexing territory, the corporate limits of the City shall thereafter include the territory so annexed; and when any additional territory has been so annexed, the same shall be a part of the City of Katy and the property situated therein shall bear its pro rata part of the taxes levied by the City, and the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of all citizens and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances, resolutions and regulations of the City. Upon the final passage of any ordinance detaching or disannexing territory from the City, the Corporate limits of the City shall be reduced by the territory so detached or disannexed.
The Municipal Government provided by this Charter shall be known as the Mayor-Aldermanic-Administrator Form of Government and shall be described elsewhere in this Charter.